this prince is a menace i swear to god!
I like how the author takes the time to point out the horror and the effect of war and killing on people. most others would skim past this.
the imagery here is..... something
He had observed another test subject in the lab, a child named Haruto. If Haruto's chakra extraction speed was like normal urination, then Rinjin's was like having kidney stones - dripping slowly and frustratingly.
Anime & Comics · YueQiu
it's endearing how innocent his mother is
"My God!" she exclaimed. "That cannon is almost as wide as my waist!"
Celebrities · Frank10
you're repeating things. please don't waffle to pad work count
I had a different, inhuman brain with the following adapted biochemistry, metabolism, and instincts, with the added factor that I was a baby, a cub. At least I was the same sex, a blessing that avoided further internal chaos.
Video Games · The_Bip_Boop2003
the translation just gets progressively worse with each chapter. it starts out great, amazing even but around chapter 7 or 8 things start going downhill. then the chapters just turn into massive info dumps that are poorly translated that stop making sense altogether.
obviously red paint! this Mekboy is absolutely useless replace dis git!
How could he make the engines go faster when they were already running at maximum capacity?
Anime & Comics · Zaelum
so alpha that he named his crew after something he didn't have and had others recognise it
'Red-Haired' really has red hair, 'Whitebeard' really has a white beard; those are characteristics.
Anime & Comics · Luxik
it's Guy or Gai.
"Eh? Didn't you always have that? Senior Garp's last name is Monkey, not Garp. And who is Teacher Kai?" Renetia asked, confused.
Anime & Comics · Luxik
killswitches are physical not digital. those who make software kill switches are dumb asses. I've done it once and crashed a super expensive robot manipulator
Wilson licked his dry lips, his voice barely above a whisper. "Sir... I think they've taken control of the power grid. They've rerouted all available electricity directly into the servers."
Marvel: Rise of the Ultimate AI
Movies · MPHFics