Tyler_Ryan_9100 - Profile


LV 13
2020-10-07 Bergabung Global

Lencana 4

Moments 13


WTH fury? Please tell me this is some kind of joke? Have u lost ur mind fury ? Arrest Literal Gods? Oh boy this will be interesting to say the least.

Fury smirked and walked over to a nearby desk. He opened a drawer and pulled out a very thick stack of paperwork. He handed the pile over to me. I glanced at the top page. "Warrants?" I asked. I flipped through the stack of papers. "You have a warrant here for every single God on Olympus!?" I asked in shock. Was he serious!?

The Fallen Gamer (MarvelxDXDxMulticross)

The Fallen Gamer (MarvelxDXDxMulticross)

Movies · StarWaves


Holly heck. Some one else used my name for a character . Thank u arthor.

"I am Tyler Ryan." Tyler was a man with a muscular built body. He was 6 feet tall. Tyler was about 39 years old. The scars on his hands and the long scar on his cheek were proof of how experienced he was in fighting. Before becoming a slave, Tyler had fought multiple wars. It was only when he faced a third-order body cultivator, that his mana heart was crippled and he was sold off as a slave. Unlike Scott, Tyler was a greatsword user.

Dragon Monarch System

Dragon Monarch System

Urban · Dark_Bangali

Replied to Matt_Bar_05

Za97, which

Words of bisexual marriage are known in this world, albeit rare. A queer couple is already a rare sight; a throuple or more is even rarer. 

Reincarnated as a Son of the Sword Saint and the Sage

Reincarnated as a Son of the Sword Saint and the Sage

Fantasy · Jrmb_Eleven

Replied to Tyler_Ryan_9100

this was found on Google

I don't know the date the great war actually happens. Can someone let me know. I think it was a few thousand years before canon.

Phoenix In DXD

Phoenix In DXD

Anime & Comics · Chaotic_Phoenix


Y not do a combination of both? Som fights made anime style and some with ur realistic style.

Should I have stuck with the usual anime style where the fights are dragged out thinner than spaghetti, or should I stick with my "realistic" style?

Mystic Hands - (MHA)

Mystic Hands - (MHA)

Anime & Comics · Sorrest

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