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Lencana 8

Moments 18
2 years ago
Replied to Shadow_Gamer1


3 years ago
Replied to EpimetheusBB

He’s facing off against 10 years of social and behavioral wiring from his friends and family who are mostly notable for facing against the dark arts. He’s making steps, and if his convo with Nathan the prior summer is anything to go off of, he’s going to be tolerating and even embracing the dark arts soon.

3 years ago
Replied to Noname126

Imagine giving a fanfiction a low rating because it’s a fan fiction. It’s like giving a low rating to a fantasy novel cause it has dragons

3 years ago
Replied to EpimetheusBB

I really hate it when people love calling characters an idiot for not being able to perfectly handle a situation. As the reader, you have more knowledge than Harry, so why are you expecting him to act like he knows just as much and react in the right manner

3 years ago
Replied to EpimetheusBB

I’d say Harry is pretty valid in getting mad at Nathan when in his first year he tried to fight a troll, smuggled a dragon, and got hit by a dark curse. Yeah, Harry isn’t too much better, but he’s both 12 and not outwardly seeking trouble like Nathan at times

3 years ago
Replied to a_wizard_did_it

Personally, I think it makes perfect sense that Harry would be trash at Dark spells. Harry just isn’t the type to want pain or bring hurt to others. Voldy may have taught him visualizing what you want, but the chapter gives him that extra push on the nature of dark spells. The explanation on the toll they have, and how a simple finite can’t fix it all also makes the chapter have substance to me at least.

3 years ago

You forgot Dark Magic 101: Dark Arts Classroom, Sept. 16th. That’s the chapter written before this one

3 years ago
Replied to Menhera_chan

Eh, Horcrux is a definite no. Splitting your soul does not sound good for your health or psyche even if its just one. And killing to survive is not the same as killing so you can become immortal. No one can blame you for doing the former, doing the latter however is kinda messed up

3 years ago
Replied to Kelu

Personally I think his power level is alright. He’s a prodigy, but he isn’t stupidly powerful. He’s still 11, and he is not infallible when it comes to being attacked or defeated. He works hard to get where he is, but i can seriously see him getting in a tough situation in the future. Unlike other overpowered protagonists where for some reason they can’t easily defeat everyone in their way

3 years ago
Replied to WhiteChaosLethal

This argument is already making me want to read the novel just to say who’s right in this situation.