Webnovel Author: MarSus - Fanfic Collection



LV 2

My friend was doing it so i got curious :)

2020-09-28 Bergabung Indonesia

Lencana 5

Moments 125

Replied to Zyes1

hi, i did some searches, and one that stood out was how Itachi used a girl to hit on Jiraiya. I doubt the girl had chakra, so i assumed that u don't need chakra to be hit with genjutsu

Yet at this time, an unexpected torrent swept through his consciousness. Reality warped and twisted, ensnaring his senses in a relentless cycle of betrayal. Within the clutches of a genjutsu, the scene of his friend's betrayal replayed with haunting persistence.

The Ability Theft In Naruto

The Ability Theft In Naruto

Anime & Comics 路 MarSus

Replied to XtrEEm

Hi, he is detected by the barrier team, it's the guards blocking the entrance that could not spot him due to his invisibility

His plan unfurled flawlessly. As he reached the apex of the wall, he knew the moment had come. The guards remained oblivious, their duty unchanged by his subtle intrusion. Kai's breath hitched, his form solidifying as he stepped onto Konoha's hallowed ground.

The Ability Theft In Naruto

The Ability Theft In Naruto

Anime & Comics 路 MarSus

Replied to ISuMin

RIGHT! Hahaha. I'm sorry I really can't keep up with all the age and time as their character ages feel really inconsistent at the beginning. I changed the time to years. Hope it helps with the immersion. :)

Itachi's movements were a symphony of grace and precision. His actions were calculated, his strategy unfurling with the deliberate intent of a masterful tactician. As the battle progressed, Kai's fatigue became palpable, his chakra reserves dwindling beneath the relentless barrage of Itachi's counterattacks.

Living as an SSS Ranked Ninja

Living as an SSS Ranked Ninja

Anime & Comics 路 MarSus


HAHAHA to be fair, i guess he鈥檚 just too surprised lmaoo that it clouded his judgement

Shin was too busy covering himself up with the blanket on the bed before he yelled out "Pause!" to all three of them. It was lucky for Shin that there were only three of them, or things might have been wrong. He took his dirty clothes and wore them again, albeit in disgust, before escaping through the hotel window. Unfortunately, the room was actually on the third floor of the inn, and he panicked too quickly and jumped down to the ground. This was a man with no chakra. His body was slightly crushed with broken bones, but it regenerated without problem.

Time Control Release Non-Ninjutsu

Time Control Release Non-Ninjutsu

Anime & Comics 路 MarSus

Replied to Poseidon_1_

Actually i dont know whats the requirement :>, but i guess for now I'll put it as secondary level hehe

"A-Academics?" Shin asked reconfirming... Shoot, Shin was not born in a well-off family, so to go to school was a luxury that he could not afford. He's only learnt materials till primary level school due to mandatory law requirements, and quit afterwards to find labour works...

Time Control Release Non-Ninjutsu

Time Control Release Non-Ninjutsu

Anime & Comics 路 MarSus

Replied to Abeeba

Oh shoot sorry im mixing it up w another webnovel, it's fixed now :)

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