
LV 2
2020-08-01 Bergabung Spain
Lencana 7

Moments 110
20 days ago

Puede resucitar si no muere de forma natural, pero morira de forma natural porque no es inmortal, solo tiene la habilidad de resucitar 3 veces, nose mantendra joven ni nada como el doctor henry, y al final el doctor se dara cuenta cuando pase el tiempo si es inmortal o no, cuando pasen las 3 reencarnacion ya no tendra esa habilidad y creera que rick le mintio...

And what a perfect excuse to persuade Henry to team up. He could tell Henry that he, too, was immortal. The kind-hearted Dr. Henry surely wouldn't want to see his benefactor die just to test it out, right? What a fantastic pretext!

Reborn as Richard Castle in Criminal Minds

Reborn as Richard Castle in Criminal Minds

TV · Mutter

21 days ago

Solo espero que eso de ser un héroe caballeroso y andar con mascara sea un forma de expresarse y no lo que en realidad va a hacer...

What boy hasn't fantasized about being a chivalrous hero, sword in hand, roaming the world? Whether it was Duke, deeply influenced by martial arts novels in his previous life, or Castle, who grew up on superhero comics in this life, the childhood dreams of vanquishing evil and promoting good that were deeply rooted in his heart finally had a chance to be realized. How could Castle resist?

Reborn as Richard Castle in Criminal Minds

Reborn as Richard Castle in Criminal Minds

TV · Mutter

1 months ago

cuando prometió que iba a enseñarles algo?

"That prison was indeed perfect. I had not a single chance to escape from it, no matter how many plans I came up with, all of them shattered against the harsh reality - I was helpless. As one of my overseers said, no water bending would help me get out of that prison. That became the final straw, and I gave up. I stopped even thinking about finding a way to escape using water bending. Hehehe. However, it became clear to me - if not by water, then try by earth. I had only a hypothesis, which suggested that perhaps originally benders didn't master elements, or mastered all of them, but, depending on various circumstances, they had to choose one element for themselves and focus on it. Through many generations, this resulted in a huge potential in that element for their descendants, but almost complete inability in other elements. I don't know if I was right about the history, maybe the legendary lion turtles were involved, or perhaps all the inhabitants of the world are aliens from another world, who knows. However, I followed the essence of the hypothesis - a bender can master another element. The question is how much time it will take. And I had plenty of time. Day and night, almost without interruption, I tried to start controlling earth. Later, as I promised, I'll try to teach you, Katara and Aang, the same. If Sokka wants, I'll teach him too. Maybe he's also a bender, just it hasn't manifested yet. Nine to ten months later, the first successes appeared.

Avatar The Last Airbender: Not Avatar

Avatar The Last Airbender: Not Avatar

Anime & Comics · Vandalizer

1 months ago

para ser un villano realmente se pasa de tonto por decirlo suavemente, Porque le anda diciendo a prácticamente extraños toda su vida, lo que sabe o no sabe hacer, si algún enemigo o alguien que quiera matarlo sabe toda su vida sabrá a lo que atenerse cuando se enfrenta a él y puede terminar muerto... o encarcelado.... otra vez... realmente me gusta esta historia, pero esos momentos en que él explica su vida con todo lujo de detalle es completamente innecesario y una estupidez total!

"There's a saying, 'Curiosity killed the cat.' Be careful, or in my sleep, I might think your name is Cat and accidentally rip something off you definitely don't need," I looked seriously at Sokka, and he instinctively grabbed his nose, then, as I shifted my gaze lower, he, wide-eyed, started to protect something more important. "As for your question - I simply had no choice. Since childhood, I mastered water, not to brag, just for the record, so to speak, my mother called me a genius in waterbending. Though neither she nor her ancestors demonstrated any bending ability in water for several generations, so it's unclear by what standards she measured, but she never doubted her words. I mastered water and ice long ago, when my brother was still alive, later gained notoriety as a maniac butcher, which wasn't far from the truth, spent some time living as a pickpocket in one of the Earth Kingdom cities, mastering water to a high level, I believe. Traveling and hiding, I also successfully mastered steam. It's much harder, but the power is greater! Especially the destructive power. Living in the woods for a while, I tried to find new aspects of waterbending and one day discovered the ability to... control blood. This, by the way, was a main argument for sparing my life when I was captured by the Fire Nation people. I don't know what they wanted to do with me next, but bloodbending was clearly needed for something. After bloodbending, I learned to extract water from plants and living beings' blood, control plants. I actively used all this in confrontation with the Fire Nation.

Avatar The Last Airbender: Not Avatar

Avatar The Last Airbender: Not Avatar

Anime & Comics · Vandalizer

1 months ago

Mucha reflexión por parte del protagonista recién casi en la última parte del capítulo se ve algo de acción en la trama, casi todos los capítulos tienen demasiada reflexión...

1 months ago

Siento que la trama se pierde en tanto relleno de pensamientos y expectativas del protagonista, los capítulos están casi rellenos de pensamientos sobre que pasaría si.. o otros pensamientos y reflexiones del protagonista totalmente innecesarios en mi opinión, sin ofender al autor pero he llegado a saltar todas sus reflexiones para tratar de encontrar solo unos pocos párrafos que hablan sobre cómo seguirá la historia entre tanto relleno, incluso la trama se me pierde y ni hablar de las interacciones entre los personajes de la historia lo único en lo que parece que interactua fuera de sus pensamientos es en el Capítulo donde el anciano le enseña e incluso eso está también rellenado con pensamientos del protagonista y cuando enfrenta a ese niño de 5 años donde aparece otro anciano... toda la historia seguirá así? Me gusta la idea de esta historia pero esta muy rellena de pensamientos, y siento repetir lo mismo una y otra ves, pero nunca leí una historia con tanto relleno de pensamientos de un protagonista ...

1 months ago

ay cosita!!! jajajajajaja sigue pensando asi!

Could it be that he really was more handsome than he thought? Perhaps others just didn't notice his charm regularly?

Naruto: With Favorabiltity System

Naruto: With Favorabiltity System

Anime & Comics · NahinS77

1 months ago

awww el protagonista ya tiene a sus amigos defendiendo su honor! jajajaja me encanta!

"Father, Haneda is not that cunning and insidious!"

Naruto: With Favorabiltity System

Naruto: With Favorabiltity System

Anime & Comics · NahinS77

1 months ago

Espera, entonces fue a propósito? jajajajajajaajajajaja

And also, why did Gai get away with clinging to Haneda when he got kicked off the bed the last time he tried it?!

Naruto: With Favorabiltity System

Naruto: With Favorabiltity System

Anime & Comics · NahinS77

1 months ago


And also, why did Gai get away with clinging to Haneda when he got kicked off the bed the last time he tried it?!

Naruto: With Favorabiltity System

Naruto: With Favorabiltity System

Anime & Comics · NahinS77

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