I'm pretty sure her son made a big impact as tge 3rd or 2nd incoming of the Alliance that fought Zakuul
Gloria preferred to think of herself as an informational specialist. Just not a digital one. She wasn't a netrunner. She was a talker. A listener. A social slicer. She didn't even have to do anything special to earn that reputation. People just seemed to like opening up to her. When they did, was it really Gloria's fault that she had a unique enough perspective to pick out and exploit the little details that others would deem unimportant?
Movies · Daddy
u could have just said Akali thanks u tho
Mayyam's expression remained unmoved, her voice calm but distant. "I'm sure she's doing fine. She has plenty of mentors."
Video Games · Drunken_Sailor822
Warsaint is such a fucking hard name. it's definitely what they are going to be calling him since that hp bar is visible by everyone
Franklin Valorian: The Ever-Victorious Warsaint.
Anime & Comics · Shiro_Kusanagi_69
who is her daughter
Mayyam's expression remained unmoved, her voice calm but distant. "I'm sure she's doing fine. She has plenty of mentors."
Video Games · Drunken_Sailor822
It's funny the person who killed Smasher is his Handler
That was where V stopped looking. She had a sense of self-preservation, after all. Digging around Arasaka execs was dangerous ground to tread, even for Adam Smasher's handler. The implications there were better left unsaid. And largely, V decided, none of her karking business. If an exec had arranged things to their satisfaction — whatever that satisfaction might be — V wasn't going to be the one to reveal or question it.
Movies · Daddy
Y? A force ghost doesn't need to be related to someone to appear just a strong force planet
Gloria preferred to think of herself as an informational specialist. Just not a digital one. She wasn't a netrunner. She was a talker. A listener. A social slicer. She didn't even have to do anything special to earn that reputation. People just seemed to like opening up to her. When they did, was it really Gloria's fault that she had a unique enough perspective to pick out and exploit the little details that others would deem unimportant?
Movies · Daddy
None of what was just described is even close to an overly emotional girl.
Atom was planning the downfall of an entire gang — the second in less than a month. He was competent, ambitious, and determined, almost single-mindedly so. But also… broken. Gloria could see that much. So she'd taken to giving him what he needed but didn't realize for himself. Taken to coaxing her way into his trust. Taken to mending the cracks in his very foundation with support, care, and unconditional love before it could all come crumbling down around him.
Movies · Daddy
Becca stared at me, a manic, chaotic grin growing wider and wider on her face, "Atom… That is so. Fucking. Sexy. It might be the hottest thing I've ever heard. If Sasha hadn't claimed your first, I might just bend over and suck your brains out through your cock right here and now."
Movies · Daddy
it's says smut in the categories idk wtf u were expecting
"I swear to every slug-sucking god out there, if you don't say yes after that, girl, I'll say it for you!" Kiwi snapped.
Movies · Daddy
I know someone is recording this, and I really want the Emperor to tp Fulgrim and Angron to see what they could've become
The Franklin rolled his divine shoulders, steel feathers singing their readiness for combat. The time for words had passed. Now would come the clash of legends, the meeting of powers that would shake the foundations of reality itself.
The Primarch of Liberty
Anime & Comics · Shiro_Kusanagi_69