Bai_Song - Profile



male LV 4

Exists Because of CCG.

2019-04-28 Bergabung China

Lencana 9

Moments 40

Replied to Leou_Jieli

One might say, a Master Baiter~

The Exposing King, Tu Tu, looked at Shi Yu's smile with a disgusted expression. It had watched Shi Yu grow all the way, but in the blink of an eye, Shi Yu had already made it completely unable to see through him. It was really ridiculous…

Unscientific Beast Taming

Unscientific Beast Taming

Eastern · Sounding Stream


I love this energy of "Old MC gets shown up by new MC" XDDD

He, who often caused others to choke on their words, finally experienced the feeling of being choked.

Unscientific Beast Taming

Unscientific Beast Taming

Eastern · Sounding Stream

Replied to Dex2

sadly it seems there are roughly 27

In less than fifteen seconds, he had already arrived.

The Martial Unity

The Martial Unity

Action · Lord_Streak



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The Martial Unity

The Martial Unity

Action · Lord_Streak


Martial Tribes*

Rui had painstakingly constructed a predictive model of his incoming opponent based on the intelligence gathered by the Martial Union as well as data that he himself had collected based on surveillance of the battles between the K'ulnen Tribe and other Martial Sects that Squire H had partaken in.

The Martial Unity

The Martial Unity

Action · Lord_Streak



His eyes narrowed as his palm intercepted the strike, moving with it as it increased its resonance the further it was pushed back, just like a spring. By the time Squire Casen had finished the strike, Rui had already been launched into the air.

The Martial Unity

The Martial Unity

Action · Lord_Streak



Some great distance away from the Quarrier Orphanage in an uninhabited part of the Mantian Region, Squire Casen wound her right arm all the way back, clenching her fist rock hard. A tremendous amount of potential energy had gathered, brimming in her taught muscles.

The Martial Unity

The Martial Unity

Action · Lord_Streak

Replied to Aby55

Think about hiding movements from your enemy, the common way is to hide them "behind" something right? "Behind" in all cases is a relative direction so looking at the shadow is a different perspective that they aren't taking into account, kinda like looking at them from the left or right instead of straight on. That's the non-magical explanation at least.

Unlike Caster, who could move with insane speed constantly, the young man seemed deceptively slow until he chose to attack, at which point his weapons almost teleported from one place to another. Sunny only managed to resist because his enemy skillfully masked the movements of his body, but didn't think to mask the movements of his shadow.

Shadow Slave

Shadow Slave

Fantasy · Guiltythree

Replied to Lazyreader1

If he gives me free food and a house to live in maybe XP

Just like when fleecing sheep wool, one must also feed the sheep that provide the wool!

I Am Really Not The Son of Providence

I Am Really Not The Son of Providence

Urban · Palace in the Clouds


The Dao of looking up to someone feels limited af cuz then you fundamentally cannot be better than that person.

One's Dao need not be of the Five Elements or Yin Yang. It could be something minor, such as the Dao of musical instruments, painting and calligraphy, or even the Dao of admiration toward powerful beings.

I Am Really Not The Son of Providence

I Am Really Not The Son of Providence

Urban · Palace in the Clouds

Replied to SolomanAkavir

Ladles over ladies, that's a fetish I haven't heard of yet lol

The guards don't give them any trouble on the way out of the city, and Menno stops to say goodbye at the driveway to his acreage. "Duke Cain, Ladles, it has been a distinct pleasure to meet you all. Your highness James, be safe and remember to be home by the day after tomorrow. If the preparations for court start and you're not there, it will be chaos."

Reincarnated With A Summoning System

Reincarnated With A Summoning System

Fantasy · Aoki_Aku


make it to*

"Unfortunately, this was the last functional unit that we had. But if you make it New Muzz, the engineer's Guild has a number of unawakened options to choose from that have similar functionality."

Reincarnated With A Summoning System

Reincarnated With A Summoning System

Fantasy · Aoki_Aku



The guards don't give them any trouble on the way out of the city, and Menno stops to say goodbye at the driveway to his acreage. "Duke Cain, Ladles, it has been a distinct pleasure to meet you all. Your highness James, be safe and remember to be home by the day after tomorrow. If the preparations for court start and you're not there, it will be chaos."

Reincarnated With A Summoning System

Reincarnated With A Summoning System

Fantasy · Aoki_Aku


on -> one*

Everyone gathers on the top deck, all the Companions except Nila merged with their twin, as on Wave Rider plus the Supporters and puppets will be staying on board today as usual. Mythryll has changed into a dark blue tunic dress and leather pants with boots that closely matches Nila's style, while Misha picked a light yellow sundress with comfortable low heels, this world's equivalent of runners.

Reincarnated With A Summoning System

Reincarnated With A Summoning System

Fantasy · Aoki_Aku


in to -> on top*

The Nightmares are an excellent choice for moving through the desert. Their flame-covered hooves don't seem to sink into the sand at all, smoothly stepping in to of the soft surface even when the carriage wheels have fallen in. This carriage has been modified for desert travel, about a hand width above the ground, skis are mounted at each corner, keeping the whole thing from sinking to the axles while traveling on soft sand. 

Reincarnated With A Summoning System

Reincarnated With A Summoning System

Fantasy · Aoki_Aku


There's another thing you can use a dexterous tongue for


Eiro slowly touched his hand to his throat, trying to rub it a little bit. It was still feeling slightly uncomfortable, especially the more he ended up speeking with it. His voice didn't particularly change too much. It felt a bit cleaner, although it was quite raspy at the moment because of the irritation in Eiro's throat. Otherwise, Eiro had a much higher amount of control of his voice. His tongue had changed in structure as well, which made eating incredibly painful for a few days, letting him control it to a higher extent. Mostly, this meant that Eiro was able to produce more complex tones with his voice and mouth, and he was able to speak a lot quicker while still being clear in his pronunciation. This part will probably end up helping with the chanting of spells. The issue with that before now as that Eiro was simply unable to speed up his speech at all, and if he tried, the words would end up being slurred. But since a chant was required to be spoken clearly, it never worked out. However, now, that was different.

Demon's Virtue

Demon's Virtue

Fantasy · DiceVR

Replied to Gralorn

Cuz it costs a LOT to feed her. Will's got a cheat.

"The only thing I can do is to watch over her daughter in her place, which I've also failed to do quite miserably. If not for that boy, William, Chiffon might still be eating at that Garbage Dump right now."

Reincarnated With The Strongest System

Reincarnated With The Strongest System

Fantasy · Elyon


They might be giving her more lolipops lol

William's hand that was rubbing Chiffon's head stopped when he heard the little girl's reply. Him, Ian, and Princess Sidonie were understandable. However, what surprised him was that Chiffon thought of B1 and B2 as friends.

Reincarnated With The Strongest System

Reincarnated With The Strongest System

Fantasy · Elyon

Replied to Sheriff_K

My stance for enjoying this book lol

The weakest chefs in the Top 100 of the Tablet of Gluttony ranked as second-grade chefs.

Gourmet of Another World

Gourmet of Another World

Eastern · Li Hongtian


The other dish that caused trouble with its smell! Man that was so long ago...

Since he wasn't allowed to make the extremely stinky Stinky Tofu… Bu Fang chose to make the extremely fragrant, improved version of the Oyster Pancake.

Gourmet of Another World

Gourmet of Another World

Eastern · Li Hongtian

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