

LV 14
2020-08-11 Bergabung Global
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Moments 314
6 days ago

I bet he even posed for them

Black Bat has Mr. Barkeep's nudes!

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Anime & Comics · Daddy

8 days ago
Replied to Bout_of_madness

I'm proud of my work 👍

11 days ago
Replied to

I know right

3 months ago

metal gear solid shape memory alloy The system required three types of keys, but there was only one actual key. The key was made of a shape memory alloy that would change shape depending on the ambient temperature, essentially functioning as three keys in one. Each key configuration was inserted into one of three computer terminals, each displaying a symbol corresponding to the key's shape. The keys were input in the order of room temperature key, low temperature key, and high temperature key. After analyzing and registering each key, the tower device behind the terminal would descend into the control panel and lock inside. Being an emergency system, the card key could only be used on these three occasions. When the PAL was engaged, it would either arm or disarm the nuke, depending on its current state. use this for security

3 months ago

The 100 Nightblood or black blood BASIC INFORMATION TYPE Genetic Trait Gene therapy Genetic enhancement CREATED BY Becca Franko ABILITIES Radiation resistance A.L.I.E. 2.0 and Mind Drive compatibility Nightblood, originally called Black Blood, is a genetic trait that makes people resistant to radiation and is expressed through black blood. Nightblood did not occur naturally but rather is a result of genetic engineering. Becca Franko created the Nightblood serum for the Eligius Corporation to increase people's resistance to radiation. The serum was successful but had an additional consequence of making the subject's blood become black. The serum genetically altered the subject, making the gene therapy hereditary. However, the genetic enhancement is recessive, causing it often to skip generations.[1] Nightblood is important in both Grounder and Sanctum culture and the few who inherit the trait are treated as special or royals. Grounders call people with black blood "Natblida", which is Trigedasleng for "Nightblood". Only Nightbloods can become Commanders as they are the only ones compatible with the Flame. They also call the trait Sheidjus.[2] Sky People adopted the English-version of the Grounder term and call those with black blood "Nightbloods". In Sanctum, it is considered Royal Blood. Those born with Nightblood are called "Hosts" or "Black Bloods", while those who do not carry the gene are being derogatively known as the "Nulls". Hosts are essentials to the survival of the Primes as they are the only ones compatible with the implants housing their consciousness. It is revealed that August was the one who came up with the name "Nightblood." Becca and the Primes are surprised by this name, calling it Black Blood or just referring to it as the Blood Alteration or Radiation Immunity in Becca's case. If Becca had a specific name for Nightblood, she never mentioned it. History Two years after the Nuclear Apocalypse, Becca Franko injected herself with a black substance, i.e. Nightblood serum, that genetically modified her blood, turning it black. This modification allowed her to metabolize radiation at a much higher rate, including the radiation emitted by A.L.I.E. 2.0, solar radiation, and remaining nuclear radiation on Earth. Afterwards, Becca implanted A.L.I.E. 2.0 into her neck. When Becca returned to Earth, she saw the Second Dawn members in hazmat suits in the distance and told them that she was there to help, and brought a case full of Nightblood serum in tow. After Becca's death turned her into a martyr, Callie Cadogan, half of the kids in the Second Dawn Bunker and some of their parents subsequently injected themselves with Nightblood to leave the bunker and save what was left of the human race on Earth, taking with them enough serum for 2,000 more people. Becca's tale became the origin story of the First Commander (Pramheda[Trigedasleng]) in Grounder culture. Those with the dark blood became known as Nightbloods (Natblida[Trigedasleng]), with Callie's group of Second Dawn defectors being the "First Natblidas". The majority of Grounders have normal colored blood, but may be carriers for the dark blood since Nightblood children can be born to non-Nightblood parents. Whoever is the current bearer of A.L.I.E. 2.0 becomes known as the Commander (Heda in Trigedasleng). While Grounders lost most of the knowledge on what the dark blood does, in the fourth season, Abigail Griffin discovers that its sole purpose is to metabolize radiation. She notices this when Luna, a Nightblood, was able to fully recover from Acute Radiation Syndrome (ARS) without any medicine, while non-Nightblood Grounders died from it. Nightblood (Serum) The "Black Blood" (later named "Nightblood" by August) is also used to refer to an experimental serum created by neurosciencist Becca Franko. According to the records, she first developed it for the Eligius Mining Company to protect against solar radiation for long duration space missions. She later used the serum to help the human body not reject the A.L.I.E. 2.0, protecting the body against radiation emitted from the device. In addition, it also helps the human body metabolize nuclear radiation. Becca made the cells combine by experimenting in space with perfluorochemicals and oxygenators, the building block of artificial blood. Since this chemical reaction can only happen in zero gravity, a spacewalk is usually required. With the second Praimfaya approaching, Abby and Raven work together in Becca's lab to recreate the Nightblood serum. In "The Other Side", Raven volunteers to perform the required spacewalk to complete the serum. However, Abby instead comes up with a plan to use Luna's bone marrow instead. Clarke tests the serum on herself, turning her into a Nightblood. In "The Old Man and the Anomaly", Abby successfully replicates the serum aboard Eligius IV in an effort to save Marcus Kane. Raven reluctantly helps her by performing the needed spacewalk. The new serum turns a young Sanctum Guard named Gavin into a Nightblood to become the host for Marcus Kane. However, the new serum is floated along with Kane in "What You Take With You" to prevent its use again. Raven states that Abby used up all of the polymer on the ship needed to make the serum and while the Primes might have more on Sanctum, they would need a willing pilot which they don't have. In "Matryoshka", Murphy suggests using a bone marrow transplant to replicate Nightblood again which the Primes had tried and failed about a hundred years before. Abby states that they failed because they didn't know the formula and Russell gives them a day to do it. In "Ashes to Ashes", Abby succeeds and Echo is transformed into a Nightblood by Ryker Desai. In "Adjustment Protocol", Abby, John Murphy, Emori, Sierra, Jade and Bryson become Nightbloods through Madi and Abby's bone marrow after Abby injects herself to protect Madi In Anaconda, in a flashback, Becca gives Nightblood to Tristan, a young Second Dawn cultist who has been exposed to lethal levels of radiation. The serum allows him to quickly recover from the radiation, but Bill Cadogan rejects it in favor of going to another world through the Temporal Anomaly. Callie Cadogan, August and many other cultists later take the serum in order to leave the bunker and save what is left of the human race on Earth. Before leaving, Callie injects her brother Reese and states that they have enough serum left to give Nightblood to 2,000 more people A.L.I.E. 2.0 A.L.I.E. 2.0, also known as the Spirit of the Commander, was an artificial intelligence that resided in a cybernetic neural implant known as the Flame. Created by neuroscientist Becca Franko, the Flame was designed to allow the AI to directly interface with a human brain and augment it. The Flame held the minds of all its previous hosts (a.k.a. the Commanders). The Flame was central to the Grounder faith such that the Grounders were usually loyal to whoever possessed the Flame, bestowing them the title of Commander. Due to its importance, a spiritual order known as the Flamekeepers was tasked with keeping it safe. The Flame was used to pass experience and wisdom from one Commander to the next. It also enhanced its user's mind and senses. The Flame was sought by its predecessor, A.L.I.E., who wanted to use it to delete her kill switch. However, the Flame ended up helping Clarke Griffin destroy A.L.I.E. instead. Raven Reyes later deactivated the Flame in an attempt to save its last user, Madi Griffin, from Sheidheda. The Flame was then revealed to be the Key that the Disciples had been seeking because it held the Anomaly Stone code needed to start the "Last War". The Disciples attempted to retrieve and repair the Flame, but it was physically destroyed by Gabriel Santiago after an aborted attempt at repair using Eligius technology Capabilities Mind Storage 611 Sheidheda doing chess with Madi Madi (current host) and Sheidheda (previous host) playing chess in the Flame When a host died, their mind, including their memories and consciousness, was uploaded to the AI. The Flame stored the minds of these previous hosts and allowed them to communicate with its current host, usually through dreams. These interactions could only take place when the current host's mind was "still enough," such as when the host was asleep, unconscious, or in deep meditation. If summoned by the current host, previous hosts could also interact with each other in a "dream space" that existed in the Flame. If a host was still alive when the Flame was removed, their mind was not stored in the Flame. Gaia explained in "The Children of Gabriel" that this was because a person's mind can only be in one place at a time. It was, however, possible for a mind that was saved in the Flame to be transferred to another similar device such as a Mind Drive After the Flame was surgically removed from Madi Griffin, she still retained fragments of previous hosts' memories in her mind. However, these memories were not stored in the part of Madi's brain that typically pertains to memory storage, suggesting that the AI permanently augmented her brain in some way or that the way the Flame was destroyed while still inside of Madi's head resulted in memories being left behind throughout her brain. Enhancements Besides storing and sharing the minds of its previous hosts, the Flame also granted its host enhanced abilities. On the capabilities of her AI, Becca said in "Thirteen": "A.L.I.E. 2.0 will run all the possibilities, she'll see the mistakes before we ever make them. It will know our wants and needs because it's their wants and needs." Becca designed the Flame to "amplify what is already there" in a person's mind, including their capacity for good and evil. Because of this, Becca warned Callie Cadogan of the danger should the Flame, and thus its power, merge with the wrong mind. In the right mind however, Becca believed that the Flame was the key to saving the world. As shown in "Anaconda", the Flame granted Becca heightened senses such that she could hear frequencies other humans could not. This allowed her to decipher the Anomaly Stone code needed to activate the Judge's test.

3 months ago

I dont know and that make me 😥😭😭😭😭

Finally, the next chapter should have a little time skip like what happened in the previous chapter. I'll rush a bit through this mid-arc since it's going to be more of the same, of course, I'll still focus on the important parts, but what isn't...

Streamer in the Omniverse

Streamer in the Omniverse

Anime & Comics · Calleum_Artori

3 months ago

THE INCREDIBLES The Omnidroids (voiced by Brett Goldstein) are one of the secondary antagonists (alongside Mirage) of The Incredibles. They are a series of superhero-killing battle robots created by the supervillain Syndrome as part of Operation Kronos. Overview As a result of Mr. Incredible rejecting Buddy Pine in his childhood, Buddy adopted the moniker Syndrome and strived to wipe out all Supers, as part of a plan to make the term 'Super' meaningless. To do this, he created a robot that he called an Omnidroid, with the intent of eventually creating an Omnidroid strong enough to kill Mr. Incredible, who was the greatest threat to his plans. The Omnidroids are programmed with artificial intelligence that allows them to learn as it fights its opponents and to solve any problem they encounter. Syndrome would pit retired Supers against a prototype version of the robot, collecting data on the fight as it progressed. If that version was defeated, he would use the collected battle data to develop a new, improved model to use against the Super that had defeated the previous unit, thereby repeating the cycle. This process killed off many potential threats to Syndrome's plans and allowed him to perfect the robot for the final phase of the operation. Omnidroid v.X1 Omnidroid1 Article: Omnidroid v.X1 The Omnidroid v.X1 was the first of the learning battle robots created by Syndrome. Features The v.X1 features a pair of continuous tracks for treaded locomotion, an omni-sensory display, and two bi-articulated (two-fingered) grappling claws. History The robot was created at an unknown time before Mr. Incredible came to Nomanisan Island, presumably several years. The v.X1 killed Universal Man, Psycwave and Everseer. It was destroyed by Macroburst an unknown time later. Omnidroid v.X2 Omnidroid2 Article: Omnidroid v.X2 The Omnidroid v.X2 is the second of the deadly Super-killing robots, after the destruction of its predecessor by Macroburst. Features This second iteration is similar to the Omnidroid v.X1, with an omni-directional sensory display and the same kind of bi-articulated grappling claws. However, its tracks were replaced with two legs for bi-pedal locomotion. History The Omnidroid v.X2 killed Macroburst, Phylange, Blazestone and possibly other Supers before its destruction at the hands of Downburst. Trivia The v.X2 was the first of the Omnidroids to have legs, a trait inherited by subsequent robots. Omnidroid v.X3 Omnidroid1 This is the third Omnidroid prototype built, after the v.X2 was destroyed by Downburst. Features The v.X3 boasts suspended tri-pedal legs with grappling claws, along with a new unidirectional sensory array. History This third version in the Omnidroid series killed Downburst and possibly others. It was eventually destroyed by Hypershock. Trivia The computer graphic used for the v.X3 is an unintentional repeat of the v.X1's. It was the first Omnidroid to feature a multi-legged design. ADVERTISEMENT Omnidroid v.X4 Omnidroid v.X4 This is the fourth robot created by Syndrome, after the previous prototype was defeated by Hypershock. Features The Omnidroid v.X4 features a set of four legs with grappling claws, along with a quadra-directional sensory array. History The v.X4 killed Hypershock, Apogee, Blitzerman, Tradewind, Vectress and possibly others. It was destroyed by Gazerbeam. Trivia The v.X4's egg-shaped body was the first step in the transition to the distinctive spherical body design that would be used by 6 and later robots. The number of legs and the quadra-directional sensory array are unabashed references to how it is the fourth Omnidroid built. There is a leaping artillery droid enemy in the Incredibles video game that somewhat resembles the v.X4, but it has three legs, no grappling claws, two cannons for launching bombs and a sensor cluster. ADVERTISEMENT Omnidroid 5 Omnidroid 5 After the v.X4's destruction by Gazerbeam, this was the fifth unit developed as part of Operation Kronos' training sessions. Features Like its predecessor, it features four legs with grappling claws, but with a redesigned body and a sensor cluster, being much flatter and longer than the v.X4. History The Omnidroid 5 killed Gazerbeam, Stormicide and possibly others. It was later defeated by Gamma Jack. Trivia The sensor cluster concept would be featured in 5's successor and beyond, along with certain enemies in the video game based on the film. This is the first Omnidroid model to deviate from the "v.X#" naming scheme. It was this Omnidroid that fatally injured Gazerbeam, leading to him hiding in a cave and inscribing "KRONOS" on the cave wall, which was later found by Mr. Incredible. ADVERTISEMENT Omnidroid 6 Omnidroid 6 The sixth Omnidroid prototype created by Syndrome, after the 5 was destroyed by Gamma Jack. Features It features four legs like the previous two models, but with omni-articulated grappling claws. It also features a singular sensor cluster and a spherical body shell. History This robot killed Gamma Jack, and possibly others. It is unknown if it had been defeated at all, but was replaced by the Omnidroid 07 later on, suggesting that it may have been upgraded into the 07 before going up against Mr Incredible. Trivia The 6 was the first Omnidroid to feature the distinctive spherical body inherited by subsequent versions. ADVERTISEMENT Omnidroid 07 Omnidroid07 The seventh prototype is the robot whose schematics Mr. Incredible was shown in Mirage's message. This was the version immediately before the one Mr. Incredible fought, and was used as the basis for it. Features The 07 has the defining set of features that would be inherited by the subsequent units, most particularly the five legs with four-fingered claws and bi-polar sensor clusters, and possibly the ability to collapse into a sphere and roll around like a ball. History Before Mr. Incredible came to Nomanisan Island for the first time, the Omnidroid 07 was either destroyed, retired, or was upgraded to the Omnidroid v.8. It is also unknown if it was pitted against and/or had killed any Supers. Omnidroid v.8 Article: Omnidroid v.8 Omnidroid v.9 The Omnidroid v.8 is the eighth of the robots built by Syndrome. This was the robot that fought Mr. Incredible when he was first on the island. He was able to shut down the robot without destroying it, as asked by Mirage. Features According to the technical specifications shown to Mr. Incredible by Mirage on the way to Nomanisan Island, the Omnidroid 08 has five bisymmetrical, segmented legs with four-fingered grappling claws (that can also be spun like buzzsaws) for pentilateral movement, bi-polar sensor clusters, and revision 4.0 of the artificial intelligence programming. Plus, like the Omnidroid 07, it can collapse itself into a sphere and roll itself around for faster movement. This is the only Omnidroid to be shown to have had bright blue optic visors on its sensor clusters. Its thick, near-impenetrable armor could also withstand the heated temperatures of molten lava. In the video game based on the film, the Omnidroid 08 is also shown to fire lasers from the visors of its sensor clusters, with a laser that leaves a fiery trail from the upper sensor, and a rapid-fire burst from the lower sensor. It could also collapse its sensor clusters and spin itself like a buzzsaw to try and cut the target with its spinning claws. History It was fought by Mr. Incredible when he had first come to Nomanisan Island, apparently sent there for a mission to deactivate the robot when it had supposedly "gone rogue". Their battle took them to a volcanic crater, where he managed to pull off its lower sensor cluster, toss it into the lava, and climb into the innards of the robot. The v.8 punched holes in its own armor in a vain attempt to remove Mr. Incredible, but it only damaged itself severely. Mr. Incredible then tossed away the upper sensor cluster, before luring it into tearing out its own power core, shutting down the robot. Omnidroid v.9 Article: Omnidroid v.9 Omnidroid 9 The Omnidroid v.9 is the ninth prototype Omnidroid, heavily modified from the previous v.8 after it was defeated by Mr. Incredible. Features The v.X9 has omnidirectional, trans-universal articulation, bi-polar sensor clusters, and a new version of the artificial intelligence. It also has orange optic visors on its sensor clusters. History A vast improvement on the v.8, this Omnidroid easily defeated Mr. Incredible, and would have finished him off were it not for its creator intervening to reveal himself to his former childhood hero. The robot was never defeated, but it was used as the basis for the Omnidroid v.10. It is unknown what happened to it afterwards. Omnidroid v.10 Article: Omnidroid v.10 Omnidroid v. 10 The pinnacle of the Omnidroid series, the Omnidroid v.10 was designed by Syndrome for the final stage of Operation Kronos. It is the largest, smartest and deadliest version of the Omnidroids, proving more than a match for any one Super, even its own creator. Features The Omnidroid v.10 is very similar to the v.X9, but with new modifications to make it even more dangerous. In addition to its increased size, Syndrome added a sixth leg to its body and laser guns on the sides of the robot's sensor clusters. In addition, its claws have been modified with rocket boosters, allowing the Omnidroid v.10 to launch its appendages for use as projectiles. In the video game, it was shown to be able to fire incendiary and rapid-fire laser beams from its sensor clusters, similar to the Omnidroid 08. History It was deployed via rocket to attack the city of Metroville, where Syndrome would then go up against it in a fake fight, and use the remote control on his wrist to "defeat" it and get all the glory for the victory, as part of his long-term plan to sell his inventions to the world, eventually making his customers equally "Super" and rendering the term meaningless. However, the robot turned on Syndrome when it noticed the remote control - identifying the device as a threat to itself, it blasted the remote away before knocking its creator unconscious. It was then fought and defeated by Mr. Incredible, Elastigirl, Violet, Dash, and Frozone. It was destroyed when one of its own claws was fired at it by the heroes using Syndrome's remote, tearing out its brainpan. The robot's body fell into a lake and exploded. Omnidroid These are the most common variations, fighting in droves. They fight using only melee attacks, and nothing else. Their design is almost completely identical to that of the Omnidroid v.X2, but implements a sensor cluster, and has a battery cover on its back held in place by a screw. In certain clips in the Disney Infinity: Action! app, a much smaller version of this type of Omnidroid is featured. Melee Omnidroid They are similar in appearance to the standard Omnidroid toy, but the segments on their arms are bladed, along with razor-sharp scissor claws, for cutting up its enemies. In Disney Infinity 2.0, they are also shown to be capable of blocking attacks by the player with their arms. Ranged Omnidroid This type of Omnidroid attacks using a pair of cannon arms that can be used as flamethrowers at close range or missile launchers from longer distances. Their design is different, featuring a body like a canister with a red, t-shaped visor. Concept art showed that these enemies were also slated to be capable of deploying robotic bombs that would pursue the player, but this concept was scrapped. Tank Omnidroid This variation is the heavy-hitter among the Omnidroids, armed with powerful arms and high-powered laser beams that they fire from their visors. They also boast heavier armor, making them more durable. They have a large, hulking design resembling a fattened version of the basic Omnidroid. Unused Concepts There was to be a rocket that would crash down onto the field, and open up like a Pez dispenser, deploying Omnidroids. In addition, early concept art of the enemies showed imitations of the v.X1 and v.X2. The imitations of the v.X2 would be re-used for the design of the standard and Melee Omnidroids in the final game. In addition, one of the imitations of the v.X1 featured a single sensor cluster, and the others suggests that this type of Omnidroid could adjust its own height, along with some sort of weapon concealed in beneath the cap of its torso, and has a wind-up key on its back. They're also shown to have wheels instead of the continuous tracks mentioned in the v.X1's specifications, but then again, the tank treads in the computer graphic looked more like wheels

3 months ago

I thank this can go here Fallout Forced Evolutionary Virus a.k.a FEV The Forced Evolutionary Virus, or FEV, is an artificial virus created by West Tek's NBC Division. Its ability to force changes in both the genotype and phenotype and ease of modifying it for whatever purpose desired made it one of the most important mutagens in the wasteland, harnessed by different organizations and individuals for their own purposes both before and after the Great War. FEV exists in various forms across all of the Fallout games, mainly to serve the goals of the various antagonists. It was through the FEV that the Master made his race of super mutants and how the Enclave meant to commit genocide on humanity. There are multiple strains of FEV in existence, tailored for the specific goals of these entities. The strain responsible for creating regular super mutants is called FEV-2[1][2][3] and represents the pinnacle of pre-War research into the virus. A different FEV strain is the source of the super mutants infesting the Capital Wasteland, intellectually inferior to their West Coast cousins. Other strains created the monsters of Appalachia and the distinct super mutants of the Commonwealth. The Institute's strain also served the basis for their eventual generation 3 synths. Beyond direct mutations, FEV had other effects: The ease with which FEV could be synthesized and used to force mutations, resulting in many horrors being unleashed on the wasteland, was one of the causes for the Brotherhood of Steel's policy of technological containment. Characteristics Mechanics The standard dipping method used by the Unity, resulting in a severe overdose of the virus. The Forced Evolutionary Virus is a megavirus, transmissable through direct contact or injection.[5][6] It cannot infect individuals through airborne transmission from an already infected individual.[6] In most cases, it is seen in the form of a green liquid contained within large vats,[7] but it can also be administered via an aerosol solution.[8] It has a strong structure: A protein sheath reinforced by ionized hydrogen, allowing it to absorb neutrons without being radioactive, making it immune to radiation.[5] The purpose of the virus is to correct its host's DNA, creating a theoretically better specimen. As FEV is a shifting-absorptive virus, it copies DNA patterns not unlike RNA, storing them in exons and combining them with FEV. The virus is pre-programmed with corrected DNA patterns appropriate to the species (at least theoretically), and the DNA is merged with them through FEV's own recursive code. The resulting genetic code is then re-injected into the host cell in typical viral infectious fashion, regenerating its DNA. While the process is theoretically sound, FEV partially relies on the host's DNA and includes portions of its code when re-injecting the cell, which can cause unpredictable effects.[9][10] Furthermore, the effects also depend on the method of exposure and levels, as FEV does not seem to replicate within the host's body and its effects are limited by the size of the sample: While the iconic super mutants are created by exposing humans to an amount considered to be a severe overdose,[3] by immersing them entirely in a vat full of FEV,[11] and super mutant transformation can also occur through long term exposure to low concentrations of FEV (which is the source of the second generation super mutants, Enclave slaves doomed to work at Mariposa),[12] direct injections produce limited, controlled mutation in a given area. The Master's experiments included injecting FEV directly into various areas of the brain to induce psychic ability, with some success Effects When administered to a genetically viable individual, the infection process will rewrite portions of the host’s DNA, causing accelerated mutation, usually leading to conspicuously complete DNA strands[3] and recursive growth due to the FEV's own patterns.[10] The process is generally extremely painful, depending on levels and method of exposure. Some strains cause extreme pain and body deformation upon overdose and long-term exposure.[15] Others cause rapid physical changes in a short period of time and excruciating pain that results in permanent mental damage in most subjects.[16] In non-viable individuals, such as those with significant genetic damage due to radiation sickness or exposure to other form of FEV,[17] the mutation forced by FEV's recursive growth patterns can lead to massive overhauling of the body's systems, organ failure, and expiration.[10] The actual effects of this process largely depend on exactly what DNA is programmed into FEV. It is modifiable by design, and while the initial design focused on creating super soldiers, it can be used as a general purpose mutation vector. For example, the Master modified FEV-2 to only bond with human glyco-proteins, and the Enclave used that functionality to turn it into FEV Curling-13, a potent toxin that would target exclusively humans (mutated or not). The whole process took only a few years, and in the meantime, the Chemical Corps also experimented with modified FEV to create Frank Horrigan.[18] On the other side of the continent, Weston Lesko experimented with FEV as a mutagen for the purposes of genetic recoding, to reduce giant ants to their original size. The unpredictable nature of FEV, however, resulted in a disaster that claimed Grayditch One common effect of FEV is continuous augmented cell growth, as FEV causes constant regenerative updates to cell DNA. In humans, this results in a mitosis rate at least 15% faster in super mutants, which also grants an extended lifespan. Theorized to be a 10% extension by post-War analyses,[3] FEV can actually render host organisms immortal: Augmented growth offsets cell death and the constant regenerative updates prevent genetic damage responsible for aging. It also prevents damage from ionizing radiation and genetic diseases.[21][22] However, there is a potential side effect: The same mechanism can also cause sterility, if FEV misidentifies gametes as damaged cells during the mutation process. In this case, FEV would "repair" the "damage," making these cells permanently non-viable. It is not clear if and how FEV affects sperm. However, in any species with a non-renewable pool of oocytes (i.e. whose female members are born with a finite amount of cells that can mature into fertile ova), FEV would target this pool and "fix" it. As such, even if spermatogenesis resumes in males, producing viable sperm,[24][Non-game 1] this sperm would be unable to merge with the "fixed" ovum, and any attempt to reproduce would fail.[25] This was confirmed with FEV-2 super mutants created by the Master: FEV rendered them unable to reproduce with any other creature.[3][23] This fact went unnoticed for years, as FEV-2 did not destroy primary sexual organs, and the effects took place on a cellular level.[2] Cure FEV was designed to introduce permanent changes to the host, and as such did not retain unaltered original copies of the subject's DNA. It could only theoretically be "cured" by a virus that re-infected the subject with its original DNA like FEV did, which technically would be a second forced mutation, rather than a cure. Secondly, there was no known way to remove the FEV from the host before the Great War.[26] While the Enclave developed an inoculation that prevented its version of FEV from affecting the subject, which could be administered by injection or aerosol exposure, it only affected its particular version of the toxin and was not a cure A potential cure was created by The Institute. Its continued experiments with FEV after the Great War iterated on the original design. In the late 23rd century, Dr. Brian Virgil confirmed the hypothesis, creating a retroviral serum capable of reversing his transformation into a super mutant (which was necessary to escape the Institute's underground facility). The week-long mutation was not a cure, but a secondary mutation into a human, with the genetic resequencer resulting in side effects, such as restoration of his hairline and an increase in muscle mass.[28][29] It was a significant advance, but was specifically designed to work with the Institute's strain of FEV, with any possibility of generalizing the formula requiring years, if not decades of additional research. Virus strains FEV-1 FEV research was spun off from the Pan-Immunity Virion Project in March 2075, two years into the initiative. Initially seen as a possible cure for the New Plague and Chinese bioweapons, it was noted that the virion could become a transmittable genetic-engineering virus, allowing for infectious evolution.[31] Using batch 10-011 as basis, provisionally renamed Forced Evolutionary Virus, it still used the quad-helix structure of PV, and initial experiments on single-celled organisms were promising: They demonstrated increased immunity to infection and radiation. Chloroplasts were unaffected by the virus, causing experiments on plants to be cancelled.[32] Subsequent experiments with flatworms demonstrated that FEV affected organisms in real time: Flatworms increased their size by 28% within hours and demonstrated resistance to 39 separate viral contagions. Each sample also procreated successfully (though only asexually), retaining the quad-helix structure. Experiments on insects showed less success and were indefinitely postponed On vertebrates such as white mice, FEV showed even greater effects: Growth began within hours, stabilizing after 9 days, producing the greatest increases in striated muscle tissues and organs like the liver, heart, and kidneys. Increased intelligence was also noted, completing mazes in half the time of the control group. Further experiments on rabbits confirmed that brain activity immediately increased 3.2 seconds on average after injection, alongside the usual increase in size. FEV primarily affected dendritic connections, in the limbic system and frontal cortex (which appeared tied to increased aggression and posturing).[32] In 2076, experiments began with batch 11-011, modified to improve the mitotic cycle efficiency. Experiments on raccoons demonstrated the usual size increase, with behavioral tests confirming increases in intelligence and manual dexterity by 19 points on the Schuler-Kapp index. FEV allowed several subjects to actually escape containment. Further modifications spliced into FEV and provided by Barnett's advisory team, identified as batch 11-101a, resulted in FEV that caused immediate growth, increased final size, and high aggression, but did not affect the intelligence of the dogs used as test subjects. 92 allele pairs from the batch were selected for recombination with batch 11-011 The crossover took four months, resulting in batch 11-111. When used on chimpanzees, it resulted in unprecedent growth and immunity to chemical and radiological agents: Deliberate attempts to induce cancers failed. The subjects exhibited increase aggression, forcing them to be isolated, with two of the fifteen suffering epileptic seizures leading to their death. By January 2077, the military elected to relocate all assets to the newly built Mariposa Military Base in central California, to commence human testing on human subjects, despite objections from West Tek staff.[32] FEV was considered as nearing completion, demonstrating consistent size and muscle density increases by approximately 60% and potential intelligence increase by 200%.[33] The potential to create super soldiers was tremendous.[34] It is not entirely clear when FEV was divided into FEV-1 and FEV-2. At the onset, FEV was simply a variant of PV, named without a discriminator, and both names were used interchangeably. Batch identifiers suggest a logical progression: 10-011 was the first version of FEV (corresponding to 2-3 in decimal), derived from FEV, with 11-011 (3-3 in decimal, in January 2076) used as basis for what would be FEV-2.[32] The term FEV-2 is exclusively used to identify the strain used at Mariposa, further modified by the Master and forming the basis of all subsequent FEV variants FEV-2 FEV-2[35] is the virus strain originating in the Mariposa Military Base and responsible for many mutations across the New West, including New California and Mojave Wasteland regions is FEV-2.[3][2] It is responsible for the creation of a diverse range of creatures, including psykers, super mutants, centaurs and floaters, primarily at the behest of the Master and the Unity. Although initially used as a generic purpose mutation vector for gene splicing,[36][Non-game 2] the Master eventually modified FEV-2 to bond exclusively with human glycoproteins.[18] This version of FEV-2 created both the first and second generation super mutants, the latter when the Enclave excavated the military base, after it was destroyed by the Vault Dweller in 2161.[12] In humans, physical and observational changes brought upon by the FEV-2 strain are substantial. The Nightkin, the best of the first generation super mutants were created from human subjects with a limited exposure to radiation or mutated FEV, such as those from Vaults within the region.[17] For the most stunning mutations to occur, a human subject would be left submerged within a vat of FEV-2 for 24 hours, allowing them to receive a severe overdose of the virus and complete the super mutant transformation. Each batch would contain up to six individuals, not separated by biological sex. Over 23,800 batches of FEV were processed by the time the Vault Dweller destroyed the vats The resulting mutants were stunning creatures. A first generation super mutant autopsied by Head Scribe Vree had a height of 3.2 meters, and weighed 363.21 kilograms. Out of the total mass, 77.41% was accounted as muscle mass, with 10.23% of bone mass, 3.02% of fat mass and 9.34% of tissue mass. The skin color was described to be predominantly gray with tints of green under the lighting system of the Lost Hills bunker, while the skin's composition had reportedly become tougher, dry, and sometimes flaky, which would make it more resistant to trauma.[3][38] Despite this resistance to trauma, completely destroyed tissue is unable to heal and will thus result in scarring or organ loss depending on the severity and location of the damage.[39] Keratoses, benign non-cancerous growths, could also occur on the skin.[40] On a genetic level, cells underwent cellular division at an increased rate, with mitosis occuring 15% faster than that of an average human. The mutant also had a highly similar cellular and genetic structure to the average human. All recessive genes for ailments appeared to have been eradicated from the mutant's body, with RNA strands appearing to have been manipulated to allow for a greater transmission of signals and bring out the best possible combination. The mutant was also rendered sterile by the FEV exposure.[3] The FEV-2 strain has a small chance of increasing intelligence, with most retaining their intellect prior to their exposure. Only a minority of remaining individuals may experience an increase,[Non-game 3] with the rest typically experiencing a loss by 30%.[3][41] However, those who have received a prolonged exposure to small amounts of the strain, such as the second generation super mutants, are noted to have a significantly worse intelligence than first generation super mutants, unable to think for themselves, often falling to the influence of others Psyker program Main article: Psyker Apart from transforming humans into super mutants, the Master and his staff experimented with FEV by injecting it into the brains of subjects (usually the pineal gland, but also the amygdala or medulla), triggering changes in brain chemistry.[44] These experiments had limited success: four extremely powerful psykers were created, theoretically capable of wiping out the human race.[Non-game 4] However, the same changes that increased psychic ability also resulted in terminal insanity, forcing them to be sequestered and nullified with specialized equipment to prevent them from harming themselves or others EEP strain Main article: Super mutant (Fallout 3) The derivative FEV strain used at Vault 87 retains the recursive growth patterns characteristic to FEV, but has a different effect, which may be also linked to how infection was performed in the labs. Testing began in 2078,[Non-game 5] where test subjects were exposed a single time to FEV in isolated chambers where the virus was deployed with an airborne aerosol. Phenotypical changes occur within three days and include increased muscle mass, changes in skeletal structure, and atrophy of sexual characteristics, both primary and secondary (including body hair). At ten days, skin pigmentation becomes a mixture of yellow and green, while its thickness and resistance to radiation and other environmental hazards rapidly increases.[Non-game 5][45] However, a key problem was that the mutation did not stop. Within fourteen days of initial exposure, test subjects regress to an almost feral state, exhibiting extreme aggression at every non-mutant. While some semblance of cognition is retained, exhibited by the ability to speak, operate machines and use basic tactics in combat, super mutants of this type are typically characterized by profound intellectual decline.[45] This result is most likely brought upon by the same factor as with FEV-2: Damage to existing neural patterns caused by rapid changes in the phenotype. The effects typically cause significant damage to long term memory, again, a shared characteristic.[46] The traumatic nature of the transformation is also a factor. The excruciating pain that accompanies it can and will cause the subjects to become insane. Another unforeseen side effect is that the unfinished virus strain codes the body for continued growth. If a super mutant of this type eludes death for prolonged periods of time, they may become a considerable threat, reaching the size of a small building Institute strains Main article: Super mutant (Fallout 4) The super mutants of the Commonwealth are a completely different strain from others. While they possess the imposing musculature and resilience of the former, they have an average level of intelligence on par with examples of the latter. They are capable of following a chain of command, erecting fortifications,[47] and even setting up traps and ambushes - such as at Trinity Tower, where Fist deliberately used Rex Goodman as bait to lure humans and weed out the weak super mutants among his host. They are also capable of speaking like normal humans, unlike their practically feral brethren from the Capital Wasteland, and consider themselves the superior race of the Commonwealth.[48] All super mutants of the Commonwealth are products of the Institute's experiments into FEV using the abducted Commonwealth wastelanders above ground. These experiments were the base work used to progress their synths from mechanical construction to a new frontier using human DNA as a base to construct synthetic humans. The Commonwealth super mutants share a similar morphology with the super mutants derived from Appalachian West Tek's experiments on the Huntersville strain, but is unknown if the two strains are closely related Main article: Generation 3 synth The most advanced synthetics created by the Institute are fundamentally different from their predecessors. Despite the sequential numbering, they are unrelated to their mechanical counterparts, in fact. They are derived from Shaun's pre-War DNA extensively modified using the Institute's own research into the Forced Evolutionary Virus, combining the advantageous adaptations encoded into FEV with the versatility of the human body shape. This allowed the Institute to create a variety of synths of varying races and appearances despite the base DNA coming from only one source. They are the result of nearly five decades of research, from 2178 to 2227.[49][50][51][52] Third generation synthetics are unlike humans and some liberated synths do not consider themselves human at all. The reasons for this are multiple, and chief among them is the synth assembly process.[53] Other reasons include the fact that gen 3 synths may not require sleep to function properly, are more resistant to disease, and may not require the intake of food or water to generate energy for their bodies.[54][55] Huntersville strain The Appalachia super mutants were created shortly before the Great War, when the local West Tek facility contaminated the river water that ran through Huntersville with a unique strain of FEV as part of an experiment.[56] Huntersville super mutants are similar to those of Mariposa and the Institute: they have green skin, highly developed musculature, and they are smart enough to build improvised armor from waste or scrap. Although they do not use large fortifications like the Vault 87 or the Institute strain super mutants, they can occasionally build small fortresses or take entire buildings. They possess the same level of strength and durability and are intelligent enough to engage in prolonged battles with other groups, such as during the Battle of Huntersville or their assault against the Brotherhood First Expeditionary Force at Fort Atlas. Like Vault 87 and Institute super mutants, Huntersville super mutants can develop into behemoths, which can be seen guarding their main bases. The majority of the super mutants will attack the player character, but some super mutants like Grahm are friendly and will even trade with humans Related projects Appalachian experiments Experiments with recombinant strains of FEV at the West Tek Research Center in Appalachia produced numerous failed mutations, with two exceptions: FEVS-006443 from October 14, 2077, a Phase 2 combination strain that combined traits that resembled a number of different species. The results were considered disturbing by the scientists but provided valuable insights as to the capability of recombinant FEV. Notable changes included a number of ocular organs along the enlarged upper torso, the second set of arms ending in clawed digits, and a large sickle-shaped claw on each inner toe. The living, stable, and functioning subject was sustaining itself normally (a major accomplishment for the program) and was planned for release in Huntersville after the subsequent experiment matured.[57] The mutant was never returned to the area until January 3, 2078, when it escaped containment and the facility. The mutant procreated, leading to the emergence of snallygaster mutants across Appalachia.[58] FEVS-006458 from October 23, 2077. Tweaking the snallygaster strain, researchers tweaked the genome, producing a giant that shattered the containment unit, but was otherwise stable (excepting the absence of a discernible head). The mutant was sedated and transported off-site, with the Great War sidetracking the convoy and allowing the Grafton monster to escape into the wild Albino mole rats Main article: Albino mole rat Before the destruction of the Glow, lab rats were exposed to FEV. In the turmoil of the facility's destruction, they escaped into the wasteland. Similar to the Enclave's later experiments with deathclaws, these two unique rats gained intelligence and ability to talk, along with a long lifespan.[60] FEV Curling-13 strain Main article: FEV Curling-13 Based on the original FEV-2 recovered by the Enclave at the Mariposa Military Base's ruins, FEV Curling-13 was a viral agent tailored to reach maximum levels of lethality with minimal exposure levels required to achieve the result. It was being developed under the direction of Lieutenant Colonel Dr. Charles Curling of the Chemical Corps since 2236, to provide the means for the Enclave's genocide. Just a .0001% aerosol solution exposure was enough to kill Arroyo villagers in under one hour, as massive hemorrhaging and inflammations start, leading to a complete failure of the victim's organs within sixty minutes. A significant radiation-induced mutation may thus be beneficial – humans with a lower radiation count suffer a much worse fate. Unmutated Vault 13 dwellers exposed to the virus experienced subdermal hemorrhaging and convulsions within sixty minutes of exposure, but their agony lasted much longer – 14.5 hours on average. No test subject survived the tests on Control Station Enclave. In the event of worldwide release, only humans and human-based mutants would be eradicated, however – FEV was engineered to bond only with human glycoproteins, leaving other animals and plant life alive and unaffected.[18] FEV Curling-13 is also unique in that it is the only known FEV strain for which an inoculation was developed that granted total immunity from its effects,[27] though required several iterations before it was perfected. Some test subjects, like Enclave Vice-President Daniel Bird, suffered permanent brain damage after volunteering.[61] Modified FEV Curling-13 Main article: Modified FEV A modified strain of FEV developed by John Henry Eden, based on the earlier FEV Curling-13 strain used by the Enclave in 2241, only now it was designed to be placed into the Project Purity water purification system.[62] According to President Eden, this modfied strain will eradicate super mutants, ghouls, and all other "unclean" citizens, namely anyone who had been born in the wastelands and exposed to radiation or other mutational effects from birth.[63] The only people who would survive the infection are dangerous radiation level free humans and humans who were born in the Vaults.[64] In the add-on Broken Steel, if the Lone Wanderer had chosen to contaminate the purifier with the modified FEV, what President Eden claimed is confirmed to be accurate and the FEV diffused in water completely lethal. The medical facility of every city in the Capital Wasteland (except Tenpenny Tower and Paradise Falls) is filled with new patients dying from FEV infection. These new patients hold their stomachs and repeat dialogue along the lines of, "it burns on the inside." According to both Doctor Preston and Doctor Barrows, the FEV specifically targets the immune system of infected individuals, which in turn makes them vulnerable to other diseases. This occurs in both humans and ghouls, despite the latter's immunity to most diseases.[65][66] Along with affecting the immune system, the modified FEV severely weaken individuals both physically and mentally until it simply kills them.[67] The modified FEV is also completely undetectable by any kind of test meaning there is no possible way to screen water that has been infected as it only comes back as clean, purified water.[68][69] The FEV is contained to only those that have ingested infected water as the transmission of FEV is impossible from physical contact or bodily fluids. In Rivet City, Preston comments that they are burning the corpses just to be safe.[65] The spread of the modified FEV is contained to only bottles of Aqua Pura and the Tidal Basin for now. However, eventually, the spread of the FEV infected water will spread from the Tidal Basin and affect all water in the Capital Wasteland Intelligent deathclaws Main article: Intelligent deathclaw In 2235, the Enclave began experiments on captive deathclaws to create expendable shock troops for their use, continuing the pre-War project.[Non-game 6] The recovery of FEV from Mariposa allowed them to create a tailored mutagen that increased the intelligence of deathclaws after localized injections, making them capable of understanding and following complex commands, as well as communication. The resulting modification overshot the project goals, giving them human-level intelligence, erudition, and most importantly, morality. Realizing that they would be exterminated if that was discovered, Gruthar instructed his pack to play dumb until they were deployed to Vault 13. Although the Enclave intended to use them as deterrence, the deathclaws formed a commune instead, deserting their mission. Not all deathclaws were equally blessed with intelligence and some experienced further changes, including a gray skin and a bobtail All intelligent deathclaws were exterminated by a task force headed by Frank Horrigan, mopping the project up.[71] Fire ants FEV was synthesized and used by Dr. Weston Lesko in the Capital Wasteland around 2277 in an attempt to return giant ants to their normal size through genetic manipulation. His ambition was to reduce their size exponentially over the course of several generations. However, an error in the synthesis process created a virus that left the ants' size unaltered but altered their venom sacks to produce a flammable liquid that they can aerosolize, project, and ignite with a spark generated by clicking mandibles. The resulting pyrosis, as he calls it, turns them effectively into walking flamethrowers History of the FEV “ A long story. FEV... a virus with an even longer story... ” — Father Elijah, Dead Money The Forced Evolution Virus originated from the Pan-Immunity Virion Project, a project originally dedicated to discovering a cure for the New Plague, was established in September 2073 in response to aggressive use of biochemical weapons by China. In order to combat the newest biological weapons, the decision was made to create a viral defense that would alter uninfected DNA to render it immune to standard viral infection.[75] The last attempt to continue the PVP line of experimentation was the Greenhouse Initiative in August 2075 at the newly established Appalachian branch, which attempted to use mutations to create edible plants and vegetation that could greatly increase food production and combat the shortages that led to the food riots rocking the country.[76] The town of Huntersville was selected as the test site, resulting in an economic boom.[77] Although the company would purchase test rights from local farmers as late as December 2075, the project was at an end Batch 10-011 and the beginning of FEV The history of the FEV starts with Pan-Immunity Virion batch 10-011, renamed as the Forced Evolutionary Virus (FEV) and used in further research. The key difference was that instead of Pan-Immunity Virion's quad-helix DNA structure, the batch became a shifting-absorptive virus. This was a deliberate choice by Major Barnett, who considered the unwanted side effects of the quad-helix structure to outweigh the benefits of replicative stability afforded by the design.[32] The first experiments took place in March 21, 2075 on single-celled organisms. While their base metabolism appeared unchanged, their immunity to infection and radiation exceeded all earlier expectations. Research on FEV effects on plants proved unsuccessful. The next stage included flatworms. Infected on May 9, 2075, they exhibited a 28% increase in size and resistance to 9 separate viral contagions within hours. The new DNA structure was successfully passed to progeny, though only asexual reproduction was possible.[32] June 30, 2075, saw the next stage of experimentation: several lab strains of white mice have been infected successfully with FEV. Within hours they exhibited increased growth, stabilizing at a 31% size increase after nine days. The most increase in size occurred in striated muscle tissue and certain internal organs, including the liver, heart, and kidneys. An increase in intelligence was also noted, allowing mice to run mazes in less than half the time required by normal mice The final experimentation with FEV batch 10-011 occurred with rabbits. On November 9, 2075, 218 rabbits were infected, half of which were implanted with electrodes to monitor changes in EEG activity. Increased electrical activity was noted 3.2 seconds after infection, accompanied by the typical increase in size. A new effect was noted, namely an increase in aggression and posturing, particularly among males. Dissection of the brains showed an increased dendritic connection, particularly in the limbic system and frontal cortex (areas responsible for behavior, senses and higher mental functions) Batch 11-011 and nationalization On January 6, 2076, West Tek was effectively nationalized after military units deployed to corporate facilities across the United States in the interest of national security.[79] Experiments continued with Batch 11-011. The new virus batch featured improved mitotic cycle efficiency by a factor of 43%. As part of the test, 53 raccoons were infected with the new strain on January 26, 2076. Along with the expected size increase, behavioral tests confirmed an increase in intelligence and manual dexterity by 19 points on the Schuler-Kapp index. Unfortunately, subjects escaped confinement and had to be hunted down. Two pairs were unaccounted for.[32][Non-game 7] In February, the West Tek facility in Appalachia joined the FEV research effort, ordered to begin human experimentation in order to push FEV to its practical limits, in what was dubbed the Super Mutant program. Due to the virulent nature of the virus and its unpredictability, the facility's objective was to identify and isolate viable FEV strains through a variety of methods. The most important of these was the introduction of one of the FEV strains to the water supply of Huntersville, to observe the effects of long-term low-level exposure. The experiment began in February 2076, providing valuable research data for the project Further development occurred after several new gene sequences, supplied by Major Barnett's advisory team, were spliced into FEV batch 11-011. Designated batch 11-101a, this batch was used to infect 23 dogs of pure and mixed breed on May 13, 2076. The results included nearly immediate growth, accompanied by increased aggression and no notable increase in intelligence. All subjects were terminated after 14 weeks of study. 92 allele pairs were chosen for splicing with batch 11-011. Batch 11-111 and further human research The new hybrid batch was designated 11-111. On October 4, 2076, it was used to infect 15 chimpanzees. Growth and immunity levels were unprecedented: attempts to induce cancers through radiological and chemical agents were not successful. Increased aggression led to isolating the subjects by the science team, while violent epileptic seizures caused two subjects to expire. The rest was terminated after all data was mined successfully.[32] Despite protests from the science team, on January 7, 2077, FEV research in California was transferred to the Mariposa Military Base [32] to continue under the lead of Leon Von Felden and Robert Anderson. Batch 11-111 has been chosen as the basis for further development through human experimentation. The batch offered a near 100% success rate on lab animals, granting an approximately 60% increase in size and potential 200% intelligence increase. It was the perfect basis for mass-producing super soldiers, and would eventually be identified as FEV-2 The Appalachian branch continued its experimentation by pushing FEV to its practical limits and experimenting with recombinant strains. The experimental strains resulted in the creation of many unsustainable forms: FEVS-005938 tested on January 13, 2077, rendered the subject unable to breathe,[81] FEVS-006186 from April 30 converted the subject into a mass of retinal tissue,[82] FEVS-006309 from July 12 produced canines that pierced the brain stem through unrestrained growth,[83] and FEVS-006378 from July 12 was biologically stable, but the hyperactive nervous system subjected it to constant traumatic pain and led to self-termination.[84] The team had more luck with strains FEVS-006443 (October 14) and FEVS-006458 (October 23) that created stable mutations that would become the snallygaster and the Grafton monster respectively after their escape into the wild.[57][59] Another research effort was set up by the Vault-Tec Corporation in Washington, D.C. Vault 87 was established as an independent research center for Dr. Wayne Merrick, cooperating with the team at Mariposa. Despite his efforts, he was unable to improve batch 11-111 enough to reach satisfactory effects. Humans subject to his strains produced in the Vault 87 labs exhibited superior physical developments, such as increased size, strength, and endurance to environmental factors, but were also characterized by significant mental disability and extreme aggression to non-mutants Compared to Merrick's efforts and Appalachian experiments, the science team at Mariposa reached a full success. They succeeded in creating the FEV-2 strain, able to create powerful super-soldiers, exhibiting superior physical prowess, resistance to combat damage, aging, and disease, as well as a negligible loss of intelligence.[3] In certain cases, intelligence could even be increased by the virus. However, before the testing could begin in full, soldiers under the command of Roger Maxson rebelled and executed the science staff. With the Great War destroying the United States, Mariposa and research within was sealed by the soldiers and abandoned Post-War Vault 87 Modified FEV was utilized as a part of the Vault 87 experiment. The scientists within the Vault noted their efforts toward the Evolutionary Experimentation Program, or EEP, at the behest of Vault-Tec and the military members at Mariposa.[86] Some strains caused fatalities, and causes of death were obscured from family members. A year, the test subjects broke free and overran the Vault, using its FEV reserves to transforms all humans they could find. Since then, they became a permanent feature of the Capital Wasteland, preying on human communities and abducting them,[87] consumed by an overpowering urge to increase their numbers. Although almost universally brain damaged and comparable to later second generation Mariposa mutants, the EEP sometimes functioned correctly and created intelligent mutants. These unique individuals, like Uncle Leo or Fawkes, possessed a very high level of intelligence on top of their imposing physical features.[88] Occasionally, the EEP created a smart super mutant who wasn't immediately scorned by their dumb brethren, allowing these individuals to rise to prominence as vicious warlords. Shepherd was one such notable mutant, attempting to reorganize the Capital Wasteland super mutants into a horde around 2282, and was stopped by Brotherhood forces under Elder Arthur Maxson.[89] However, owing to two centuries of proliferation and FEV's effects, super mutant hives became commonplace, with stockpiles of FEV retrieved from biomedical facilities in the East used to force the irreversible transformation on any human subject the mutants could capture The Unity The vats were rediscovered in 2102 by an expedition led by Harold, a major Hub merchant. Accompanied by Richard Grey, a brilliant exile from Vault City, he managed to crack the Mariposa base security and infiltrate the lower levels. However, within the vats, the automated crane crashed into the two, knocking Harold out and flinging Grey into the vat with FEV. Harold woke up in the wastes outside the base, mutating due to exposure to FEV fumes, but becoming a special type of a ghoul-like mutant, rather than a super mutant. Grey, on the other hand, underwent extreme mutation due to prolonged exposure to the virus in the vat. His intellect grew exponentially, allowing him to comprehend even the most complex issues easily (or so he thought).[Non-game 8][91] Grey methodically researched FEV, experimenting with animals and eventually, captured scavengers that strayed into the facility. It was not until a few failed mutations that he discovered radiation count to be a deciding factor in the success of the change, leading him to pick subjects more carefully.[91][Non-game 9] When his Lieutenant was created, he suggested a secondary reason for possible incompatibility. Reviewing available evidence, he concluded that failed mutations in relatively non-radiated humans are caused by the inoculating effect mutated FEV had on humans with which it came into contact.[12] Such exposure was not enough to cause phenotypical changes, but enough to cause conflicts when the pure FEV in Mariposa attempted to change the DNA, resulting in the death of the subject By carefully selecting his test subjects, he managed to create the first real super mutants in January 2103.[Non-game 10] Through a combination of willing converts and abductions, the Master slowly builds up the foundations for his army between 2103 and 2130.[Non-game 11] The impact of the Great Winter of 2130 results in him stepping up his operations and spreading them out into the wasteland, attacking caravans to gather human stock for transformations. The string of attacks between 2131 and 2135 boosts the size of his army. The attacks are blamed on desert monsters in the Hub.[Non-game 12] Due to reliance on wastelanders, only 20% of the dipped population survives the dipping and of that number, only half seem to last and become a part of the Unity. Regardless, it continues to grow.[Non-game 13] By 2152, the Unity's influence has spread through the wastes and the Master recruited a group of doomsday cultists under Morpheus to act as spies, rather than stock for transformation.[Non-game 14] Four years later, the cultists would form the Children of the Cathedral to act as a front for the Unity, proselytizing, recruiting, and preparing munition dumps for the coming super mutant offensive.[Non-game 15] Between 2155 and 2156, the Master makes another important discovery: His forces intercept a caravan of Vault dwellers, leading him to discover Vault-Tec's demonstration Vault. He moved his command center to the Vault, using the cultists to set up the Cathedral, and launched a campaign to discover Vaults to gain prime subjects for his super mutant army.[Non-game 16] At least one installation, Vault 17, was discovered and its inhabitants transformed into super mutants. The success rate is far higher than when using regular wastelanders. Even the elderly Lily Bowen was successfully transformed into a super mutant at the age of 75 - and a nightkin no less The Master and his staff also experimented with FEV by injecting it into the brains of the subjects (usually the pineal gland, but also the amygdala or medulla), triggering changes in brain chemistry.[44] These experiments had limited success: four extremely powerful psykers were created, capable of theoretically wiping out the human race.[Non-game 4] By 2161, the Unity was on the verge of achieving total military superiority over the human inhabitants of New California. All that was needed was Vault 13 and its inhabitants.[94] All FEV development and experimentation by the Master was abruptly halted by the Vault Dweller, of the very Vault the Master needed to dominate the New West. Vault 96 Edgar Blackburn began his own, independent research initiative into FEV, after realizing that observation, not a cure, was the purpose of the West Tek initiatives at Huntersville.[96] He was not sure what the purpose of infecting the water supply was, apart from this observation, as they knew the virus in its current state "produced horrors."[96][97] He resolved to make good on the promise of FEV and create a true immunizing agent that would cause humanity to evolve. Blackburn continued his work after the war in Vault 96, utilizing human subjects abducted by a group of mercenaries called the Hellcat Company in an attempt to create "perfected FEV."[98][99] Super mutants created were considered failures by Blackburn, and set free outside the Vault.[100] Ultimately, Blackburn and his work were ended by the intervention of the Brotherhood First Expeditionary Force and a Vault Dweller from Vault 76 Enclave FEV Curling-13 Main articles: FEV Curling-13, Modified FEV Seeking the means to achieve their plans of global genocide, the Enclave excavated Mariposa from July to August 2236, in search of surviving samples of FEV-2. Using slaves captured in towns across New California, they managed to uncover the vats and secure the necessary scientific material. However, slaves exposed to the raw virus in the ruins of the base mutated, creating the second generation super mutants.[12] The uneven nature of exposure, coupled with a significant radiation count meant that those that survived the change suffered from significant mental damage. Retreating from the base, the Enclave blasted the only remaining entrance, trapping the mutants inside.[12] The Enclave's Chemical Corps proceeded to work on the acquired samples of the virus, creating a staggeringly effective killer, tailored to provide maximum lethality with minimal required exposure. However, two weeks before the virus' deployment, the Enclave, and the virus stockpiles were destroyed. However, copies of research were transmitted to Raven Rock, providing Raven Rock's ZAX John Henry Eden with an opportunity to achieve plans of genocide. After modifying the FEV Curling-13 to only target the heavily mutated and heavily irradiated, the ZAX unit decided a localized infection of the water supply would be more effective at culling the undesirables while also improving the quality of life for the unmutated and unirradiated Enclave modified FEV The Enclave contingent in the Capital Wasteland utilized a modification of FEV at the behest of President John Henry Eden.[62] This modified FEV was created in an attempt to murder individuals living in the area by contaminating the water supply using the Project Purity facility.[102] President Eden states that the only people who would survive the infection are members of the Enclave and those who were born in the Vaults.[64][103] These plans ended with the destruction of Raven Rock and the Brotherhood of Steel's reclamation of Project Purity, and by 2287 the region is known to have purified, drinkable water.[105] The modified FEV specifically targets the immune system of infected individuals on a cellular level.[65][66] Barrows mentions that ghouls are usually immune to diseases, but are impacted alongside humans.[66] The modified FEV is undetectable in water that has been infected The Institute Main article: Super mutant (Fallout 4) Commonwealth super mutants are the result of the Institute's research into FEV, which has continued since the early 2220s in a dedicated facility. The original goal was the creation of a successor to second generation synths by creating a new breed of super mutant that would serve the Institute as laborer and soldier. Due to a lack of success with mutants, efforts were refocused with the goal of creating third-generation synths. The organic synth project was spun off from the FEV research initiative around 2227 (the acquisition of Shaun), while the FEV research effort continued for several more decades.[50][51] Both women and men were abducted from the Commonwealth and submerged in the Institute's modified FEV, their mutations carefully tracked. Successful mutations were monitored to ensure survivability, then tagged and discarded.[106] In layman's terms, the Institute was simply releasing super mutants into the wild, creating a scourge on the Commonwealth that lasted for years.[107] When Brian Virgil succeeded Dr. Syverson as head of the project in April 2286, it became evident that FEV experimentation ran its course and served no useful purpose, not with the availability of third generation synths.[52] Eventually, as Virgil's conscience took its toll, the scientist lodged a formal complaint with the Directorate.[50] When no reaction came, Virgil rebelled and escaped the Institute after transforming himself into a super mutant, destroying as much of the project as he could.[108] The wrecked FEV lab was marked as a biohazard area and sealed off in the wake of his escape.[109][110] The whole incident was covered up, even from ranking Institute members such as Madison Li, contributing to her dissatisfaction

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