same chapter as yesterday.
So my exams finished and I was thinking translate another Hollywood fanfic "Hollywood Made", so what do you guys think should I translate it or not. If I do translate it should I continue from were it's left off in webnovel or start from the start
Celebrities · Anobody
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Janet Jonhston
Celebrities · INIT
It different from most fanfics and updates are frequenct.
I really hope there's a timeskip really really soon. This is becoming very average teenage drama.
Spaletti is truly a unique manager.
With more characters being introduced from many different shows, a info page with names of characters and which show they are from will be very helpful.
Tristan faked a look of innoncne on his face before answering the question, "Look, football is a physical game. I'll admit it got heated out there, but I'd never intentionally hurt a fellow player. It's all part of the game. Like I told the ref, he was just in the way of my passing route, I hope he gets better, and I hope to see him in the field, son." He chose his words carefully, knowing how quickly rumors could spiral.
England's Greatest
Celebrities · Sinbad_12