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TV · Darpan_Biswas
X)(Extra) It's not safe to do it, but you wanted to make Red take equine form instead of Elise changing to human
Book&Literature · Emanuel_Alegre
I command myself to know what's inside quirrell turbin
{I̷̹͑ c̸͉̓o̸̙͛m̸̼̏m̸̼̏a̵̛̦n̸̦̈́d̵̗̐ m̸̼̏y̵̨̎s̷͕͘e̴͆ͅl̷̙̓f̵̼̽ t̶̳͠o̸̙͛ k̸̫͘n̸̦̈́o̸̙͛w̷̞̌ w̷̞̌h̷͓̔a̵̛̦t̶̳͠'s̷͕͘ i̴̳͋n̸̦̈́s̷͕͘i̴̳͋d̵̗̐e̴͆ͅ Q̶̼̎u̸̳̐i̴̳͋r̴͍̓r̴͍̓e̴͆ͅl̷̙̓l̷̙̓'s̷͕͘ t̶̳͠u̸̳̐r̴͍̓b̴̤̓a̵̛̦n̸̦̈́} Moses commanded,
Movies · 4give_NoobWriter
my skin has a sketch of my real name
{M̴̩̔y̵̨̎ s̷͕͘k̸̫͘i̴̳͋n̸̦̈́ h̷͓̔a̵̛̦s̷͕͘ a̵̛̦ s̷͕͘k̸̫͘e̴͆ͅt̶̳͠c̸͉̓h̷͓̔ o̸̙͛f̵̼̽ m̸̼̏y̵̨̎ r̴͍̓e̴͆ͅa̵̛̦l̷̙̓ n̸̦̈́a̵̛̦m̸̼̏e̴͆ͅ!}
Movies · 4give_NoobWriter
I know my name
{I̷̹͑ k̸̫͘n̸̦̈́o̸̙͛w̷̞̌ m̸̼̏y̵̨̎ n̸̦̈́a̵̛̦m̸̼̏e̴͆ͅ!}
Movies · 4give_NoobWriter
my fingers have the capability to stop time with a snap
{{M̴̩̔y̵̨̎ f̵̼̽i̴̳͋n̸̦̈́g̷̻̀e̴͆ͅr̴͍̓ h̷͓̔a̵̛̦v̷̮͠e̴͆ͅ t̶̳͠h̷͓̔e̴͆ͅ c̸͉̓a̵̛̦ṗ̷̨a̵̛̦b̴̤̓i̴̳͋l̷̙̓i̴̳͋t̶̳͠y̵̨̎ t̶̳͠o̸̙͛ s̷͕͘t̶̳͠o̸̙͛ṗ̷̨ t̶̳͠i̴̳͋m̸̼̏e̴͆ͅ w̷̞̌i̴̳͋t̶̳͠h̷͓̔ a̵̛̦ s̷͕͘n̸̦̈́a̵̛̦ṗ̷̨!}
Movies · 4give_NoobWriter
my fingers have the capability to make my wish come true with a snap
{M̴̩̔y̵̨̎ f̵̼̽i̴̳͋n̸̦̈́g̷̻̀e̴͆ͅr̴͍̓ h̷͓̔a̵̛̦v̷̮͠e̴͆ͅ t̶̳͠h̷͓̔e̴͆ͅ c̸͉̓a̵̛̦ṗ̷̨a̵̛̦b̴̤̓i̴̳͋l̷̙̓i̴̳͋t̶̳͠y̵̨̎ t̶̳͠o̸̙͛ m̸̼̏a̵̛̦k̸̫͘e̴͆ͅ m̸̼̏y̵̨̎ w̷̞̌i̴̳͋s̷͕͘h̷͓̔ c̸͉̓o̸̙͛m̸̼̏e̴͆ͅ t̶̳͠r̴͍̓u̸̳̐e̴͆ͅ w̷̞̌i̴̳͋t̶̳͠h̷͓̔ a̵̛̦ s̷͕͘n̸̦̈́a̵̛̦ṗ̷̨!}
Movies · 4give_NoobWriter
Headgear: Huliðshjálmr – a concealing helmet of the dwarves (Norse mythology)
As Ekko continued to look around, stranger things he started to find. Old Roman armor, a weird-looking helmet that had Norse writing on it that spelled Huliðshjálmr.
Anime & Comics · TotherWindow1
I'm late but white lightning and black thunder
'Only calling you white and black sounds bad, how should I name you?'(Suggestions)
Anime & Comics · daoistofeverything
In the movie worlds with my system
Movies · lucifer_112