less, commas, my, dude... you use them a lot, especially when you don't need 'em.
She quickly shook her head" I'm not, I swear. My quirk is called transform. I can transform to look like, whoever's blood I drink. "
Anime & Comics · Anubis_Creationz
bringing the hated child to the park, uhuh lol. is this going to be a himiko x hitoshi story? are they both going to get super OP quirks, like, telekinesis for toshi and the already fully developed transform with quirks for himiko? cant really say that sounds good.
" Fine, fine. Maybe you have a point, but you have to come with me tomorrow. Mrs. Toga and I are going out to the park tomorrow, she's bringing her daughter for a play date . "
Anime & Comics · Anubis_Creationz
why does the mom keep calling her child by their own last name? do your parents also call you by your last name? are you hated or something?
" Shinsoo.. "
Anime & Comics · Anubis_Creationz
mandalay, guy.
The second of such quirks would be Mandely's from the wild pussycats hero team. Her quirk's name telepathy was more of bootleg version of it's original counterpart.
Anime & Comics · Anubis_Creationz
dude, you keep using commas when you don't need to... get yourself grammarly or something cuz it'll really help you on that department.
Midoriya frowned a bit " They did this, before?"
Anime & Comics · Anubis_Creationz
if bakugo isnt high risk then no one is.
Paragraf ini telah dihapus.
Anime & Comics · Anubis_Creationz
"Bucky" was his nickname, and it can also be regarded as a kind of affectionate name, which was only used by his close friends.
Anime & Comics · BingeFics
oof, came back to read more of this after what, nearly a year? o.O I thought there would be a couple dozen more chapters available :( turns out there were only 9 :( MOOOOOAAAAR!!!
if anyone was paying anything back in dbz, it was her dad which just makes it worse lol
Gohan was finally able to tell his mom off, he wanted to go to Namek and fight. Everyone agreed with his stance, she couldn't help but think that they had corrupted her Gohan but Chichi complied in the end.
Anime & Comics · Monster_Paradise
so, from calling what is essentially master *first name* to mister *first name* and then you go and make her say HE can call HER by her last name? you do know that Kyoka IS her first name, yes?
"Alright Tatsuya san, you can call me Jiro." she replied excitedly.
MHA: The Mage
Anime & Comics · CryingJoker