
female LV 3
2020-11-12 Bergabung Global
Lencana 7

Moments 10
1 years ago

Is this supposed to be Sina, rather than Lisa?

2 years ago

So far the book is good, the writing quality is great, and I always enjoy a strong female protagonist. It's a bit cliche on the plot points so far, but our MC is refreshing with her humor and not the typical cold, ruthless secret agent transmigrator stereotype. Some of the other antagonistic characters personalitys are a bit too extreme though, a little more subtlety would make the flow better, in my opinion. The white lotus characters break their character settings a little too fast.

3 years ago
Replied to Kuro_Usagi17

I just checked the Playstore, there is also a Grammarly keyboard app. I haven't used it before, but if you write from your phone it may help.

3 years ago
Replied to JHeart

Grammarly can be added onto Chrome as a browser extension. It will catch things, like spelling errors, as you type while using the browser. You can also go to the website directly, open up a new blank document, and write there. It gives you more indepth grammar suggestions and corrections. A previous professor of mine recommends it to her students, as she's a horrible speller. 😆

3 years ago

I have really enjoyed the story so far as the concept and world design are unique and interesting. The story can be a little confusing in the beginning as a lot of terms were mentioned without much explanation. An example is how the markings work. You end up spending a lot of time guessing what a lot of it means. It can also be confusing with how some of the characters are connected. A very memorable revelation happened in the very beginning with Dae, and then it's like our MC has completely forgotten the knowledge she became aware of. It is unusual based on her character design that she would just feign ignorance, when she confronts almost everything else head on. The writing quality of this story is definitely on the higher end, compared to a lot of the stories on this website. However, there are some confusing grammar issues at the beginning, where it switches from 1st person to 3rd person perspective, then back again in one paragraph. Also, the paragraphs tend to be exceedingly long at times, with the sentences running together. I love all of the details and the spelling is usually spot on, but the run-on sentences can be distracting. I think if the sentences were broken up a little more, with a reduction in the paragraph sizes, this story would be fantastic. I normally don't write reviews, but I think this story has great potential therefore I wanted to comment. I frequently use an app called Grammarly for my college classes, if you don't have an editor it can substitute as a free one. Thank you for providing everyone with a great story, I look forward to diving deeper into the chapters. Great work!

3 years ago
Replied to xiaohai_23

I also feel like he was reborn, but from a different timeline? It seems like he knows about her revenge and scheming, so it's almost like he lived through her revenge life cycle. Like how he knew she'd be there early Monday morning. How he seems to act more familiar than her past life. Maybe he paid more attention in the revenge life cycle since she acted different, then was reborn and is trying to get her affection early.

3 years ago
Replied to 0dinson

I actually think it's a valid rule. Axel usually always leads and comes up with the strategy. His weakness would probably be following someone else's lead. He would be a side kick first for a hero in the future, so he'd need to learn to follow someone else's directions.

3 years ago

Tucker! Hands down the most twisted of the three.

Question: If you were stuck in a room with Bitch ( Shield hero ), Shou Tucker ( Fmab ), or Rachel ( Tower of God ), who would you kill first?

Mha: Aegis the Shield Hero

Mha: Aegis the Shield Hero

Anime & Comics · Asce

3 years ago

I really enjoy this fanfic. Even though it has the typical fanfic setting where the protagonist comes in first, I like that he isn't crazy OP. He's strong but isn't already overpowering the other high level characters like All Might and the Nomu by himself. He uses strategy to win, not just powering through it with ridiculously strong skill settings.
