

male LV 4

I will make your mom happy, I swear!

2019-05-14 Bergabung Global
Lencana 5

Moments 382
16 days ago

I thought they get branded at three? wasnt that the whole reason they took yuto from his dying parents, proud of their never changing traditions, no exeptions?

Yet, when they were children, Hizashi used to smile a lot. Whenever Hiashi was scolded to tears by their strict father, Hizashi would laugh and sneak candy into Hiashi's palm. But ever since that day at the age of six, when the Caged Bird Seal was engraved on Hizashi's forehead, he never smiled like that again.

Life of a Villain in The Naruto World

Life of a Villain in The Naruto World

Anime & Comics · IHaveNoNamingSense

26 days ago
Replied to GH0STS

Hey, thanks for the recommendations. I have read much of Shiros content over the years, though I've fallen out of love with much of his stuff by now. I will check the others though. Again thank you

1 months ago

I like it so far, but I hope it doesn't descent into a stark wank fic

1 months ago
Replied to JManM

I did! I read the Adam Smasher x Danmachi one. Wasnt bad, though most of the remaining ones are not my cup of tea. Thanks though. Is Zabusa on the back burner now?

1 months ago

Hey dude, thanks for the output. Do you have any recommendations for webnovels aside from your own work? Reading your content makes it hard to go back to the usual shi.t floating around and the hidden gems rarely pop out in the rankings or front page.

3 months ago

Two kage?

Ringo nodded and dawned her new equipment before hastily leaving to carry out my command. I cracked my fingers and settled in for a long stretch of sacrificing Yagura's genuine supporters to rez, brainwash, and trans five more swordsmen and two kage. With a little focus, my finger tips ignited with chakra formed seals, the Five Element Seal. Looking down at that little wonder I grinned. 

Zabuza's Waifu Adventure

Zabuza's Waifu Adventure

Anime & Comics · JManM

3 months ago
Replied to VatOfRedundancy

Dude died? That a fact?

My specific contract with The Company forgoes the convenient methods of Binding and brainwashing available to Contractors. At base I've nothing to ensure the loyalty of members of my Retinue other than my native rizz and the threat of selling them. In the Talents tab I selected Communication and Inculcation Talents. 20 points gone in exchange for a superpower. As much as I may appreciate my new capacity to pick up the gift of the gab, Inculcation Talent enables me to mold the minds of others like I'm a Holy_Joker protagonist. All of a sudden all the 'psychological tricks' taught in undergrad classes go from being mental phenomena classifications to full blown actionable techniques. Before I couldn't just say Stockholm Syndrome and mind whammy a person, now though… I still can't, but I can easily induce it as a vector for my mind warping. But why bother when I have an entire branch of my chakra powers dedicated to infiltrating the opponent's thoughts and perception. 

Zabuza's Waifu Adventure

Zabuza's Waifu Adventure

Anime & Comics · JManM

8 months ago

only 1 chap? what about jorahs son? And the war against the White walkers? I expected at least 10 more chapters. Anyways, thank you so much for that great novel

8 months ago
Replied to CyberTheSpaceCat

i think most users on webnovel are guys, so they prefer to write and read from a male perspective. So female mc novels are rarer and not as popular. its harder to imerse yourself in a character you dont even share your gender with

Zhou Zhou roused, stood up and examined his surroundings.

Global Lord: 100% Drop Rate

Global Lord: 100% Drop Rate

Games · A Green Bird

8 months ago

and because of that he got to live 15 good years since then

Speaking of, I should kill that bastard. He tried to kill Ai; the only reason I kept him alive until now was that simple death would be too easy for him.

Eternal Saṃsāra: The Wanderer of Worlds

Eternal Saṃsāra: The Wanderer of Worlds

Anime & Comics · Master4thWall