I feel like this is projected anger from your own life.
Dude fr, Scientology chapter would’ve been hilarious if done right
Trying to smile, remembering the good, more tears came pouring out. I remember the time that he and I got inducted into Scientology for a week as a joke... I remembered the time that he and I went fishing with his brother and grandpa... I remembered so much... Then I remembered that I would never be able to get that time back.
Anime & Comics · GarbageBooks
I wish we actually got to see him have some of these moments with Cisco.
I started rocking back and forth as memories of Cisco and I played on loop. I remembered us playing video games. The time we got some girls to go on a double date... Even the times when I would go over to his grandmother's house and interact with his family like they were my own... Without his help, I wouldn't have even bothered learning Spanish.
Anime & Comics · GarbageBooks
I really liked the story up till now, I like how he stopped and talked to Barry after losing his father, I think Cisco dying could have been different, like we only really saw a few interactions where he hung out or talked to Cisco whereas he basically mentored Barry, I feel like if there was a maybe a bonus chapter or something for like a day they just hung out doing something geeky, his death would be that much more impactful.
Love the story, glad you made dupli-kate the heroine I feel like she’s the kind of hero to look past morally questionable things. Will this be a harem?
The Viltrumite Irregular
Anime & Comics · SwayStar