
female LV 10

Tall, brunette, has a thing for books.

2020-04-29 Bergabung United States
Karya Asli
Lencana 5

  • Stowaway on a Spaceship? original

    Stowaway on a Spaceship?


    Asher is a pale, American shut-in with no friends to speak of and a family whose definition of love was eating a meal together once every Friday night. His life was mediocre at best. But one day after falling asleep comfortably in his bed, he wakes up to find himself 2000 years in the future. After some rocky introductions, he suddenly has to decide whether or not he's willing to break the law in order to keep his life.

    8 Chs 13 Koleksi

  • The Legend of Spring original

    The Legend of Spring


    May was a whirlwind of emotions the night of her twentieth birthday. Not much had changed in the last twenty years of her life, and she had been expecting her regular party. But she ended up getting a little more than she had asked for. Her little brother was running wild, her best friend was angry with her, and somehow... she had become somebody's fiancee. May didn't think it could get any worse, but nothing could have prepared her for the tragedy she faced that night. A tragedy that would change her life forever...

    4 Chs 2 Koleksi

  • Parallel Lights original

    Parallel Lights


    Alice was just a regular girl, who's only worries included what she was going to have for supper and who was going to prepare it that night. But that all changed one day while she was out for groceries and everything went pitch black. Before she knew it, she was awake inside a strange room, her arms covered in bandages. She had no idea what had happened to her, but she got the feeling she was soon to find out.

    1 Chs 0 Koleksi