No need to talk about the Geneva Convention this time, it only applies to humans.
Ddraig let out a bellowous laugh. "You're right, let's let all these Fae see how magnificent my Juggernaut Drive is!"
Anime & Comics · AStoryForOne
The Crimson Moon that hung up in the sky began to fall right towards the fake dragon.
Anime & Comics · AStoryForOne
That young lady I recall during the battle did something similar.
Anime & Comics · AStoryForOne
Source material ? I thought DC comics didn't exist in that world.
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Video Games · Najicablitz626
Kurama preparing himself for the big event :
Kushina suddenly shouted "Shut up!" and both Minato and Hiruzen looked at her. Kushina blushed and apologized, while Hiruzen realized that it was Kurama who had disturbed her. Kushina decided to keep the information on the paper a secret while Kurama was already excited to watch the upcoming entertainment. These damn ninjas deserved every kind of betrayal. And so Kurama had unwittingly provided great help to a monster scarier than himself.
Anime & Comics · Isekai_Traveler
Good start. Since it's a world that combines magic and technology, maybe they can do something like create Robot/Golem Pokémons in which the Hunters can upload their data to give them more abilities.
"Big news, big news!"
Anime & Comics · DragonnX
After seconds that seemed like an eternity, Saji didn't get up anymore, he lay there looking at the ceiling with a blank stare, his chest heaving loudly as he took deep breaths.
Anime & Comics · MyNameNotIsJohn
A Nascent Kaleidoscope.
Anime & Comics · AStoryForOne