

female LV 11

Love reading and writing. You can contact me in instagram. ig: MaylisaAzhura

2019-06-21 Bergabung Global
Karya Asli
Lencana 12

Moments 109
2 years ago

See this! I just gifted the story: Pizza

2 years ago
Replied to Sari_Anwar

sbar menunggu ya kak. besok atau lusa sudah ada bab yg bsa dibuka pakai coin atau fastpass

2 years ago

Salah satu ceritaku yang sangat berkedan karena mengusung tema yang antimainstream. semoga kalian tertarik, suka dan menantikan kelanjutan cerita ini. happy reading, semuanya

2 years ago
Replied to Strawjelly

blum ending kak, tp cerita brian dan elise sdah slsai cerai. crta brian dan elena masih lanjut, to blm kutulis lg

3 years ago

See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola

3 years ago
Replied to Sonu_Banu_Happy

no, i already fix it. i'm sure from chapter 47 until 61 i'm upload next chapter and not same chapter again. i guess you to refresh or log out and log in again your accr. coz some readers can read it

3 years ago

See this! I just gifted the story: Balloon

3 years ago
Replied to Novita_Ayuwandira

sudah diperbaiki ya kak. coba di reffresh biar bisa baca bab yg diperbaharui

3 years ago

Cerita romansa anak muda yang sweet dan menarik. pertengkaran saturnus dan valerie buat gemes dan pengen baca terus kelanjutannya. cerita ini rekomendasi banget buat yang nyari cerita teen romance. ditunggu kelanjutannya kak. semangat.

3 years ago
Replied to yeoja_chingu

sabar ya kak, aku masih sibuk real life dan nulis cerita lain. tp pasti di lanjut kog.

  • My Lover's Son is My Ex Boyfriend original

    My Lover's Son is My Ex Boyfriend


    What the hell is going on? My ex-boyfriend will be my stepson, and my ex's father is now my future husband? This is insane. Should I clear my head or go ahead with my wedding plans? °°°••°°° Shelina only has one wish: to marry a man who will bring her happiness. let go of her entire dark and dark life And it was offered to her by Andrew. A charming widower twice Shelina's age. The man who treated her was extremely courteous and kind. The man who never insulted her or called her a bitch. However, their wedding plans are put at risk because Marcus- Andrew's son- is vehemently opposed to the marriage. Shelina's first love, a lover from her past. He was older than Shelina. Marcus despises Shelina and will go to any length to cancel the wedding and kick her out of the mansion.

    10 Chs 12 Koleksi

  • Buat Aku Hamil original

    Buat Aku Hamil


    "Lalu pekerjaan mudah apa yang bisa membuatmu membayarku ribuan dolar?" tanya Daniel penasaran. "Pekerjaan yang kutawarkan padamu adalah...," Bianca terdiam, tubuhnya mencondongkan tubuh ke depan untuk mendekati Daniel. "menghamil aku..." Kata-kata Bianca seperti aura dingin dari Kutub Selatan yang membekukan tubuh Daniel. Daniel terdiam di tempatnya. "Apa?" kata Daniel, matanya melotot tak percaya. "Menghamilimu?" "Astaga, itu artinya aku dan... k-kau..!" teriak Daniel dengan frustrasi dan menatap Bianca dengan tidak percaya pada kata-katanya sendiri. Bahkan Daniel tidak bisa melanjutkan kalimatnya. "Ya, kita tidur bersama. Kita berhubungan seks," jawab Bianca frontal tanpa hambatan. _______________ Bianca Henderson, gadis keras kepala dan dingin yang sangat membenci pria. gadis yang mendapat julukan CEO Es Cantik itu bertemu Daniel dalam sebuah kecelakaan kecil. Dan dia tiba-tiba menawari Daniel pekerjaan gila. Gadis itu meminta Daniel untuk menghamilinya. Daniel Kendrick, seorang mahasiswa yang bernasib sial harus berurusan dengan Bianca. Dia tidak bisa lepas dari tawaran gila wanita itu ketika dia dihadapkan pada pilihan sulit lainnya. Pada awalnya dia membencinya, tetapi semuanya berubah ketika dia mengetahui alasan di balik sifat Bianca yang dingin dan kejam. Membuatnya bertekad untuk mengubah gadis itu dan mencairkan hati esnya. Annastasia Henderson, saudara tiri Bianca yang sangat rakus akan kekayaan. Dia ambisius dan berniat untuk menghancurkan Bianca. Dia menggaet William Zandrov sebagai pacarnya untuk melancarkan semua rencana jahatnya. Apa alasan Bianca mempekerjakan Daniel? Mengapa dia begitu berambisi untuk memiliki anak secepat mungkin? Bisakah Daniel mengubah karakter CEO Ice Bianca? Apakah ayahnya bersedia menerima anak Bianca yang sebenarnya adalah anak di luar nikah? Apa yang akan Anna lakukan untuk menghancurkan Bianca dan bayinya? Bisakah Bianca bertahan untuk menjaga bayinya?

    180 Chs 753 Koleksi

  • Crazy Job from Beautiful Ice CEO original

    Crazy Job from Beautiful Ice CEO



    * (Mature Contents, just for 21+) * WFP #29; Role Reversal Silver Winner "Then what easy job will you be able to pay me thousands of dollars?" asked Daniel curiously. "The job I offer you is ...," Bianca paused, her body leaning forward to get closer to Daniel. "Impregnate me ..." Bianca's words were like the cold aura from the South Pole freezing Daniel's body. Daniel froze in silence in his place. "What?" said Daniel, his eyes bulging in disbelief. "Impregnate you?" "Gosh, that means me and ... y-you ..!" shouted Daniel in frustration and stared at Bianca in disbelief at his own words. Even Daniel was unable to continue his sentence. "Yes, we sleep together. We have sex," Bianca replied frontally without a hitch. _______________ Bianca Henderson, a cold stubborn girl who hates men very much. The one who earned the nickname Beautiful Ice CEO met Daniel in a small accident. And she unexpectedly offers Daniel a crazy job. The girl asked Daniel to impregnate her. Daniel Kendrick, a college student who has bad luck gets to deal with Bianca. He couldn't escape the woman's crazy offer when he was faced with another difficult choice. At first he hates her, but everything changes when he finds out the reason behind Bianca's cold and cruel nature. Makes him determined to change the girl and melting her ice heart. Annastasia Henderson, Bianca's step sister who is very greedy for wealth. She is ambitious and intends to destroy Bianca. She hooks William Zandrov as her boyfriend to smooth all her evil plans. What is the reason for Bianca to hire Daniel? Why is she so ambitious to have children as soon as possible? Can Daniel change the character of Ice CEO Bianca? Is her father willing to accept Bianca's child, who is actually a child outside of marriage? What will Anna do to destroy Bianca and the baby? Can Bianca survive to keep her baby?

    142 Chs 3k Koleksi

  • Expensive Baby original

    Expensive Baby



    "Maukah kau tidur dengan suamiku hingga hamil dan melahirkan anaknya?" Elena Wasley bertemu kembali dengan kembarannya, Elise. Dia meminta bantuan Elena untuk mengandung anak dari suaminya, Brian Fernandez. Tentu saja, Elena menolak karena sebentar lagi dia akan menikah dengan kekasihnya, Diego Orlando. Tapi semua berubah karena satu insiden tak terduga. Elena mau mengandung bayi itu dengan meminta bayaran mahal. Membuat Brian dan Elise membuat perjanjian tertulis untuk kesepakatan bersama Elena itu. Di sisi lain, Tiara Jackson -mantan tunangan Brian masih mengharapkan pria itu menjadi miliknya. Dia bertekad menyingkirkan Elise dan bayi itu dengan berbagai cara untuk mendapatkan Brian. Apa alasan Elise meminta Elena mengandung anak Brian? Mengapa Elena menyetujui perjanjian gila itu? Bagaimana reaksi Diego jika mengetahui semuanya?Apa yang akan dilakukan Tiara untuk menyingkirkan Elise dan bayinya? Bisakah bayi itu terlahir ke dunia dengan selamat? Bagaimana akhir dari cerita ini saat cinta menggoyahkan segala?

    211 Chs 5.5k Koleksi

  • Sister, Will You Be Pregnant With My Husband's Child original

    Sister, Will You Be Pregnant With My Husband's Child

    Urban ROMANCE


    "Will you sleep with my husband until you are pregnant and give birth to his child?" Elena Wasley was reunited with her twin, Elise. She asked Elena to help conceive a child from her husband, Brian Fernandez. Of course, Elena refused because soon she would marry her lover, Diego Orlando. But all changed because of one unexpected incident. Elena wants to conceive the baby by asking for expensive fees. Make Brian and Elise make a written agreement for an agreement with Elena. On the other hand, Tiara Jackson, Brian's ex-fiance, still expects the man to be her. She was determined to get rid of Elise and the baby in various ways to get Brian. What was the reason Elise asked Elena to have Brian's child? Why did Elena agree to the crazy agreement? How would Diego react if he knew everything? What would Tiara do to get rid of Elise and her baby? Can the baby be born into the world safely? How does this end when love shakes things up? ....sorry, if my English is bad. because I'm not very good at translating into English. but I hope you can still enjoy reading this story. thank you....

    221 Chs 7.7k Koleksi