Rex who had made his way to a river as the day was coming to an end stumbled upon a struggling Magikarp. it was a Massive shiny golden Magikarp that seemed to have been left behind by its friends.
Anime & Comics · Plug_O_Stien
How picture him Opinions?
a long white coat that reached his knees, a black turtleneck, black leather gloves, black slim jeans and some all white vans.
Anime & Comics · Plug_O_Stien
"Sigh, why did Dad want us to act so emotional during his death? I don't get it." Miranda, who had been in inconsolable tears just a moment ago, stood upright and pondered while wiping her face calmly.
Fantasy · Kotario
Feels good to be back
The little girl happily grinned, void of worries. She believed! As long as Josh came to save her, she would be fine.
Urban · ClasslessAscension
Dude I laugh to hard when you said massive fucker of a lizard because it’s to true for 682
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Anime & Comics · W1nt3rB3rry
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Video Games · Docnox
Todays loss*
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Fantasy · Frona_Gorgophone
Sooo in fantasy uh…how bigs is his *cough cough*dick*cough cough*
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Fantasy · Frona_Gorgophone
The sole reason for the so-called baptizing or tutorial was because 'they' wanted humanity to get used to the rules of Ortus; one of the rules was 'the strong get all', someone called it 'weak meat, strong eat'.
Fantasy · NotStupidReader
I imagine it as there like stick figures and there limbs are just sticks moving around.
Naruto: Mekka Junrei
Anime & Comics · angel_bastudas