What a battle, more like a war, but Damon came back like before
I just hope the fight doesn't go to the judges.
Poor Max 😭
Focus on the Demon Arc the tournament is good and exciting, but it has become a little long.
RonanBlack: James Jonas to the best in the world, he is P4P #1
กีฬา · Shadowwarrior_007
Svetlana answered casually, almost without thinking. "Yeah, I'm gonna visit the hospital today."
กีฬา · Shadowwarrior_007
Maybe a husband? That's better than a servant.
**Is it the book version or the series? I hope the book because it has many characters and more details. Also, Daenerys is much more beautiful in the book.** It is also good to see that the **MC** has some ambition. It is exciting to see him in the future conquering Yunkai alone. I hope that he is the one who occupies the city, not **Daenerys**. The **MC** can build the second **Ghiscari Empire**, and many proud nobles will follow him in the book. The **Ghiscari** people are very proud of their ancestors’ legacy and the glory of the ancient empire. > *“Ours is the blood of ancient Ghis, whose empire was old when Valyria was yet a squalling child.”* > **—Grazdan mo Eraz to Daenerys Targaryen** > *“Old Ghis ruled an empire when the Valyrians were still fucking sheep, and we are the sons of the harpy.”* > **—Kraznys mo Nakloz to Missandei** Maybe some nobles will follow him to build their own Second Empire. Also, the **MC** doesn’t have to free the slaves all at once because slavery is the city’s economy, and the city depends on trade. The city has nothing to sell except slaves. The **MC** has to build an industry like **glassmaking, silk production, or cement manufacturing**, etc. And he can use his magic to make the land more fertile or accelerate food growth, like creating **modified crops** or **heirloom varieties**. In the book, the slavers burned the farms before the **Mother of Dragons** even occupied the city, and they besieged **Meereen Bay** with warships to prevent trade and food from entering. In the book, this caused a famine. I love the idea of building a kingdom. I hope the **MC** has great ambition to become a **king** rather than become Daenerys’s **subordinate**. Thanks for the chapter! I’m very excited for the story!
I'm excited to see what the system's rewards will be. I hope they're worth all the effort. Thanks for the chapter. I'm excited to see what the fighters and fans think about Demon's victory.
MMA System: I Will Be Pound For Pound Goat
กีฬา · Shadowwarrior_007