LordFish - Profile


LV 4
2020-06-20 Bergabung Global

Lencana 6

Moments 28


A good premise overall with it being different from the random cliches you may read everyday. The Pros: 1. The power system is easy to understand. 2. His cheat or system like thing are explained properly over the course of the story. 3. The humor is okay (can be weird sometimes especially if you don't understand it since there are no notes by the author) 4. Decent character development. The cons: 1. I'd just get the major one out fo the window first with it basically being pro China. (No not some name like huaxia but literally China since it's based in real world) This is okay at the start with light praises but boils down to down right racist later on and in any major events you'll read 'China' or 'Chinese' alot in the chapters. (There is literally a sentence which says the MC ate the Chinese military rations, he's not in a mixed military border but is just eating food provided during a school competition and the competition is just based for a prefecture and not the entire country) 2. Many times there's absolutely zero continuity between chapters with random events just changing going in the next chapter. 3. There is not much development of side characters at all. I mean the author talked about MCs first team in a way that you'd think they'll stay relevant to the story even if only a little. But they only show their names once or twice that too is just names and they disappear in their entirety. Another example would be the other guy in the second team who only has the bear minimal involvement despite talking about how important teams and stuff are. 4. The author tries to bring humor to serious scenes in the story and it downright destroys the entire momentum of it. 5. The fight scenes are basically trash. If I were to describe it they feel like they were written by a child who just had a higher vocabulary so he didn't use sound effects to write them but just put in description of those sound effects. Because of the trash rating system of webnovel I can't really rate it properly so I just randomly put stars to come somewhere close to where I would like it. And for the comments describing the translation as bad, they're simply trying to say that there are no author notes so they can't understand some of the events taking place (region specific humor or phrases). The work itself is entirely readable. All I can say is if you're fine with the racism then this would be a good read and about 4 stars but because of just the huge amounts of it, I'll only be giving it 2.

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