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Anime & Comics · Abhrf
"Those eyes won't work on me. Now go get ready already and clean up this mess." replied the mother while pointing at the toys and stuffed animals that were laying on the floor. "And when you do those eyes you should lower your head a bit more."
Book&Literature · Vitamin_F
je l'adore aussi c'est presque la seul chanson que j'arrive a retenir. (Désolé si la trad est mauvaise je suis vraiment mauvais dans les langues autre que ma langue maternelle. Français )
# Yes I Copy pasted the hats song, I bloody love it #
Anime & Comics · Fousan
"This is the modern era already, bow and arrow won't be so popular, therefore I choose to become a gunslinger." Angelia declare.
Anime & Comics · Aoxobzad
Yuna ; akuna matata
[Hold on, what happened with the ice. Wasn't using ice your specialty?]
Anime & Comics · Maerry
"Fuck-off! Don't get in my way!" But Victor just punched the fox in the face! The punch was so hard that the fox flew far away!
Fantasy · Victor_Weismann
"An older woman had her eyes on our lord," Macha replied which earned a sweat drop from all the people inside the tent.
Anime & Comics · Zimrence
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je t'ai donné des power beau chapitre
j'adore ce que tu écris , j'ai hâte de voir l'intrigue que tu prépare et comment zéro va évoluer niveau personnalité et comment elle va devenir plus forte . Courage si il y a des mauvaise critique ,il y'a toujours des personnes négatives . (désolé l'anglais est pas ma langue maternel et je connais juste le basique de l'anglais)
Anime & Comics · ReyKale