The day is won.
Blitzkrieg works and probably always will, just don't get bogged down into an atritional war and all will go well. Ah who am I kidding it's 1910s Russia. They will collapse matter what happens! :)
Well. That was a helluva ride.
Oh yea Austria-Hungry exists... Lets hope they don't mess things up too much
Ah **** a system, well I'll give it a chance but depending on how this is handled this might be a quick drop.
I know this is supposed to be fiction but at least make me suspended my disbelief a little bit. This is literally a tuesday here in the US of A!
Hey author? I really do enjoy this book and I am quite hopeing for a new update! Can we get an ETA for when you might return? If you have truelly dropped this thank you for what you have put out and good luck in anything else.
So, Jutland but with German Bias. Nice.
Please call me William III
History · warriorX