I hope all went well with your surgery and that you are feeling better with each passing day. May our hopes for 2025 be heard and be fruitful. Thank you for continuing your hard work on this beautiful story. Please take good care of yourself and rest well.
He’s not the father you got but he’s the father you deserve. I love them together.
Beautiful 💜
I hope no one was expecting justice for Hao. Those two should just get together and jointly raise their dream son.
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Eastern · Ancient Xi
I hope this finds you well, sheltered from life’s hardships, ensconced in the loving embrace of those and that which keeps you safe, happy, and healthy. Please be at ease, allowing yourself to move forward when it is best for you and yours. Thank you again for the gift you have so kindly provided us. I hope an opportunity arises in the future to dance amongst your words once again. Until then, take care, eat and sleep well, and smile with the knowledge that have you made others smile simply by sharing a part of you.
This beautifully crafted story is one worth waiting for. As always, thank you for your hard work and diligence. Please put your health first and trust that those who love and enjoy your creation will be waiting in the wings with support and anticipation aplenty. Take care 🙏🏻
I didn’t know you could see who voted lol. I’m sorry it’s not much, especially in the face of the hard work of creation, but I just wanted to cheer you and your wonderful story on. Please remember to eat and rest well and not push yourself too hard. Thank you again for your hard work 🙏🏻
You’re a beautiful storyteller. You have a wonderful way with words that encompasses both the creative and technical sides of writing. I look forward to reading more of this finely crafted work and hope that both this story and your talent continue to shine for a long, long time. Thank you for this unexpected but fondly appreciated gift.
Beautiful, simply beautiful. What an incredible jewel, a piece of art. The story is like a dream filled with moments that touch you in different ways. I would like to dream this dream always. I hope it never ends.
I’m here for it…standing up and slowly clapping…win or lose, he’s got heart not a hero complex.
Follow the path of Dao from infancy
Eastern · Ancient Xi