Sad so to see it go but I agree with the sentiment that you should leave your audience craving more. Congratulations author and thank you for the fun story!
WhySoSiriusTho: @ExpectoTweetronum; It should. It very much should.
Urban · Caeruleum_
WhySoSiriusTho: @ExpectoTweetronum; It should. It very much should.
Urban · Caeruleum_
WhySoSiriusTho: @ExpectoTweetronum; It should. It very much should.
Urban · Caeruleum_
ExpectoTweetronum: My goodness… a billion dollars plus?! And that's only for a month and a week. You guys think [Tech Wiz: Year One] will crack $1.5 billion before it's theatrical two month run ends?
Urban · Caeruleum_
SharinganShenanigans: You have no idea how much that post credit scene did me dirty @HobbitonWifiSucks! Is Caitlyn dead? Is she alive? Was Malakai making a clone of her all along? Did she know about all the events in that went down between Malakai and her son? My questions, just keep piling dammit! I need a [Tech Wiz: Year Two], NOW!! (Bangs table!).
Urban · Caeruleum_
Male which is why he is called uncle
Hearing Lin Haixia's words, Li Hao felt a bit astonished, turned his head and glanced at the man, then fell into silence again.
Eastern · Ancient Xi
It very much reminded her of a particularly popular meme.
Urban · Caeruleum_
I’m against picketing I just don’t know how to show it - Mitch Hedberg
After all, most people in this day and age, in the name of parading their virtues, liked to boycott anything that had a whiff of corruption to it so as not to be labelled as a supporter of such vile practices.
Urban · Caeruleum_
"She's quite attractive. If I conquer her, making her my empress, then Song Yufeng, for the sake of his granddaughter, could become an asset for me in the future. It's a shame she's a few years older than me, but with Tan Palace as her dowry, I don't mind taking a small loss..."
Follow the path of Dao from infancy
Eastern · Ancient Xi