kayanya author bingung ni cerita mau fokusin dmana, jd kaya kesan baca cerita alurnya ujug2 gini gitu, kpribadian rexan jg berubah2 tau deh lanjut dlu. .
bukannbukannya rexan janji mau protect chealse sm debay, trus janji pernikahan sampai maut memisahkan tiba2 bikin contract. ...
next please, it's been a longtime hope u stay health 👍
Aduh bikin g sabar 😂😂😂😂
Klo othor mah yg penting ena ena... Memancing keributan Biar Ena dimarahin pemirsah xixiixi 🙊
Ga percaya bosan bentar lg pasti ada scene yg dtunggu para pemirsah... Siapin kacang rebus sm bajigur
klo g ngasih special treatment, bukan style* nya othor namany... Bener g diablo? *mesum 😁✌
Wajar kids jaman now 😅
Kode nich yg buat masih jomblo 😵
u can find all at amazon or smashwords me prefer smashwords because the procedure is easy, I've bought a few stories from clasp15, the keyword author and the title same in here, the price is still affordable i think compared to paid stories on this app per chapter
Life's Magic
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