blown them up
"If we only had the exploding arrow, maybe we could've blown them."
Video Games · EnderStar
"Oh fuck! Shit!" Sam cursed as he closed his eyes and dropped the ball that is slowly fading away into small wisps of light.
Movies · SlimeSage
This decision was made based on the fact that his demand for the white powder would only increase in the future, with the most recent one likely when he conquers the surrounding areas around Zanzan.
War · FerriticMatrix
Recovering from the flu myself so I sympathize, get well soon.
should have thrown in some quotes from Machiavelli, he was a famous advocate for not relying on mercenaries.
"But a standing army, an army created to protect Zanzan will not. Because they have a large stake in the city, their homes, families, and friends, unlike the mercenaries." Alexander gave his reasoning.
War · FerriticMatrix
Buku ini telah dihapus.
Meanwhile in North America, Germans carry out genocide.
Against such overwhelming Military Might, what little remained of the Anangpur Army quickly surrendered their arms, and were taken captive by the German Marines who treated them with respect. After all, German military law strictly forbid the mistreatment of prisoners, and unlike the Imperial Japanese Army, the soldiers of the Reich were instilled with a strict sense of discipline.
History · Zentmeister
The Persian King's face grew so flushed with anger that Durio half expected the man to defenestrate him, and thus he took some measures to avoid such a horrific fate. Mainly moving away from the window.
History · Zentmeister
funny how a single letter can change the meaning of an entire paragraph....