Jaytee786 - Profile



male LV 14
2018-10-29 Bergabung United Kingdom

Lencana 27

Moments 379

Replied to smilesssss

like Meng Hao in ISSTH, where he makes people owe him money and ties their karma to it 😂

Rayleigh did his best to stop himself from laughing before Wild King was out of ear shot. Yes, Wild King's debt of the Nen and Force lessons was paid, but after their fight, Rayleigh had spared WIld King's life, which was a far greater debt. If Wild King had just accepted Rayleigh's terms at the start, this would not have happened, but since he rejected Rayleigh's kindness, the debt would only increase.

The Reincarnator's Tavern

The Reincarnator's Tavern

Movies · GnomeBob

Replied to Jonathan_Lam_2034

In UK, elementary/primary finishes at age 10, then 11-16 is middle/secondary and 17-18 is highschool/college. Eton is sometimes referred to as college cos its 13-18.

Teachers and principals praised him, and even after graduating from elementary school, he received an acceptance letter from the prestigious Eton College.

Harry Potter: Journey to Godhood

Harry Potter: Journey to Godhood

Book&Literature · bobthewriter


Yeah, this one definitely has my vote 🗳👍

Pirates of the Carribean: Son of the Seas; a boy in the Carribean finds out he is able to manipulate water, he is a son of Poseidon, but will he become a follower of the law or follow the law of piracy.

PJO: Son of a Primordial

PJO: Son of a Primordial

Book&Literature · Joanjudo

Replied to gamabunda4873

Rose, daughter of Slade Wilson (Deathstroke). Probably recognised her from teen titans

I have to admit that my knowledge of the DC universe was very limited, in contrast to what I knew about the world of Dragon Ball. But I had managed to recognise at least one of the two girls, how could I not when she had appeared in one of my favorite series as a child.

DC: True Power of Ancient Saiyan

DC: True Power of Ancient Saiyan

Anime & Comics · Demon_King22



[Not my proudest moment, if we had just worked together we would have won. But we were young, Prideful Dragons. Can you blame us?]

The Adeptus Custodes(DC)

The Adeptus Custodes(DC)

Anime & Comics · A_Real_Werewolf234


Inner peace


Ah, what should I call this power of taking a magical attack from the enemy and while not absorbing, reflecting this attack back like Orion did here? Any suggestion?

HP: Magic Punk

HP: Magic Punk

Book&Literature · kamidemond


But isn't elysium where you go if you're good?

"That seems weird." I whispered to the silent night, "Not any weirder than what other tribes do, elysium(hell) I would even say the gods are weirder than us." Koussai laughed aloud at his own words.

PJO: Son of a Primordial

PJO: Son of a Primordial

Book&Literature · Joanjudo

Replied to Sleepingpen


As it turns out, the advantages of the Altar are completely off the chain. They're out of control. They're… like… really good.



Fantasy · RinoZ

Replied to potato_nuggies

he tunneled straight to the Queens and brood chamber during the war, exposing location and leading some of the Golgari troops straight to the weakness of the Colony. Death to the worm!

[Later,] I tell her brusquely, [I can hear what you have to say later. The Colony won't be dissuaded on this, not after what he did.]



Fantasy · RinoZ

Replied to Chris_Langlois

In fairness, neither asked to meet the Queen. It was offered as a show of trust

"Oh, yes. There are hundreds of Queens, possibly in the thousands, the Colony is very protective of them and don't like to talk about them extensively. You'll need to give me a moment and I'll find someone we can ask."



Fantasy · RinoZ


idi Amin 🤣🤣

Article by Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Seas and Conqueror of the British Empire in The United Kingdom in General and Wales in Particular Sir Xenophilius Lovegood the Second.

Harry Potter System Gamer

Harry Potter System Gamer

Movies · William777

Replied to VERMITHOR

explained in an earlier chapter by the book in MC's time chamber. the ancient humans were OP but got too arrogant after a few millenia, and so they were nerfed with a curse that seals their original lifespan/potential


so the rainbow dust might work

He didn't want to risk destroying the soul though and didn't try to add more frost salt to it and instead pushed the soul into the body and waited to see if it would manifest magic. The body came to life after the soul was placed into it but quickly started to shiver and shake as it breathed out cold mist. Soon enough the creature died however and after disecting it he could only declare this experiment a total failure. The soul caused magic to appear in the body alright but the problem was that the cold magic had nowhere to actually go since the body wasn't made for it and so ended up freezing to death from the inside out.-

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro

Replied to Pyrologicas

He's not killing all muggles, just villages and towns in each continent. and he's done in Europe so hermione's parents are safe. they'll only be in danger after the ritual is complete and technology collapses a bunch of new dangerous beasts and fauna to deal with. but they've got a witch for a daughter to protect them I guess.

It came as no surprise to him that her families house was in a well to do neighborhood considering her parents owned and operated a successful dentistry office. Despite not being the most glorious job like that of a doctor or surgeon dentist was a profession that took money to get into much less own your own business with. Hermione wasn't swimming in money but she had a very comfortable living environment. She was ready to go the moment Nick arrived and he stored both her and her trunk in the realm after she said goodbye to her parents.-

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro

Replied to Jaytee786

gods* autocorrect

"I took the staff of Asclepius and his research on basilisks. That fool Godrick took the tomes of combat magic and magical swordsmanship. Helga on the other hand was more than happy to take all of his wealth instead. All of us agreed to destroy the perfected method he created however as it was beyond twisted and sacrilegious. Did you know that that mad man thought that binding ones entire soul to an item and existing as a mere projected body was a good idea? Dreadful stuff even by my standards and I am no saint as you probably know." the portrait said seriously.-

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro


is that what Hades did to prevent fading like the other God's? explains why Flamel saw him as a projection

"I took the staff of Asclepius and his research on basilisks. That fool Godrick took the tomes of combat magic and magical swordsmanship. Helga on the other hand was more than happy to take all of his wealth instead. All of us agreed to destroy the perfected method he created however as it was beyond twisted and sacrilegious. Did you know that that mad man thought that binding ones entire soul to an item and existing as a mere projected body was a good idea? Dreadful stuff even by my standards and I am no saint as you probably know." the portrait said seriously.-

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro

Replied to RvH

yh, it doesn't make sense in this fic cos he didn't overhear their mum telling them NOT to blow up a toilet & inadvertantly giving them the idea

"Tokens from your friends and admirers," said Dumbledore, beaming. "What happened down there in between you, Professor Quirrell and Miss Granger is a complete secret, so, naturally, the whole school knows about most of it. I believe your friends Misters Fred and George Weasley were responsible for trying to send you a toilet seat. No doubt they thought it would amuse you. Madam Pomfrey, however, felt it might not be very hygienic, and confiscated it."

Harry Potter System Gamer

Harry Potter System Gamer

Movies · William777


since the status confirmed his parents are lily and james, now I'm starting to think lily was a demigod and Harry's just a legacy. spiders so Athena/Minerva?

He didn't know what had caused him to falter like that. He'd never been scared of spiders as far as he remembered, but something had just made him break down in the middle of a life and death situation. Feeling a bit shaken, Harry tried using Gamer's Mind. A hazy sense of calm fell over him, but the effect was not as powerful as he would have hoped for.

Harry Potter System Gamer

Harry Potter System Gamer

Movies · William777

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