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Nothing Nothing ♥

2019-04-13 Bergabung Poland

Lencana 7

Moments 328


don't lie it was not a difficult decision for you 4 to make even so after not being able to read his mind that is why you tried not once but multiple times to do it

Homura Mitokado, one of the council members, leaned forward. "It was a difficult decision, but we had to consider the possibility that he might never wake up. We needed answers before it was too late."

Naruto: Faint Smile.

Naruto: Faint Smile.

Anime & Comics · CORNBRINGER

Replied to Lion_Comet

is that azula?


"What I heard is: I was wrong, Itachi, please forgive my insolence," Itachi interjected smugly, raising an eyebrow.

Naruto: Faint Smile.

Naruto: Faint Smile.

Anime & Comics · CORNBRINGER


i mean that is good and bad... at the beginning it all was chill and ok and in shippuden they started changing the landscape with casual use of justso... yeah but he should be fine i guess

Besides, it wasn't all bad. I still remembered the first part of the anime, before they grew up and stuff, so that ought to be worth something. Then again, I had no idea where in the general timeline I was, but I suppose I'll find out.

Naruto: Faint Smile.

Naruto: Faint Smile.

Anime & Comics · CORNBRINGER


now order everything in the kitchen to empty their packets


Approaching Loki's family table and sitting down, I took a seat next to the elf Riviera, who was staring at me intently.

Life in Danmachi as the Strongest Adventurer

Life in Danmachi as the Strongest Adventurer

Anime & Comics · GreedHunter



(A/N - Due to the criticism, I've decided to change my name to Daoist MTL Chat - GPT. I will raise this sect to the heights none have ever seen. I shall eradicate any cultist's that wish to harm our sect. Stupid commenters shall have their meridians crippled and their core obliterated. 

Twilight: Rebirth

Twilight: Rebirth

Movies · DumbedDown


btw Im only asking because I don't know the answer to my question but what about sheepstealer where he is now? is he even born yet? I remember he is a huge dragon almost as huge as cannibal.

Androw had communicated to Baal the importance of making a grand entrance, considering that everyone was eager to meet him as an honored guest. As they waited, the distant sound of a powerful roar resonated through the air, prompting Vermithar and Silverwing, the other dragons in King's Landing, to respond with their own roars. Baal's colossal shadow darkened the sky above, signaling his approach. With a resounding roar, Baal landed in the Maegar Holdfast yard with a ground-shaking thud. His emerald eyes scanned the surroundings, his presence akin to a predator sizing up its prey, until Androw stepped forward to greet him.

ASOIAF: I'm No Longer A Side Character

ASOIAF: I'm No Longer A Side Character

Book&Literature · AmouxCreationsX


just tame rest untamed dragons than you can say f off to them =_=

As dinner progressed, Androw found himself navigating the formalities of the table, a task that grated on his nerves. All he wanted was to enjoy his meal without the need for excessive courtesy, but the presence of the King compelled him to play the role of the well-behaved noble. Androw silently vowed never to partake in such formal dinners at the King's table again.

ASOIAF: I'm No Longer A Side Character

ASOIAF: I'm No Longer A Side Character

Book&Literature · AmouxCreationsX



Androw watched Rhaena's reflection in the mirror as he continued to converse with her. He returned to his usual, casual demeanor and said, "Rhaena, I want to borrow some golden dragons from you. I hope you can cooperate with me." Yet, she still paid him no heed.

ASOIAF: I'm No Longer A Side Character

ASOIAF: I'm No Longer A Side Character

Book&Literature · AmouxCreationsX


just go for it! it's free meal! today you will be eating dragon meat!!! hahahaa


A dragon, born from green flame, emerged and let out a mighty roar as it landed near Androw, seemingly declaring, "Your enemy is my enemy." Androw's gaze shifted to Rhaena, a challenging expression on his face as he taunted her with the presence of his dragon. Rhaena, her eyes fixed on the dragon that was considered untamed and unapproachable, was left with complex emotions.

ASOIAF: I'm No Longer A Side Character

ASOIAF: I'm No Longer A Side Character

Book&Literature · AmouxCreationsX


you don't need to prove that you are different to anyone else they don't matter they are unimportant, you should only prove that you have changed to yourself no one else is more important

Rhaena's words had visibly angered Androw, his grip on his sword tightening. As a knight cautiously approached him, Androw raised his sword, a warning that he had no desire to further injure his pride. He wanted them to understand that he was no longer the same person they thought he was.

ASOIAF: I'm No Longer A Side Character

ASOIAF: I'm No Longer A Side Character

Book&Literature · AmouxCreationsX


what are those clown Knight doing? are their brains working? like injuring him is disrespectful to the princess that her husband under her protection got injured by some no name knight....

The commander, overcome by anger, drew his sword and moved toward Androw, as Androw had anticipated. They circled each other, seeking the right moment to strike with their swords. Androw advanced, launching an attack with his left sword. Although the commander skillfully evaded the strike, he did not foresee that it was a diversion. Androw seized the opportunity, closing the distance between them, and struck the commander's stomach with the pommel of his right hand sword. He then delivered a powerful kick to the commander's head using the joint of his right leg. The commander staggered backward from the impact, while Androw stood unfazed in his position.

ASOIAF: I'm No Longer A Side Character

ASOIAF: I'm No Longer A Side Character

Book&Literature · AmouxCreationsX



He worked tirelessly day and night, hardly finding time to do anything else. As the days went by, no one came to mock or laugh at him anymore, because they saw that Androw didn't pay much attention to their words. They even tried to disrupt his workout by bothering him or pushing him from behind, but Androw didn't react and kept focused on his goals.

ASOIAF: I'm No Longer A Side Character

ASOIAF: I'm No Longer A Side Character

Book&Literature · AmouxCreationsX



During the day, he tirelessly worked out and spent his time with the books. Even when Rhaena called for him, he made excuses, saying he wasn't feeling well. Septa Maryam, one of Rhaena's friends, noticed Androw avoiding Rhaena's summons and mentioned to her, "Lady Rhaena, I believe Androw has changed significantly from his previous self." This comment irked Rhaena, and she inquired, "And what makes you say that?" Septa Maryam explained, "Since the last argument between you and him, he's been acting completely differently. He's become more silent and expressionless. Most of his time is spent either in the training grounds or in the library." Rhaena responded, dismissing her concerns, "No need to worry about him. In time, he'll revert back to his old self. All he craves is my acknowledgment."

ASOIAF: I'm No Longer A Side Character

ASOIAF: I'm No Longer A Side Character

Book&Literature · AmouxCreationsX

Replied to Sid_Nite

that is true but still it's better than 100% doom on earth... in space you at least have some chances to stay alive hahaha

Ace tries to formulate a way to survive but he cannot find a way. He was only a normal person. Sure he has learned martial arts but he wasn't a master. At most, he could deal with a couple of thugs when he gets robbed.

A Rider Kick in Marvel

A Rider Kick in Marvel

Movies · Najicablitz626


why would they even think it's him... when he is so kind to humans....


"Go forth and attack their settlements. Destroy their human settlements, cause chaos and make it seem like it was Poseidon's doing. The anger addressed at him, will keep him busy, for us to strike them at their core and take them out."

Competent Poseidon

Competent Poseidon

Anime & Comics · DaoistqZxYMH

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