maybe make him reincarnate as historical Figures (maybe both in the muggel and magical world?) or have him reincarnate outside of Europe a few times
2. What is your thoughts on the whole bloodline reincarnation? would you rather i take a different approach to his reincarnations, or do you have any recommendations or critiques?
Book&Literature · LazyCaveman
I am going with Valyrians taking different gods and including them in there culture like Ulmo, Surya,Yavanna....etc.
TV · Just_for_fun1997
2) Should take it easy:
Anime & Comics · That_One_Dead_Ali
its Like the rant kurama made about yuna to hagoromo
"She is a complete degenerate! She is uncontested when it comes to how perverted a human could possibly be. Her favorite jokes are sexual innuendos. She is a complete degenerate! Every time she fights someone strong, she goes on a rampage despite being able to win much more easily if she just fought normally. She is a complete degenerate! She freely switches through different personalities and moods just to trick as many people as possible. She is a complete degenerate! When she wants something from someone, her first thoughts always involve bribery or blackmail. She is a complete degenerate! She has not the slightest care for the sanity of the people around her and mercilessly crushes their minds, plunging them into madness. SHE IS A COMPLETE DEGENERATE!!!"
Anime & Comics · Maerry
Like that ?
While Yuna finished her mental conversation with Kurama, Rukia took the empty seat next to Yuna and smiled at her kindly, which she returned with a smile of her own.
Anime & Comics · Maerry
A body tackled me out of the way of an attack that left the wooden crates behind me a mess of wrecked goods. Is that a cabbage? Who puts a cabbage…the cabbage was stepped on by a scaly foot and a packet with a white substance spilled out. Cocaine. Oh.
TV · Saintbarbido
the fastest way to a girls heart
Chidori is cool.
Anime & Comics · Lowkeygoodstuff
'I will reach that kind of level someday. No, I will surpass it. Compared to my fire of youth, this is nothing. YOUTH!!!'
Anime & Comics · Maerry
"... permanently change your gender and join my harem?"
Anime & Comics · Maerry
yes please
-> (stay in DC a little longer and cover the next event that is important.)
Hades in the Multiverse
Anime & Comics · Cedric_7512