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male LV 5

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2020-05-06 Bergabung Germany

Lencana 6

Moments 3543



Lyman remained silent. These two were completely uncultured. They probably couldn't appreciate this type of art film. Putting aside the director's personal elements, the quality of this film was above average. The plot was smooth, the pacing was well-controlled, and the actors' performances were not superficial. It was still watchable. "Let's go back," Lyman said and took a step forward, walking along the road.

Legendary Hollywood Director

Legendary Hollywood Director

Realistic · Shallowman

Replied to 0vrLrd71

i think i read thaz too somehwer e

"How would you like to learn how to phase like me?" Truthfully I'm just winging this out of my metallic ass but it's worth a try. 

The Vision

The Vision

Movies · QuackVader

Replied to Dieudonner_17

i heard that at one point the dc and marvel universe where one but then got split up and that OAA And the presence are brothers. It was probably just a spin off comic idk

"How would you like to learn how to phase like me?" Truthfully I'm just winging this out of my metallic ass but it's worth a try. 

The Vision

The Vision

Movies · QuackVader

Replied to JoyousRebellion

and he is a cuck u forgot that

For one, The sun wouldn't affect him if he were to be out during the day, and his strength would gain a slight increase during the night-time.

Marvel: My Vampire System

Marvel: My Vampire System

Movies · EternalStar1

Replied to Tilted19

u didnt get what bro was saying at all dude

"Technically, it's not Tony Stark's, but when has anybody ever agreed with technicalities?"

The Vision

The Vision

Movies · QuackVader


cosmic beings are obly known to few people and even if everyone in the universe whorshipped them they are cosmic beings they have no need for petty faith from mortals

But even with galaxies under his rule, faith wouldn't make everything possible. It had a limit, or else cosmic entities would be revered throughout the cosmos. And the more one had, the slower it would get to form more faith energy.

Loki: The Frozen King (MCU)

Loki: The Frozen King (MCU)

Movies · SnowApathie


there is a reason why ultron in the comics is one of the biggest threats there is lol

On the off chance that I die, well I guess I'll just re-download my memories into one of the robots lying around in the base and start again. It really is hard to die as a sentient AI. 

The Vision

The Vision

Movies · QuackVader


a Serum? for a body that has barely any flesh and mostly strives on metals and tech? seems like more of a risk than a benefit

Hmm, quite a bit but I don't think anything's going to happen there if I wait to inject myself with the serum before leaving. 

The Vision

The Vision

Movies · QuackVader


wall of Text, use Paragraphs pls

As Akako Uzumaki took her last few breaths, tears streamed down her face, creating a river of sadness. She gazed upon her beloved child, Naoki, with a mixture of love and despair. Her voice cracked as she imparted her final words of wisdom and love to her little one. "Your name will be Naoki, Naoki Senju," she whispered hoarsely. "Take care of yourself, train hard, and respect your elders. Don't fall into the traps of bad women or alcohol, and always be cautious with money." As she struggled to speak, her breaths became shallower and shallower. "Remember, mommy will always love you," she said, planting a final kiss on his forehead before succumbing to the darkness. Tsunade took the child into her arms, feeling the weight of his loss and the weight of his future on her shoulders. The room was filled with an unbearable silence, as the two women mourned the loss of their dear friend and ally.

Tobirama's Descendant

Tobirama's Descendant

Anime & Comics · lil_crocomanify


i feel like he is kinda both no? his human mind still is somewhat heroic but then comes the cold and analytical computer part of him that Sees benefits in saving someone which makes it interesting

I could be a self-righteous hypocrite and say I wanted to save her from her torment, or simply accept the fact that she might be a nice addition to have alongside the twins and Davis here. 

The Vision

The Vision

Movies · QuackVader


it'll be unforgetable alright

"The Stark Expo will start next week and everyone is welcome to join this event. Tony Stark mentioned that it will be unforgettable." said the reporter enthusiastically.

With The Sharingan In The MCU

With The Sharingan In The MCU

Movies · RetMod


must have been thrown like a Baby otherwise the head woulda been blown off

I even threw it once at a bad guy but nothing happened except some head trauma for the criminal.

With The Sharingan In The MCU

With The Sharingan In The MCU

Movies · RetMod



This would be a real selfless act to save this world.

With The Sharingan In The MCU

With The Sharingan In The MCU

Movies · RetMod


cuz most people arent as narcissitic as stark lol

Every time Director Fury thinks we've got a superhuman on our hands, he sends me out to deal with them. Why people cannot be like Stark and simply show up and make my work easy?

With The Sharingan In The MCU

With The Sharingan In The MCU

Movies · RetMod

Replied to Godfrey_the_Human

u Sound like u have experience


My Sharingan would probably make me a competent sharpshooter. However, I decided to stick to the medieval method of using a machete, knife, and throwing knives, all combined with a military outfit and tactical vest.

With The Sharingan In The MCU

With The Sharingan In The MCU

Movies · RetMod

Replied to Anup_RyuSenju

So the only reason to save someone is getting somethikg out of like gratitude ?

She looked at me and said "What just happened? What are you people?"

With The Sharingan In The MCU

With The Sharingan In The MCU

Movies · RetMod


buying? So he has money ?

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