

LV 14

Something about myself And if there was never another Naruto fanfiction made, it wouldn’t have happened soon enough

2020-04-05 Bergabung Global
Lencana 7

Moments 17311
2 hours ago
Replied to Deathly_Rose

This is also peak athleticism of Wayde

"Is this the speed a player should have after having his meniscus removed?" Wang Chong wondered, utterly astonished by Wade's extraordinary performance.

NBA: LeBron James wants to team up with me

NBA: LeBron James wants to team up with me

Video Games · Chugamc

2 hours ago
Replied to Nico_De_Leon

Not because he’s white

2 hours ago

But Jordan didn’t win a title until he beat Bird

Therefore, although Wang Chong has never seen Bird play in person, he has always believed that Bird's personal ability is not necessarily superior to that of Durant and Antetokounmpo. After all, as a scorer, Bird has never averaged more than 30 points per game in his career, neither in the regular season nor in the playoffs.

NBA: LeBron James wants to team up with me

NBA: LeBron James wants to team up with me

Video Games · Chugamc

2 hours ago

Larry is easily top 10 all time

"Growth template 1: Larry Bird, player rating S+, growth ceiling 97."

NBA: LeBron James wants to team up with me

NBA: LeBron James wants to team up with me

Video Games · Chugamc

7 hours ago

Dobby is my guy

"Yes, Harry Potter, Dobby loved the last movie with all of the exploding things. Can we see another movie with lots and lots of things going boom. Please, please, please," said the little elf as he bounced up and down in his seat.

The Paranoid Harry Potter

The Paranoid Harry Potter

Book&Literature · Mystic_Verse

8 hours ago

Best house elf not named Kreacher

"Of course, Dobby is always very happy to help out the great Harry Potter," said Dobby almost hyperventilating in his eagerness to serve his favorite wizard.

The Paranoid Harry Potter

The Paranoid Harry Potter

Book&Literature · Mystic_Verse

8 hours ago
Replied to Big_Bo

Especially since to get roles they pretty much all have to go through the casting couch, being a cuck ain’t cool

"Kelly has been worrying, but recently Emma seems to have developed an interest in drama, she asked for her mom to get her some acting and singing lessons. Kelly is hopeful high school will be the place she really finds what she loves." 

Asher Hawkins:Legacy of the Basketball GOAT

Asher Hawkins:Legacy of the Basketball GOAT

Celebrities · Legacy_24

14 hours ago

She is at best second rate to begin with

The Sitri Heiress started to feel that this situation had placed her butt on fire. If she continues like that, she will become a 2nd rate! 

Games We Play -Shaman

Games We Play -Shaman

Anime & Comics · Dragon15681

19 hours ago

Worst region since Johto

"Now~ join me, Kisaki, as we witness the final moments of the Paldea Pokémon League Champion Assessment!"

Pokemon: The Untamed Journey

Pokemon: The Untamed Journey

Anime & Comics · Nyxal

19 hours ago

Leadership usually isn’t worth the raise given

"I'm rethinking this whole leadership thing," he says whole handing Sero the stack of papers. He takes off his visor and goes to get a drink and bowl of cereal, sitting at the small table nearby and having a quick meal.

MHA: Horizon (Ope-Ope No Mi)

MHA: Horizon (Ope-Ope No Mi)

Anime & Comics · keanu_eugene