

male LV 15

Does anyone even read these?

2020-10-02 Bergabung United States
Lencana 26

Moments 217
8 hours ago

The only good cosmo is a dead cosmo

3 days ago

Great chapter. Interesting to note her is that headmasters demeanor regarding Ludwig and his master. Despite being a black tower magic user it does not mean his is completely insane but definitely jaded at least. He is probably one of the few that are in the 8th circle and him not immediately punishing his subordinate? former pupil? colleague? for having an undead is Interesting. I was wondering how is Ludwig supposed to have the privacy to break his chains but if he's only allowed to see he's master once a month then that might work but it's will take years.

7 days ago

Well I know that I would be a school focused on combat but the chaos is unexpected somehow lol. I would assume this is tolerated by the faculty as long as their is no deaths or intentional cruelty. As for the headmaster, this shows ludwigs disguise is not 100 percent effective, either he was told before hand or he is more powerful then the tower master or equal.

9 days ago

I just thought of this but it's Interesting that we only know 3 people in the this entire tower. While I assuming this tower is very important and tall, we don't know anything about it. Is there just 3 people there or hundreds of acolytes and structure to the tower? Is there only 1 black tower and 1 black Acedemy or is there multiple tower and the the the Ludwigs master is the tower master to just one of many? In my mind I keep thinking that the towers look like ones in the lord of the rings but is that the case?

12 days ago

The pace so far has taken some serious leap in a few chapters. Since he consumed so much knowledge we now have no idea of his knowledge capability. Hopefully by going to this Acedemy we can he what he's learned. To be honest I am a sicker for Acedemy arcs and setting so I selfishly hope this will be a long and detailed part. Maybe it would be interesting to see what other students think about this newcomer, extremely smart but it's elusive and a mystery. Also since it's a black tower I'm guessing it will take great favor in combat or powerfull spells.

12 days ago

I really like this explanation for spells. So many anime and other stories have incantations but some just leave it be as "the way it is" or not even explain it but when a mage it saying these flowery phrases, it means that the gods their are supplication for wants them to say it. Which means 1 thing is clear, they are super vain and tacky lol.

15 days ago

So depending on which tower philosophy you tend to follow might influence your sense of self and emotions. So does this mean to say a Red tower mage would be hard pressed to do a gray or blue tower spell?

18 days ago
Replied to Biako

Ah ok so it's not like he favors necromancers in what they do. He just doesn't care as long as they don't try to break he bottom line.

19 days ago

That is an interesting contradiction that I hope will be address. Why does Necros allow necromancy if he is described to be a jealous guard? Simple curiosity? A plan of some sort?

22 days ago

Super solid start as always. I'm super interested in the fine line the MC has to walk between being obedient but also try use his free will to learn more about the world. His boss is also interesting. Is this a tower separate from any nationalities? I'm asking necromancy is very forbidden by normal human society. Is it like a cult in the lawless places of the world? Or maybe a clandestine secret of a country to use whatever means (even blasphemous means) to secure their safty and to research. Not to mention the gods or the gods and his status as a undead hero which is unheard of apparently. Really excited to see where this goes. FOR THE LEGION