wonder if he can beef up a xeno
As I walked through the dungeon in search of goblins to desensitize myself to killing on I pondered the nature of monsters. Nobody actually knew all that much about them beyond how they tend to be after they spawn. Like how exactly the dungeon spawns them, why they have magic stones or why they go poof when you damage or remove said magic stone despite being very much solid flesh and blood things? All these questions went entirely unanswered and from what I can tell nobody even bothered to try and answer them.-
Anime & Comics · loskro
Get some log training
Focusing hard I began to try and move all the energy to a single finger of my hand but failed as the amount of energy dropped when I attempted it. I was stubborn though and sent more energy to my hand before trying to stuff it all on a single finger again. I continued this until I ran out of energy before starting my workout to get my other stats moving as well. For my dexterity I took my weapon and grabbed a piece of wood from a broken up building near the church to begin trying to carve. Fun fact trying to carve with an axe head is no simple feat and prone to failure but damn good practice controlling fine movements.-
Anime & Comics · loskro
Oh shit, mc can make vows
As you can imagine I had trouble accepting this vow as it made no sense logically and could even be considered foolish from a business standpoint.
Anime & Comics · loskro
Become cultivator refine some pills. Also absolutely broken for restoring ingredients used in potion making and such
"Hell's forge!" I spoke the incantation and Miach and Naaza flinched slightly as the blue and black curse flames sprung to life over the leaf. I focused on refining the leaf, adding moisture and removing impurities, that sort of thing while my energy plummeted in about a second after I started.
Anime & Comics · loskro
Do some Sprints until dead
"I think it might be a hidden bonus from my skill, it does remove all chances of me learning any normal magic so it might compensate by making my magic stat grow faster than normal. As for dexterity I am not entirely sure how to train that stat. Do I just like stretch or is there more to it?" I said honestly confused at the end.
Anime & Comics · loskro
I've been playing a lot of games lately(upgraded from my rx550 and ryzen 3 3100 to an rx 7600xt and Ryzen 5 7600x. games like GTFO, Ready or Not, Hyper Light Breaker, Forever Winter, Palworld, Path of Exile 2(I say this would be a good class for Philip, you can have him run a hardcore gauntlet of each exile), Fly Knight, and Borderlands(all the games since I got that full pacl for like 50 bucks)
idk how you do it fanharem, this is so peak, it's an embodiment of mountain after mountain, infinite peaks!
The author of these fanfics
"Then why don't you believe in me?" Yun Che smiled softly. He raised his hand and gently placed it over Su Ling'er's face, causing her to close her eyes with a content expression. "Just tell me everything, and I will solve it all for you. You do not have to worry about my or anyone else's safety. Except for my master, there is not a single person on this planet who can hurt me."
Anime & Comics · meatball_san
I can't wait for em to get lightning powers and achieve unlimited powah
"EVERYTHING BURNS!" I yelled while cackling like a madman as I used my [elemental body] and [fire breath] to torch every single fucking bug rat thing I came across and looted that sweet sweet lifeforce. I ended up getting a staggering 1,614,792 units of lifeforce as a result. Let me tell you I felt higher than a mother fucker afterwards.
Video Games · loskro
Because of social media and the amount of influence that has been inflicted on 'modern' women
The doctor lowered the X-rays. "From this we figured he was actually born with his quirk awakened. Melding all his bones faster than a normal child. Your boy will be almost 180 cm when he is at the age of 11. By 13 your son will likely be around 183 cm. This is the slow effect of his quirk. From what we can tell, his quirk has two effects. A slow effect like I just explained, or an instantaneous effect like with the fever."
My Hero: Quirk Evolution
Anime & Comics · ZeOwl