hhhhz45 - Profile



LV 13
2019-01-09 Bergabung Global

Lencana 9

Moments 496


what 250 stones? for rank 2, he paid 22k stones for some gu of rank 3 i think or rank 2 it doesnt make sense

Initel's will[ the gu's called shell growth, since it's not refined I'd say you should be able to get about 250 primeval essence stones from it.]

Reverend Insanity :Savage Truth

Reverend Insanity :Savage Truth

Others · Forthememes


dragonmen, in the story duke long created them but now there is no duke long

The second was a tick with only four limbs but this one had two small blue horns on its head. That could almost be considered antennas if it wasn't for the fact that they didn't move and were hard most people would think they were antennas. This gu was called dragonman strength, I'll use these two gu first before any others, then I'll move on to the others.

Reverend Insanity :Savage Truth

Reverend Insanity :Savage Truth

Others · Forthememes


phantoms are from the phantom path, sub of rule path.

After she left I went to the gu shop and got three new gu. The first gu was called solidify object gu, the second was harden terrain gu, and the last was double durability gu. All of them were gu that hardened objects, they were normally used to modify the terrain or increase the damage of certain gu.

Reverend Insanity :Savage Truth

Reverend Insanity :Savage Truth

Others · Forthememes


why not focus on human path woth other paths as support? dont humans have natural human dao marks.

Shu[ thats right and i stil plan on using this gu and its higher ranks, but right now its not as useful as another gu. I want to switch my vital gu with self-reliance.]

Reverend Insanity :Savage Truth

Reverend Insanity :Savage Truth

Others · Forthememes

Replied to newcommer2

hahaha, yeah man the ones who served in ss wanted to serve the fatherland

Maybe influenced by his grandfather, he was also interested in the history of the country he grew up in. Germany. To both his and his grandfather's shame, his grandfather had to serve in the German SS during the Nazi regime, but that didn't stop Sebastian from admiring Germany, its past, power and influence on the world.

HP: A Country's Dark Legacy

HP: A Country's Dark Legacy

Book&Literature · DaoistDumbles


dont you need grand gradmaster atteinment to reach rank 8

And after that, in less than two hundred years, through his hard work and constant effort as well as with the help of various fortuitous encounters, he reached the legendary rank 8 immortal position and not only that, with his now Quasi-Great Grandmaster attainment, he managed in a few decades to build a reputation and strength enough to be recruited to serve in the Heavenly Court, the greatest immortal force in the Gu world, founded by the Primordial Origin Immortal Venerable himself.

Reverend Insanity-Blood Venerable Ascension

Reverend Insanity-Blood Venerable Ascension

Book&Literature · CreedFollower


what about immortal realm? you need appropriate immortal vital gu how would they advance their gu to immortal rank if everybody has the same gu

This is why this gu changed the gender roles in this world. As a d grade talent that was only normally able to be a rank 1 gu master could now breakthrough into rank 2 and a c grade talent could now breakthrough into rank 3. Even B grade talents could now breakthrough like an A grade genius, but with enough time they all have the potential to breakthrough into higher realms. It makes me wonder what must the immortal realm cultivators be like.

Reverend Insanity :Savage Truth

Reverend Insanity :Savage Truth

Others · Forthememes


isnt ot rank 2?

Activating the Rank 1 Gu, Xuanyuan watched as the length of his shadow stretched, and the depth of it darken. Even without Little Shadow using his Shadow to communicate its thoughts to him, Xuanyuan had never seen his shadow act in such a manner. 

Reverend Insanity: White Shadow Demonic Venerable

Reverend Insanity: White Shadow Demonic Venerable

Anime & Comics · Bruhdamante


i hope you will not go that route, let him create his own path, why must he get that gu so stupid

Xuanyuan knew that his greed could lead him down the Demonic Path. But Xuanyuan knew that without an immense amount of luck, extraordinary attainment in both his main Path and sub Path, powerful killer moves, strong and loyal allies, and the right timing, he would never be able to compete with Fang Yuan for the Sovereign Fetus Immortal Gu.

Reverend Insanity: White Shadow Demonic Venerable

Reverend Insanity: White Shadow Demonic Venerable

Anime & Comics · Bruhdamante

Replied to CreedFollower

red bull and verstapen, i still think he would win even if everybody had the same car. he is just too good

Bro, I'm the unluckiest person in the world, the only day I'm not going to watch F1 because I think "Ah, Verstapen is going to win anyway" Lando Norris wins for the first time... bro, even I'm a Redbull fan is happy for the guy...this is my punishment for leaving the house and going outside i think ...damn you fate

Reverend Insanity-Blood Venerable Ascension

Reverend Insanity-Blood Venerable Ascension

Book&Literature · CreedFollower

Replied to Prikolit

tnx mister sherlock, still its bananas

But nonetheless, I have decided that I will still feed my Poison Refining Gu, and not just my vital Gu, but all of them.

Reverend Insanity: Poison-Refining Demon Venerable

Reverend Insanity: Poison-Refining Demon Venerable

Book&Literature · ACDPQS

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