Roshi6 - Profile



LV 14
2019-02-19 Bergabung Global

Lencana 23

Moments 246


Ahrm and what about the eventual childbirth pain because of your activities 😏

In his eyes, Oriana was like a fragile doll, so delicate that he feared even the slightest harm might break her. Yet, it was his own actions that had caused her pain – a necessary hurt for their union. 'Next time, I must be gentler,' he vowed internally. 'I cannot bear to be the cause of her pain, again and again. I refuse to be a beast that wounds the one I cherish most.'

The Devil's Betrothed

The Devil's Betrothed

Fantasy · Mynovel20


I am glad he is being vocal with his feelings!! Enough of pussyfooting around!

"Oriana Verner," he interrupted softly, "from the very first day, I knew you were a woman and not a man. And from that day on, I've been deeply invested in you. You have no idea what you truly mean to me."

The Devil's Betrothed

The Devil's Betrothed

Fantasy · Mynovel20


I was thinking the same!!


Oriana's hand flew to cover her mouth, the other grasping onto his clothing for support. "I need to freshen up," she managed to protest.

The Devil's Betrothed

The Devil's Betrothed

Fantasy · Mynovel20


Lady Noor has only 1 child right?

When it was time to step outside, Anastasia observed each member of the royal family beginning to depart after offering their prayers at King Maxwell's burial chamber. She couldn't help but note how the members of the family, except for Lady Sophia and Lady Noor's children, did not extend their respect to the other two burial spots. 

Garden Of Poison

Garden Of Poison

Fantasy · ash_knight17


Uh oh


Arlan nodded, determination now flickering in his eyes. "For that, I need to provoke her into admitting her true feelings. She's a demoness; how long can she suppress her anger and possessiveness?"

The Devil's Betrothed

The Devil's Betrothed

Fantasy · Mynovel20


We for sure are! 😜

A sly smirk played on Arlan's lips. "It seems you're disappointed that I merely placed you here rather than engaging in any activities befitting a husband."

The Devil's Betrothed

The Devil's Betrothed

Fantasy · Mynovel20


How did he manage to teleport? Hasn't Ray put barriers? She had mentioned she had to come to the kingdom in a ship and that is why the devil also doesn't come!

Seizing the opportunity she had long awaited, Celeste promptly returned to Hell, and once she arrived, she went straight to the Devil's tower to report to him. Upon seeing her, Viktor stared at her and stated, 

Garden Of Poison

Garden Of Poison

Fantasy · ash_knight17


And is that what you call subtlety Ray?? 😄😄

For two seconds, Raylen remained silent, then he stated, "My intentions weren't to help you dry, Princess, but quite the opposite."

Garden Of Poison

Garden Of Poison

Fantasy · ash_knight17


I love Ray Ray ♥️ 😄

"Yes, because she's well-trained to fight and protect you," Raylen responded sarcastically. "You know what? Barrett, take her with you. Maybe once she's had her fill of thrills and excitement, we can talk about what transpired. Take her," he said to Barrett, who was still in pain. 

Garden Of Poison

Garden Of Poison

Fantasy · ash_knight17


He remind me of Nick with this friendly, smiling public personality

The customary smile on his lips and the mirth in his eyes were conspicuously absent, unveiling a side of Raylen that he typically kept hidden from everyone. His words, while as soft as the drizzle, carried a certain emptiness as he said, 

Garden Of Poison

Garden Of Poison

Fantasy · ash_knight17


how did she leave? Aren't there guards outside??

Anastasia lay in her bed, restlessly tossing and turning while pulling on her blanket, her eyes opening and closing every now and then. After a couple of minutes, she sat upright and swung her legs over the edge of her bed. Her bare feet padded across the cold floor as she tiptoed out of the tower and down the stairs, holding the front of her dress such that her anklets were revealed. 

Garden Of Poison

Garden Of Poison

Fantasy · ash_knight17


What happened to you not pursuing her because she is not your soulmate?!

He had lost control of his senses with her within reach, but he didn't want to impose himself on her when she didn't feel the same. Not yet, at least. Forcing her would place him in the same class as his deceased father, and he wasn't going to stoop to his level. That didn't mean he couldn't ignite the yearning desire in her. 

Garden Of Poison

Garden Of Poison

Fantasy · ash_knight17


Even though I don't like Queen Sophie much, her children have turned out well

On one side, Prince Dante had scared her soul out of her body. And on the other side, Anastasia was touched by Princess Emily's kindness and Prince Aiden's help, which she leaned against. 

Garden Of Poison

Garden Of Poison

Fantasy · ash_knight17


Aww he is such a nice man ❤️

A beautiful smile curved itself onto her lips as she continued, "I once asked my father why he wasn't getting mistresses for himself since I've read in a few books about kingdoms with rulers that had the privilege of getting as many wives as they liked. To that question, my father simply chuckled and told me, 'I only have one heart, my daughter, and I already gave that one heart to your Mother for her to keep and own.'"

The Crown's Seduction

The Crown's Seduction

Fantasy · Eustoma_Reyna


why should she insist on a blood oath with a vampire knowing her blood is different!!🙄

She hummed in thought. Could that be the case? Surely, her blood was nothing like any other human. She had special blood flowing through her veins, and no one except her family, the royal Wizard Lurio, their royal healer mage Jayra, and Seer Beirut knew of its properties.

The Crown's Seduction

The Crown's Seduction

Fantasy · Eustoma_Reyna


How did he go to wars then?!

How could she forget? In fact, she recalled that he hated it so much that he would sometimes puke at even the slightest sight and smell of it.

The Crown's Seduction

The Crown's Seduction

Fantasy · Eustoma_Reyna


Cordon or Valcrez?

She sat on the left of the main throne. The huge hall had two long tables on either side along with one grand chair for each. While one side was filled with guests from the Valcrez Kingdom, the other side was still empty, reserved for another powerful ruler from the Cordon Kingdom.

The Crown's Seduction

The Crown's Seduction

Fantasy · Eustoma_Reyna


Doesn't she already know he can apparate!

"What the hell…" Eve muttered as she hadn't expected Erasmus to have the ability to apparate. 

Allure Of The Night

Allure Of The Night

Fantasy · ash_knight17

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