I need more sonic's fanfics, with goods OC as main character, a good SI, the part of TF2 wasnt my tea but I likeed it anyway asd, this world need ppl like u
Only the special ones, it seems strange to them in some way. That's why almond 'milk' exists.
Besides, there was this whole thing, where I saw how Miltank milk is made, that I try to forget. It's kinda gross now.
Video Games · BenisBoy14
"Damn, he's too lazy to even cry," I muttered, my eyes welling up with emotion as I gazed at the tiny bundle in my arms. I had known that I would soon have a baby brother, but holding him made it all so real, so different from mere anticipation.
Anime & Comics · LuminouShadow
Good while it lasts It starts with an interesting premise, an innocent and cute OC, but it becomes heavy a bit later and exaggerated with the fans, all to open the way for it to have a harem, interesting reading but it's not my cup of tea to read novels so often with the tag of Harem, the page is over saturated with this topic and it ruins some good FF because the authors can't keep up or over inflate the FF with girls as if it were pokemon and they were doing a living dex This Review is made after the author decided to do a survey and the harem won... what a shame, whatever, to continue browsing in search of a good FF.
Good while it lasts
Why do people use the script style to write a NOVEL? I came looking to read a novel not a f**king theater script. I:- This is dumb I:- You can be more creative and this style is trash
Too many system of energy to remember them or used them withou enter in conflict with each other
[???] - It is Mob's ability from the anime Mob Psycho 100, which is the manifestation of the repressed psychic powers in the form of another entity that takes manifestation of the help of a strong emotion that overwhelms the protagonist, almost like a second personality.
I dont give a f*ck about Rai, their chapters feels like fillers, but I dont gonna leave this ship!
More more more more more more more more more more more more ty ty ty ty ty
Steven Universe: Broken Peridot.
TV · Frowfy