"There is one option that might work… The Imperial Japanese Army has recently showed that they are willing to spare those soldiers in our armed forces who have dual citizenship with neutral nations… If we could somehow get them to obliterate a unit composed of men exclusively with such origins it could theoretically drag other nations into the war on our behalf…
War · Zentmeister
"Blessed be the lord, my rock, who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle… Psalm 144:1"
War · Zentmeister
However, just before the sword fell, something happened. Perhaps it was a miracle, but the officer was approached by one of the soldiers beneath his command who whispered in his ears. It turned out the officer in question was a dual citizen with the United States. And this information had just been confirmed right before he was to be executed.
War · Zentmeister
I hope you get better soon and make sure you rest plenty of rest and have someone near by just incase if anything happens
Hi guy's I haven't been in the best of states since coming out of hospital I fell unconscious and wacked the front and back off my head and smashed into a candle I don't really remember anything and I'm suffering from a concussion but I'm ok I just want to ask you guy's something I have 5 more chapters left in my stockpile I won't be properly writing until I get better and for my other stories including my collab one with ShatteredBuckethead94 I think it's ended he hasn't gotten back to me or posted the next chapter and my other two stories I'll loop back around eventually but for now there on hiatus not abandoned.
TV · Devastator_21
can't the dude just stay dead
"This is for Leon…"
War · Zentmeister
It would be one thing if they were exchanging losses for wins. But eight months into the war, and France had yet to gain a single victory worthy of note. The only reason Paris had not been seized already was because the Germans were what one from the 21st century might call "farming the French soldiers for xp…" at this point.
War · Zentmeister
And if you manage to kill one of my men, I will personally be taking your daughter's chastity here in front of you before slitting her throat with my bayonet. Surrender peacefully, and all of this madness can be spared. Those are your only options…"
Re: Blood and Iron
War · Zentmeister