

male LV 14
2018-12-18 Bergabung Australia
Lencana 23

Moments 569
5 days ago

it's only stupid if the skill is common knowledge but no one knows anything about his skills or abilitys

He thought it would be ideal if she thought the two skills he just used had a cool down that way he'd gain an advantage, he also realised that it was quite stupid of him to reveal two skills in just the first exchange.

Princess and her knight(Overlord AU)

Princess and her knight(Overlord AU)

Anime & Comics · Xinum_Sensational

5 days ago

88mm flak cannon


As a result, he began working on Flak Guns of various sizes and design for the purpose of utterly preventing Allied air power from entering the German Reich. These designs he was making were based on those used during the Second World War of his past life, and would continue to be useful for the decades to come. Assuming they were properly maintained. 

Re: Blood and Iron

Re: Blood and Iron

War · Zentmeister

5 days ago

this isn't his decision

Danzo leaned back in his chair, clearly still skeptical but intrigued. "We will have to investigate this further. For now, your research will remain confidential. You'll continue to develop it under the supervision of Konoha's top scientists."

Naruto: Reborn as Orochimaru

Naruto: Reborn as Orochimaru

Anime & Comics · Junkdog

6 days ago

Goodluck with your studies and your final exam but still tho

8 days ago
Replied to Shadowslayers

the books never going to come out tho

"Ah, right. I need you to take a dozen men with you to Braavos and make contact with Ser Jon Connington. Tell him that we want to make an alliance with the true ruler of the Seven Kingdoms."

I Only Want to Enjoy Life But My Little Sister Want Me to be King

I Only Want to Enjoy Life But My Little Sister Want Me to be King

Book&Literature · Fangrove

10 days ago

they didn't have the rinnegan implanted when the bodies where reanimated with the path of pain they had the rinnegan reflected in there eyes by the technique and allowed Nagato to have seven different fields of view including his own among other things

This sensation... Orochimaru thought, marveling at the clarity and smoothness of the images in his mind. It reminded him of the Rinnegan's shared vision technique. In the original Naruto series, Pain had used this ability to control his Six Paths of Pain six reanimated bodies, each implanted with Rinnegan, all sharing the same field of vision. It made them nearly impossible to hit, as they could react to attacks from any direction with perfect coordination.

Naruto: Reborn as Orochimaru

Naruto: Reborn as Orochimaru

Anime & Comics · Junkdog

10 days ago

what part of that was choosing your words carefully that's about as blunt as you could be

Maxim exhaled slowly, choosing his words carefully. His gaze shifted from Steve to Natasha and Clint, then back to Steve. "Hydra," he finally said, his voice low but clear, like the calm before a storm.

Marvel: Video Game Templates!

Marvel: Video Game Templates!

Movies · StrikerAuthor

10 days ago
Replied to Blow_Mind


"Wow, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to cause trouble. I just wanted to see the Red Dragon Emperor. Ah, sorry, I've once again avoided the question," the woman smiled shyly before she introduced herself, "My name is Gabriel, one of the Seraphim of Heaven."

DXD:The Red Emperor Dragon Of Another World

DXD:The Red Emperor Dragon Of Another World

Anime & Comics · HADEZ

11 days ago

I have to agree this feels like filler while not not necessary would of been better to just focus on the meeting with jirch or the princesses battle and wrap one up anyway thanks for the chapter

11 days ago

ah I see should of read a little further lol

Lux looked at his finished product with a nod. "If the Children of the Forest could shatter the Arm of Dorne in the distant past, then this little canal I've created isn't much in the grand scheme of things," he thought to himself. Still, he couldn't help but feel proud. It really was impressive. Even in the modern world he came from, nothing matched his creation—not when magic came into play.

GoT: A New God's Conquest

GoT: A New God's Conquest

Anime & Comics · CodeKingu