Webnovel Author: Wild_Wine - Fanfic Collection



male LV 2

Pokemon, Naruto and some other anime.

2020-03-23 Bergabung Canada

Lencana 5

Moments 599

Replied to Uwooopppsss_02

lol that's really helpful, thanks

For example, electric-type Pokemon double the reaction speed while fighting types provide two times the normal strength. Nothing too overpowered like superheroes but nothing too normal either. But the benefits decrease as the number of contracts increases, Starter pokemon always doubles a specific ability while the sixth contracted pokemon only improves an ability by 1.2 times.

Pokemon: The Medieval Era

Pokemon: The Medieval Era

Anime & Comics · Wild_Wine

Replied to Wild_Wine


Also, are you ok with levels being baby, beginner, intermediate, advanced, elite, King, champion and so on or do you want it like in the games mentioning level 10 or level 20? If so I can add a new auxiliary page trying to put all the info together.

Pokemon: The Medieval Era

Pokemon: The Medieval Era

Anime & Comics · Wild_Wine

Replied to A_Beautiful_Hart

there are no levels so don't woryh

Also, are you ok with levels being baby, beginner, intermediate, advanced, elite, King, champion and so on or do you want it like in the games mentioning level 10 or level 20? If so I can add a new auxiliary page trying to put all the info together.

Pokemon: The Medieval Era

Pokemon: The Medieval Era

Anime & Comics · Wild_Wine

Replied to A_Beautiful_Hart

yes sorry my bad

"Okay, we should not only work on Light Screen but also on a move called Protect. It's very effective to your species because an Electrabuzz is low on physical defence when compared to other departments," I said explaining the details of Protect.

Pokemon: The Medieval Era

Pokemon: The Medieval Era

Anime & Comics · Wild_Wine

Replied to Lonely_Hermit98

no the second choice is to become Baron of Undella Town

"First, you can graduate with good grades and become Ethan's personal guard in Black City, just like your father did when I was a student. You can work your way up the ranks. Second, after becoming an Elite Trainer, I can recommend you to be the Baron of Undella Town. The King owes a favor to your family for what Timothy did to protect the town, and with my recommendation, your success is guaranteed."

Pokemon: The Medieval Era

Pokemon: The Medieval Era

Anime & Comics · Wild_Wine

Replied to Koren_Tiquar

yup 👍

Replied to Koren_Tiquar

done, thanks

Replied to SLappY

there you go made the changes.... check if it makes sense now

Replied to Eberton_Rodrigues

well I never imagined people cared about the anime plot or did so much research on it. will update the synopsis a bit....

"Ok stop!! I was just in a hurry as we have so much to do. Next time, I will surely follow the table manners. Now, please give me the pokeballs of Machop and Blitzle." I said stretching my hand out.

Pokemon: The Medieval Era

Pokemon: The Medieval Era

Anime & Comics · Wild_Wine

Replied to

remember the fight where this is happening not open space. Lot of tress and branches around so you can use that to adavantage... I think I described it but yeah anyway .... my bad, should have put that in better words but for me putting my imagination of the fight into words is the toughest thing😅

Replied to Eberton_Rodrigues

I mean pokeball is invented.... they are made with apricot😅

The Royal family is hiring Royal knights and all the eligible candidates can register in your respective Knight's Hall. The only criteria are that the candidates should have an advanced level mount and a spare Pokemon. Every candidate should at least be of the rank of Knight, civilians are strictly prohibited from registering.

Pokemon: The Medieval Era

Pokemon: The Medieval Era

Anime & Comics · Wild_Wine

Replied to Vartsaur_11

thanks , will correct it

"Well alright, but how long are we waiting here?" she asked again to pass time.

Pokemon: The Medieval Era

Pokemon: The Medieval Era

Anime & Comics · Wild_Wine

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