He proceeded to die again by being a retard deluded with lame heroic ideals.
As I got out of bed, my mind raced. I was in Izuku's world now, in his body. A world of heroes and villains, of Quirks and quirkless outcasts. A world where, apparently, I was supposed to be some weak, crybaby kid with delusions of heroism.
Anime & Comics · WisteriaNovels
What a quirkless loser, the explosion blonde was right
He looked away, shame clear on his face. "I... I took some pills. After talking to All Might, after being told to give up on my dream... I just couldn't see the point anymore."
Anime & Comics · WisteriaNovels
The cowards way out. I’ll never get how a human could just kill themselves like that. It literally goes against human instincts. What a bitch.
He looked away, shame clear on his face. "I... I took some pills. After talking to All Might, after being told to give up on my dream... I just couldn't see the point anymore."
Anime & Comics · WisteriaNovels
Does it get any better? Or should I just stop reading now?
"Eh? Sensei trusts me so easily?"
Anime & Comics · michaeI
"Hey Yuki. Happy birthday to you!~"
Anime & Comics · SugmaMaleWriter
After that, they went to the arcade. Yuki was ass at everything but Murayama was too cuz she's a woman. But Murayama suprised Yuki though when they played hoops and she was ballin.
Anime & Comics · SugmaMaleWriter
Paragraf ini telah dihapus.
Anime & Comics · SugmaMaleWriter
No clue
Nah not really preparing. He was just being a extreme nerdy fanboy is all
Smart kid, I thought, settling into the desk chair. Analyzing quirks, documenting weaknesses... he's been preparing for this his whole life.
My Hero Academia: Izuku Reloaded
Anime & Comics · WisteriaNovels