next year!
In the year 2025, a cataclysm known as World Break struck planet Earth, changing everything. The world was plunged into chaos as humans were forced into the deadly challenge of the Grand Abyss Labyrinth.
Fantasy · I_Cook_Limitlessly
calling it its his future self one that didn't have guidance with regrets
They all knew what the people who wanted that power were mostly like, the jokes being made online constantly.
Sci-fi · Clain_
An odd feeling stirred in Gary’s body as he watched Daphne walk toward him. She had her hand raised and was wiggling her fingers. There was even an odd smile on her face, which made Gary feel like those fingers might end up somewhere else.
Fantasy · JKSManga
that was great
The sight frightened the weak-minded Earth Mice. One scary guy with claws leading three headless humanoid monsters was terrifying to the small creatures, and they began to flee instead of attacking Karl on his way forward.
Fantasy · Aoki_Aku
that was exactly my thoughts
Although Jayden was badly hurt, seeing his sister, seeing Gary both fighting, he summoned what strength he had to change back into his Altered form. Right after the attack, Jayden’s body had returned to normal, no longer in his Altered state. He fell to his knees, but Xin was right there by his side.
Fantasy · JKSManga
the scary thing is this character reincarnated so it's a old man saying this
Atticus turned to face the girl. She was a striking 7-year-old with fiery red hair, possesses a captivating beauty that draws attention.
Atticus’s Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground
Fantasy · RealmWeaver