It'd be hilarious if the Death Note anime exists in that universe, and it was inspired by Promise's book of grudges. If someone's name goes in the book, their fate is sealed.
"And this here is my current Master. His name is… Promise!"
Anime & Comics · Abhii_28
You sure about the 3 hours? I remember Biscuit saying they'll practice to hold it for 3 hours, but I think she said that after saying the absolute bare minimum needed for fighting is being able to use Ken for 30 minutes. Regardless of the time, yeah, the author probably meant Ken. There isn't really a reason to train how long you can hold ko unless it involves a hatsu condition. Ko leaves you vulnerable, so it's better to train how fast you can swap between zetsu, Ken, and ko. Endurance training should be focused on ken/ryu.
Buku ini telah dihapus.
Ah... I get it. I was wondering why he'd talk on his phone during battle when that's completely out of character. Looks like he's already laying a trap to make others think talking on the phone is needed for the manipulation ability.
Kargis's eyes rolled downward to look at Moses, who stood calmly in the rain, casually talking on the phone.
Anime & Comics · God_of_Chicken
Probably that demon. Create an item that people will want, jack up their greed, profit.
What forger would use valuable gems to create a counterfeit crown?
Anime & Comics · God_of_Chicken
Well.... quite a few of his children ended up permanently dying because of this, so he didn't really get away with it. Regardless, having Lucifer's concepts themselves being crippled for a bit would be way more interesting than just Lucifer being injured. We can get some POVs from the endless (especially Desire with her needing to pick up slack or even getting injured too), heaven (especially Michael's reaction to Lucifer nearly dying), and other big players that try to take advantage of light, desire, and will being weakened/uncontrolled.
"The 'Unfrozen Lake' referred to by Uncle Atam is above the highest peak. Although it is only a legend, the world is so big that there are no wonders!"
Anime & Comics · God_of_Chicken
Looks like god saw the danger of what Lucifer wants to do and gave Lucifer a safeguard/out. Sure, he might get free will, but his personality might get twisted too into what humans believe it to be. If Lucifer were to screw up with regard to that, he'll likely end up attacking heaven again, which in turn makes this prophecy come to fruition where his twisted self is burned and only a weakened version is left (but that version will just be truth and light without the corrupted influence from humans).
I think Michael's daughter gives some interesting avenues to explore. The story seems to be going on the harem route, and she has the ability/power of Michael, so with the whole archangel-nestmate-resonance thing going on, she may get romantically involved. This opens up some more opportunities for development between Lucifer and Michael as well.
Ah, the nostalgia. It's been a long time since I've played God of War 2.
"It did not have to be this way my son," God began, Samael still in shock. "This path is of your own choosing. I never wished such agony upon you, but you brought it upon yourself. You should have left what was not yours out of your reach."
TV · Samael_Son_of_Dawn
I want to see Scarecrow take a shot at D1-3. Especially D3, where you have to fight Diablo in the realm of fear.
Those games? Subnautica, Gears of War, and Diablo.
The Game Cafe in Marvel and DC (different source)
Movies · God_Of_Chaos