Now, if the actual actress who played Max had come onto me…
Celebrities · Fiction_Fan_
"I don't know much about the trial, but from the hints I've been given, it involves monsters, vampires, ghosts, and magic. We will be given a specific task, and we can do it together. It's only because of my previous results in the trial that I've been allowed to bring my friends in," Liam said.
Movies · thelightedghost
This one but instead of Lukas letting all of them transform he killed 1 or 2 thugs before they could drink Shimmer or fully mutated. Also make a moment where Powder actually witness what she has done by basically throwing an unstable atom bomb. Vi tries to go back for Lukas after helping Vander and the rest to safe place but instead getting blown back by the blast, while trying to search through the rubble she found Powder instead of Lukas. Powder who witnessed Lukas's fight and her "blowing" him up with her bomb felt guilty and just hugged her knees while going back and forth muttering "I tried to help" this symbolizes the fork between Jinx and Powder. In the original she became Jinx because the very person she trusted the most "abandoned" her but in this one rather than she fully outright became Jinx, she sometimes having an episode about what she has done (PTSD). This arc is a great opportunity for a time-skip (at least for a few weeks) just to see what happened after the Docks incident.
1- [Small Changes, Same Path] – I go back and tweak the last chapter, making sure Lukas doesn't just let them take the shimmer in the first place. This keeps the original direction intact while addressing key concerns.
Video Games · raynei_achilles
Should'nt it be Oleg's inappropriate jokes instead Han's ?
She had waited tables at the worst diner in Brooklyn. She had survived years of scraping by, dodging bills like an Olympic champion. She had endured Caroline's stressful lectures, Han's inappropriate jokes, and Sophie's very detailed sex stories over breakfast.
TV · UnknownMaster
Orion losing his temper occasionally is what made him stand out to me, he doesnt't actively aiming for revenge but will do so if someone majorly pissed him off. And also than making him outright "Revenge" to Piltover, make it like he does so just to prove a point. That whether it was Piltover or Undercity/Zaun both of them are full of hypocrites
The pre-game tradition was to meet up at The Williamsburg Diner for a light meal and to talk football before their Friday night games. Besides being a sort of ritual, it was a way to stay focused and united as a team.
TV · Nathe07
Tsuna's face relaxed for a moment before twisting back into that intense, almost manic expression.
Anime & Comics · mythoast
No, actually his early acting was better because we could see how he actually progress from film to film as opposed to now where he played the exact same character but in a different font.
Matthew agreed, having seen such actors, like Vin Diesel, who seemed the same in every role, always portraying Vin Diesel.
Celebrities · INIT
cant screenshoot nor use google to use the "search screen" feature on this app, gotta use the web version. Again
Anime & Comics · mythoast
'What in the…?'
Martial Arts Worlds
Fantasy · Alekzi