

male LV 14

Did you hear about the kidnapping at school? #HolyJokerSquat #CornbringerSquat. He had a good Dream ;) It was me, and I had a Dream about you liking my profile for no reason at all!

2019-04-30 Bergabung Germany
Karya Asli
Lencana 15

Moments 2240
4 days ago
Replied to WEIRD_Stuff

Don't know. Don't feel like writing at the moment. It takes up a lot of time.

9 days ago
Replied to Eruvadhor

dry more than nice, believe me hahaha. But it can be very interessting from time to time, but seldom.

So, somehow, I managed to finish this chapter in record time. I am so stupid, hahahaha! I've got an exam in quantum physics tomorrow and haven't even started studying, hahaha!

A Song of Ice and Fire: House Baelaeron

A Song of Ice and Fire: House Baelaeron

TV · Jasonenrick

9 days ago
Replied to Eruvadhor

Materialscience ;)

So, somehow, I managed to finish this chapter in record time. I am so stupid, hahahaha! I've got an exam in quantum physics tomorrow and haven't even started studying, hahaha!

A Song of Ice and Fire: House Baelaeron

A Song of Ice and Fire: House Baelaeron

TV · Jasonenrick

13 days ago
Replied to Happy_days

He is already dead 🥺. At first I wanted there to be a confrontation, but quickly decided against it. If he wanted to kill himself, then who is the Mc to deny him that ;)

16 days ago
Replied to GMKos

That's not entirely true. The five forts each have enough capacity for 10,000 soldiers, and the population is much larger than that of Westeros, where an estimated 40 million people live. In Yi Ti alone, the palace of the God-Emperor is as large as Kings Landing and the city is several dozen times larger. It is often said that the cities of Westeros cannot be compared to those of Yi Ti. There are also some stories to help you get your head around the size of the place: Lo Bu wanted to eliminate the threat to his empire from the nomads once and for all and is said to have invaded the plains with three hundred thousand soldiers. He took neither tribute nor hostages nor oaths of allegiance or peace offerings, and turned the areas into a scorched wasteland to kill the nomads, of whom a total of one million are said to have been killed. They are similar to the Dothraki. And as said before, just by looking at the population, it can be estimated that they have many more soldiers than Westeros. But I will take any and all I can get my hands on for Yi Ti, so I will check it out, thx mate.

16 days ago
Replied to Armand_Targaryen

I'll explain it to you very simply :D The dragonlords ruled Essos, but not alone. In principle, Valyria worked in such a way that everyone who owned a piece of land had a vote and could have a say. Of course, that was only an appearance, because in truth it was rather the 40 dragon families. The other cities like Volantis, Astapor, Lys, Myr etc etc were all kinda independent cities. In some, Valyria sent people to rule for them like Archons and in others they just demanded tribute and interfered little. Or like the Triachs in Volantis, they existed in the time of Valyria already and still exist today. Even if there were only 40 dragon families, there were many more noble families like House Velaryon who lived in Valyria but didn't have dragons. So when Valyria fell, the other cities continued to exist as before, but without dragons, only they had no one to keep them all in check.

16 days ago
Replied to Michel_0610

Sei o que queres dizer, mas a imortalidade que o Mc tem é outra coisa, porque não só te torna imortal, como também te torna jovem e forte. Ninguém mais pode fazer isso, exceto talvez os próprios deuses, se eles intervierem.

16 days ago
Replied to Darknorth_07

holy hell, which AI is this?

19 days ago

And what would you have him do then? Burn his people alive or maim them or do something else? And to be honest, the threat that they will become mortal like everyone else is bad enough for most. Besides, anything else would only make him look like a tyrant. He gave them a choice: be loyal and you'll get everything you could ever dream of, but if you don't, you're welcome to leave, but you won't enjoy any of the things you're used to. No immortality, no gold, no nothing.

I already know that some people will whine in the comments because some think that this is unrealistic or not alpha enough. The fact is, people have done stupid things often enough that you could only shake your head.

A Song of Ice and Fire: House Baelaeron

A Song of Ice and Fire: House Baelaeron

TV · Jasonenrick

19 days ago
Replied to Clinically_insane1

the second one