thanks for the comment
i have one suggestion. please avoid repeating the last lines of the previous chapter. those who read the previous chapter would know how it ended anyway. you could start with an ellipsis instead.
The coordinator finished with his instructions and asked the three contestants if they had any questions. All three of them shook their heads and a conch was blown to indicate the start of the event. The three teams poured out of the tents and made their way to the garden area. They had heard the instructions while sitting inside and were raring to go.
History · SMK08
yaksha prashna!!!!
She looked up at the ceiling and silently screamed, "Is this a physics question? Can someone help me please?"
History · SMK08
shabdabhedi!! an extremely hard skill that puts an archer leagues above others!!!!
One of Vindhya's team members brought out a small bell and shook it hard, post which she went and stood behind the target board, immediately. Vindhya, who had been ready with the bow and arrow, let the shot loose at the sound.
History · SMK08
i fell for the misleading title of this chapter!!!! worth learning!!!
putting a reluctant child in danger deliberately is cruelty. even if it is a royal child. let us see what happens next.
A good start to the story. the extremist view of only one side is right and the other side is wrong and there cannot be a an alternate reality is a concept that has been the cause of many wars resulting in bloodshed, destruction of life and property. yet, it continues to serve as a strong plot for an equally strong story. i hope this story provides as good a plot as i expect it to.
nice !
She walked outside the room swiftly and went in search of the kitchen and supplies. In a couple of minutes, both of them were ready to start their assigned duties. Abhirath hesitated before reaching for Shaurya's clothes. Even though he was injured, he was still a GUY! How could he do disrobe him in front of Mriga?? He shifted his gaze to the girl who had diligently started cleaning the room from the farthest end. Her eyebrows were furrowed in concentration and gaze remained focused on the floor.
History · SMK08
wasn't it Brighu and not Venugopal?
He raised his head and said, "She is the perfect choice. I think they would be a good match, temperament wise as well. Mrignayani is a good foot soldier but sometimes acts willfully. I think Venugopal would have been a misfit. He is easily swayed by people."
History · SMK08
thank you so much!
Mounika's Adventures
Sci-fi · vinthakadha