

male LV 15

There is nothing to really say. I'm just a teenager. Update, Since the creation of this account I have evolved to an adult with responsibilities, please send help.

2020-06-07 Bergabung United Kingdom
Lencana 18

Moments 2319
3 days ago
Replied to Microraptor

Hm, that does make sense in all honesty.

I took aim again and blew the heads off the two guards in the watchtowers with my rifle. I would have appreciated a silencer, but I couldn't find one anywhere.

Fallout:Industrial Baron in Caesar's Legion

Fallout:Industrial Baron in Caesar's Legion

Video Games · Chill_ean_GUY

5 days ago

General Tullius POV:


The Court Mage tossed the disturbingly cheery General a full bandolier of what looked to be Magicka potions, powerful ones at that going by the glow, and the legionaries shivered as the old Imperial's eyes seemed to take on a cruel shine.

Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale

Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale

Video Games · Rastislav

5 days ago

"drown them in their own corpses for their fucking audacity" truth be told, had me in giggle fits 🤣

"What does it matter to you anyway?" The orc turns back to his men "We are going up against beasts of the apocalypse and idiots dumb enough to try and worship them. If a necromancer offers to drown them in their own corpses for their fucking audacity I will be the first to welcome him."

Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale

Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale

Video Games · Rastislav

9 days ago
Replied to Potaatoo

🤣 fair enough then


4) The MC was supposed to be an anti hero, but I've only portrayed him as a regular justice minded character. This wasn't how it was supposed to be unfortunately.

Ninja War God: Reborn with SSS Rank Cheats

Ninja War God: Reborn with SSS Rank Cheats

Anime & Comics · Potaatoo

9 days ago

An Anti-Hero, huh? I'd actually recommend watching various shows / movies during this week to find out how you will portray him as an Anti-Hero since you could go all; "Dexter Morgan" - TV series called Dexter (Dude who murders other murderers for his own pleasure, but similarly because he believes he is saving innocent people) Patrick Bateman - Movie called American Psycho (Psychopath who hides his psychotic tendencies because he wants to fit in) Rorschach - Movie from 2009 Walter White - Tv Show breaking bad Deadpool - Marvel comics / movies Captain Jack Sparrow - Pirates of the Carribean movies Etc, Etc There are a lot of anti-hero's in media that have been portrayed over the years. If you are struggling to portray that he is an anti-hero, why not take some inspiration / see how these characters are portrayed?

4) The MC was supposed to be an anti hero, but I've only portrayed him as a regular justice minded character. This wasn't how it was supposed to be unfortunately.

Ninja War God: Reborn with SSS Rank Cheats

Ninja War God: Reborn with SSS Rank Cheats

Anime & Comics · Potaatoo

9 days ago

If you do romance, I beg it isn't his childhood friend 😭 Well, I don't actually care how you do it as long as you enjoy it, and it's easiest for you, lol But childhood friends are easily one of the most common romance tropes i've seen. Then again, do what you personally think is best. At the end of the day, i'm merely a reader, and you are the Author.


Yeah, no Mei as FL. No harem. As for romance entirely, I'm actually thinking about it. I don't really know if I will add romance or not, but it'll depend on the flow of the story.

Ninja War God: Reborn with SSS Rank Cheats

Ninja War God: Reborn with SSS Rank Cheats

Anime & Comics · Potaatoo

10 days ago

Intentional design flaws* is the term I prefer to use lol. When your whole pitch is "we sell machines and their spare parts", kind of dries up your income when the stuff doesnt break 🤣 I think there is another term for it other than "intentional design flaw", but I can't remember 🤔

'Blessed be Caesar's disdain for unreliable machinery.'

Fallout:Industrial Baron in Caesar's Legion

Fallout:Industrial Baron in Caesar's Legion

Video Games · Chill_ean_GUY

11 days ago

I believe the term suppressor is also applicable. Though "Silencer," I believe, is used more often by gun owners, whereas "Suppressor" is used by those in the gun industry.

I took aim again and blew the heads off the two guards in the watchtowers with my rifle. I would have appreciated a silencer, but I couldn't find one anywhere.

Fallout:Industrial Baron in Caesar's Legion

Fallout:Industrial Baron in Caesar's Legion

Video Games · Chill_ean_GUY

11 days ago
Replied to mortuuspanda

the GOAT movie from my childhood lol

12 days ago
Replied to Potaatoo

That's good to hear, at least. As long as you take breaks when you need them, then you should be fine. But, if you start to notice any burnout / general exhaustion from writing so much, then I'd say take a week or so. But yeah man, I'm absolutely loving the fic so far. You totally threw me off guard with Taka (I think that was his name?) dying. I didn't expect it to go from "Yeah, my bugs are the best!" to "My teammate's head hanging from a tree" in the span of like two chapters 🤣 It was actually pretty shocking in all honesty, in a good way of course. Most Authors who do Naruto fanfics steer away from jumping straight into the grit that would come with the Naruto universe being real, or they stick to keeping the violence simple, so well done man it was great

So, I'm making changes to the upload schedule. Everyday, I'll be uploading a minimum of 2 until the end of this month. It will most probably go up based on my mood. 

Ninja War God: Reborn with SSS Rank Cheats

Ninja War God: Reborn with SSS Rank Cheats

Anime & Comics · Potaatoo