"You know… like in the first video you uploaded to your channel," the girl insisted, her eyes shining with enthusiasm. "That part where you told that guy his skill level sucked and that if you ever missed a pass, you'd cut off your hand and mail it to him… Oh my God, that was amazing! Could you say something like that to me? But, you know, with that cold and intimidating tone," she explained.
TV · Nathe07
It would've been more impactful if this entire plot was just flashbacks or characters addressing how the MC changed jujutsu society in the future. It would help by adding mystery behind the MC's actions instead of it just feeling like we're forcibly getting dragged down a checklist of zanpakuto that's taking too long. It would help with the fact that the plot feels less like slow burn and more like repetition. The last few chapters keep going through the same steps: people talking about him making a new blade and that they want in with the MC, Talking or showing the OC(can't be bothered to remember his name) with suzumushi and Gojo or Toji... or both talking about how much they want a zanpakuto and how the one to get it first will be Gojo over and over in a circle. All of that on top of the fact that we're already 50+ chapters in and the MC is still 6 years old and the only thing that's changed is that now there's two zanpakuto in the jjk universe. At this point, the only thing that can properly straighten out the plot in an entertaining manner that retains interest in the story is a timeskip.
He wanted to witness the birth of his own Zanpakutō, starting with the selection of a cursed tool...
Anime & Comics · Junkdog
« No, Jack. » He paused, then added coldly. « I know you very well. And you… you're not the real Jack Frost. »
Movies · Josden
Every time i read the words "double kamui," it makes me wish that the MC gets the Chelsea treatment.
However, Blayn had his own trump card—the Double Kamui.
Anime & Comics · PinkSnake
Mechamarus heavenly restriction consisted of his body being rendered immobile due to an extreme sickness in exchange for massive amounts of cursed energy. After he regained mobility thanks to Mahito, the manga doesn't directly tell the reader if his CE reserves suffered. But you can infer that they did due to him preemptively stockpiling CE in one of his inventions to be able to pilot his big mecha. Maki, on the other hand, was never a complete heavenly restriction due to her link with Mai. Since Maki and Mai are technically the same person, their link made it so the Maki had CE. Since her heavenly restriction provided her with immense strength in exchange for not having cursed energy and she technically had CE, she was weak. This is why when Mai died, she lost all of her CE, and she became as physically strong as Toji. The MC is not Gojo's actual twin if we go by sorcerer's standards. By that, I mean that he's not a single soul that split in half and became two individuals because he's a reincarnation. So he's either a half HR that won't get any stronger by training unless he relies on his system or Gojo dies, OR He already is a full HR, in which case he's really physically weak for some unexplainable reason as heavenly restriction isn't something you can train.
Paragraf ini telah dihapus.
Anime & Comics · Junkdog
He could also try to learn hamon.
That left only a few techniques Jotaro wanted to learn: Domain Expansion and Reverse Cursed Technique.
Anime & Comics · wewtard
Since the Six Eyes make CE cost practically zero when using limitless, whether Gojo has a lot or only a little bit of cursed energy doesn't matter. It literally makes zero difference to him because at the end of the day, whether he's putting more force behind a technique or not the the net cost to his cursed energy reserves is zero. That was even one of the things he bragged about when it was pointed out that Yuta had WAY more CE than him. Even if Yuta or Sukuna's CE reserves dwarf Gojo, if they all started spamming techniques nonstop until one of them dropped, Yuta and Sukuna would die of exhaustion before Gojo brakes a sweat.
Before birth, his Cursed Energy had been just as strong as Satoru's.
Anime & Comics · Junkdog
Megatron raised his arm in a gesture of war. "DECEPTICONS, TRANSFORM AND RISE UP!" With his words of war, all the Decepticons transformed into their aerial combat modes and rained fire from the sky, massacring any Autobot resistance.
Anime & Comics · PRIME_PRIMUS
The love interest will be Jinx.
Video Games · raynei_achilles
"Andrew stopped her… he saved the wedding cake and prevented my mom from further ruining the event. But in the process, well… he ended up tackling his own grandmother and knocking her unconscious," Mitchell recounted, rubbing his forehead.
Modern Family: New Life
TV · Nathe07