I did not say to annex the Ryswell territory I said he could have them as allies. They are his relatives and delegating minor knowledge like horse breeding would improve the economy of the northern lords and make them able to afford his products. Spreading some knowledge also eases the stress on house Stark because it disperses the possible jealousy of the other lords.
You could also mention his maternal grandfather Lord Ryswell when his aunt sends out the games as gifts to the lords of the north. Their house symbol is a horse so if Domeric Bolton gets a book on horse breeding they could support him with war horses for his army in exchange for frost steel armor and weapons.
Well the MC is both the Lord Bolton and the heir of his aunt Lady Barbrey Dustin so technically he could have two wives with each wife becoming the lady of one of the houses. Since his aunt was stiffed twice for a Stark husband you could have Sansa be the next lady Dustin of Barrowton. You might want to mention the MC working on improving the roads and towns in the Barrowton area as well since you have pretty much ignored it the whole story so far.
He could use help from his new friends and classmates to create a new potions business. With his current knowledge and the vague information on the ingredients needed for the future wolf bane potion he could develop it himself and produce it as a subtle method to weaken Voldemort by removing the werewolves from his army. All he needs is to pay the werewolves a decent wage and supply them with the wolf bane potions and all but the idiots that idolize Fenrir Greyback would gladly sign on as loyal employees. With all those modified potions Snap made of every potion in his old textbooks a potion factory would make a fortune. To utilize his runes knowledge he could make a new non flying magical sport like soccer or lacrosse mixed with modified versions of the bludgers and snitch with different obstacles on the field since they could reuse the bottom of the quidditch field.
Summer Hall is the name of a castle in the stormlands the one where in the future a king tried to hatch dragon eggs but due to an accident the keep burned down and the king died.
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Thanks for the chapter. I found a repeated error when you described Hermione Granger you some times say she has black hair. That is wrong as she has bushy brown / bushy brunette hair.
If his father married the elder daughter of the MC's aunt that would still let her be a queen but just of the step stones. That would leave the children of the green queen to marry into both of the two royal Targaryen households. There still is a chance of one of the heirs flipping the planning board for the future weddings but should leave everyone happy.
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If we think about his new personal banner with the marriage requirements of his mother and uncle the answer is obvious. Have the MC have two wives like his ancestor the conqueror did. First would be a woman from the Vale that will help him solidify his expanding rule there. His cousin can do her tour of the realm meeting the next generation of nobles and build her future small council from the new supporters. She could even start her visits in the Vale helping him find a wife they both agree with. Then when he is done expanding in the Vale he can marry her as his second wife. The children of the Vale wife will inherit his new castle and Royce name while his cousin's children keep the Targaryen name.
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I found a typo the broom for sale in the store window of diagon alley was a Nimbus 2000. The Firebolt broom was not created till Harry Potter's third year at Hogwarts. That is when he received it anonymously by owl mail from his god father Sirius Black. It was also the Firebolt that was used by the Irish team to win the quidditch world championship.
It is kind of similar to how he is purchasing the materials he needs for ships and bricks from the house Hornwood which increases their buying power to purchase food and luxury goods like clocks and steel equipment for their troops.
Wizard Lord of Westeros
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