enhanced your bad reputation yes.if you think you have a good reputation your delusional clear sky sect.the only respected figure is tang chen aside from that everybody hates the rest of clear sky sect.
It greatly enhanced the reputation of the Clear Sky Sect.
Anime & Comics · FictionOP
lets not forget the true monster of forest like di tian.if souls masters start following this guide.the true monsters wake up causing a war between spirit beast and humans.
The eighth soul ring has a lifespan of less than 100,000 years.
Anime & Comics · FictionOP
hell at least he got mercy from harry.the welsh dragon at least died before being know as breast dragon empeor. Then having to get therapy due the trauma issie causes him the future.read the novels people and you will know this was a act a mercy from harry..
Another portal opened, and Harry was gone from the Abandoned Church he used for this short excursion. The place where the Welsh Dragon died.
Anime & Comics · OneTrueSage
some near apocalyptic problems happen because of issie. The one of referring is ExE with machine gods.They only came due his connection to breast goddess in the novels.if weren't for that the worst problem in thriexia,.
"Well, sorry, kid. This world doesn't need two protagonists. One is enough." Harry said towards the motionless boy on the floor.
Anime & Comics · OneTrueSage
yes end the cogntino hazard known as issie for good the world. dont let him corrupt the world with his breast obsession. Ending him is for the good of world just read the dxd novels you know what i mean.
Issei Hyoudou considers himself to be a fairly normal middle school student, maybe a bit more perverted than others. For him the female form was the incarnation of perfection, especially their oppai!
Anime & Comics · OneTrueSage
when time comes she about to become john wick ion this fool
"It also means I can come to yours."
Anime & Comics · hmak27230
nahh acier got better and more deadly
Meanwhile, Acier had merely recovered—meaning, at best, she was at the same level as before.
Anime & Comics · hmak27230
lol batman got to robin if hes thinking like this.like already marking as dangerous stop thinking like batman or people are not going to like you.
"I'm just saying, Raven," Robin continued, "this guy's starting to interest me. If we can't track him down, that makes him more dangerous. Be careful." His tone softened, a rare hint of caution in his voice.
Anime & Comics · FrenzyAren
'If I defeat a sage, won't that make me better than him? Princess Azula will notice me and know that I'm better than him... no, why am I having these thoughts?' motes of black energy escaped from his body as Cao-Cao wondered about this.
Anime & Comics · Sir_Traverse
Yorha 2B
In One Piece with Gacha System
Anime & Comics · KhaUnique