"Doge if you can!" cried Lou Feng madly and swung at the tree with his broadsword. The large tree was split in two. He saw Jiang Hao. Lou Feng aimed straight for the space between Jiang Hao's eyebrows. He wanted to split Jiang Hao in two.
Eastern · Red Pepper Afraid Of Spicy
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Games · FlowSucc
"Doge if you can!" cried Lou Feng madly and swung at the tree with his broadsword. The large tree was split in two. He saw Jiang Hao. Lou Feng aimed straight for the space between Jiang Hao's eyebrows. He wanted to split Jiang Hao in two.
Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness
Eastern · Red Pepper Afraid Of Spicy